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About sdcrane

  • Birthday 05/07/1965

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  • Location
    Delaware, Ohio
  • Occupation
    Retired Entrepreneur

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  1. It is back up -- thank you!
  2. https://my.isy.io/index.htm Cannot login -- getting HTTP error 429. Alexa skill no longer linked -- when trying to re-link, cannot log in -- HTTP error 429. See attached.
  3. Got it working -- either something in our network or the reboot of the ISY got it back online. Thanks for the replies and thanks to Benoit via support ticket. You guys can delete this thread. 🙂
  4. Does not expire until June of 2025. ISY is working fine locally, and the Alexa connection was working fine at 9:00pm last night, and all other internet functionality is working fine. (I opened a ticket with UD, but it's very early in CA).
  5. Amazon Echo commands to ISY are not working because "the hub that device is connected to is not online". Is there something down at UD, or is it on my end? (I haven't changed anything -- this just started when I got up this morning). Thanks.
  6. Working fine now -- thanks!
  7. Michel replied to my support ticket and said there was a portal outage last night and should be fixed now. However it's still not working for me.
  8. My ISY is also "Offline" as of last night around 11:38pm. It works fine locally, and it has internet connectivity -- so must be something with the portal on UDI's end. I opened a support ticket. Stuart
  9. Back up for me. Thanks!
  10. Any updates on this??
  11. For any Alexa commands that I am using (with the ISY Skill), Alexa is responding with "I'm not quite sure what went wrong" after several seconds of spinning. All other Alexa smarthome commands work fine (talking to other NON-ISY Skills). When I try turning on/off/dim the devices using the Alexa app, the App says "Contacting UDI..." for awhile, and then comes back with "Server is unresponsive". Seems like some issue on the UDI side. Please advise. (See attached screenshots)
  12. It is now about the time that the UD folks waking up would be saying "Alexa, turn on the lights"... no?
  13. Ok, thank you rahnee.
  14. Unable to access ISY portal -- is this on your end or mine? I have not changed anything. (See attached screenshot).
  15. Ok, thanks. Still happening here, but only from one Echo and one ISY "device" (actually a Scene). If anyone else is getting this, let me know. Also, Benoit, reach out to your Amazon/Alexa contacts and see if they changed anything and why I am getting this. Thanks!
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