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Everything posted by TriLife

  1. [SOLVED] It required a power cycle... It's back up again...
  2. Greetings; I just painstakingly flashed a Dimmer Module (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WRJWD28/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) with Tasmota (https://templates.blakadder.com/rjwf-02a.html). What a PITA with this one! Just to find out that the MQTT node server doesn't support dimmers 😵‍💫. @xKing or @Screw Loose Dan, any chance of adding this as an option? Alternatively, helping me cut my developer teeth and coach me through doing it myself (I'm warning you, this would likely be muuuuch more painful than just adding it yourselves, but you would help me tremendously). Cheers
  3. Hello, I can no longer log onto PG3x from my Web browser, after I upgraded to 3.1.33 Rebooted eISY through the admin console. no change Re-entered the ID/PW as suggested above, no change Pushing the magic button apparently doesn't reset PG#x credentials, so didn't try that. Mildly frustrating these days, to tell you the truth; Cheers
  4. Greetings; Something weird happened the other day. A day or two after I received the 3.1.33 announcement, eisy stopped responding to Google Voice commands. Mind you, I had not yet upgraded to 3.1.33. So I went into the Admin console and pushed the magic UPGRADE PACKAGES. It did it's magic and then asked me to reboot, which I also did via the admin console. But look what I see in the PG3x console: It is still asking me to restart PG3x... Shouldn't it restart when you reboot eisy? I rebooted eisy again, just to be sure, no difference. BTW, is there a way to restart just PG3x and not the whole eISY? I don't see that on the PG3x page, nor in the admin console, nor in the ISY Portal Cheers;
  5. No worries on the instructions🙂 I show this: the collapse/expand is missing.
  6. Hi @Jimbo.Automates Just installed Notification (3.6.6) on eISY (5.6.2) PG3x (3.1.27). Trying to set it up, the Configuration Help is not showing up. Github says that 3.6.6. Using GitHub files to do the install. Let's see, how far I get. The instructions are VERY technical sir! I'm sure it will get clearer as the product matures. The potential is very exciting for sure. My first application is to send a notification every time GeoFence triggers, so I can see where exactly I breach the perimeter. Potentially huge help in finetuning that technology. THANK YOU!
  7. Thanks Bob, Yes, the MQTT broker is already up and running on eisy by default. Much easier now than before! I'm already registered as a developer with UDI, so that part is done too I'll have a look at Andrey's NS and see, how to go about it Thanks for the guidance! Cheers.
  8. Greetings; I have been using @xKing's MQTT node server (including the yaml file feature) to control my 100+ Sonoff/Tasmota switches. It is very easy for the BASIC (single relay) and has workarounds for Dual and Quad units. I even managed to get it to control a Wemo D1 Mini with two relays based on it's analog input! Here is the challenge: I have a home-grown, Arduino Mega 256 based pool chemistry/filter/level automation system, which measures various parameters and turns on ionization etc. There are about 8 sensors and 4 actuators. Currently this thing is stand-alone and I can monitor it real-time from it's built-in web server (local only). I'd like to get this data to my eISY, using MQTT (implementing an MQTT client on an Arduino is easy). And maybe at one point move the automation to the eISY alltogether and leave the Arduino just to gather data and execute commands on the edge. For that, xKing's MQTT NS won't work (at least as I understand it), as it is limited to one sensor and one relay per id. I understand that IoX makes extensive use of MQTT. Is this functionality available to the user as well, so as to read several sensors and/or issue several commands? The Cook book only mentions @xKing's MQTT NS (page 572). Or, you're welcome to suggest another communication method between IoX and Arduino. I have WiFi, ethernet, RS485 and cat6a cable connections possible between the Arduino and the eISY (about 50m apart). Cheers
  9. So, yesterday i finally got to use the GeoFence when coming home at night. Instead of triggering when I entered the designated area (200m from location of my home), the routine didn't trigger until I got home and my android phone connected to Wifi. Although I do have LTE reception the whole way. I do have UD location services turned on, set to the default polling interval of 30mins... O do have Google location services turned on as well, btw. Any ideas? Cheers
  10. This may be completely unrelated, but I also had to go through every single ZWave motion sensor (Aeotec Multisensor 6) to "Keep Awake". I am posivite that pre upgrade they used to respond to QUERY to give me a TRUE in IS AWAKE. No more... Here's the log of a QUERY in the WAKE UP tab: Tue 06/06/2023 18:45:19 : [ZWAVE-TEST-AWAKE 12] Device 12 is awake Tue 06/06/2023 18:45:19 : [ZY012_104 ] DON 100 (uom=78 prec=0)
  11. Upgraded from 5.6.0. to 5.6.2. on eISY, including reboot from Admin Console. MQTT NS was not responding at all after that. Had to restart NS from PG3x and all went back to normal, connectig to Google Assistant and all. Weatherlink (Live version) was working without restart of NS. I restarted ELK, Sonos and Wake-On-Lan manually anyway. Cheers
  12. Thanks for putting me on the right track @MrBill, Like maybe starting a counter when breaching the neighborhood fence and testing for it still being active when the smaller home fence is breached... And then reset all counters/timers/variables. I'll give that one a spin later on today. Roads are closed for a bicycle race (almost weekly occurrence here in suburban Colombia). Cheers
  13. Greetings, With @Jimbo.Automates's help I solved the conditional use (evening) of GeoFence triggering a program. So here's the next one that has me stomped: I would like GeoFence to only trigger routines when I'm coming home by CAR and not when I'm walking my dogs or otherwise crossing the boundary... When I'm in the car, my Pixel 6a (android) is connected to my car's Android via BT. That could be one way to differentiate between walking/biking and driving. Can this condition be polled prior to sending a message to eISY? The other potential option would be to install UD Mobile on my car, but it being a relatively ancient Android 6 or 7, I'm not sure it can handle it. Also, it would require that my phone be to connected via WiFi hotspot, or that I install a SIM chip in the car, the latter associated with additional monthly costs (if it's even possible)... Not a huge priority, because I usually don't walk my dogs at night, rather a nice to have or a feature request... That brings up another related point: are there plans for a restricted version of UD Mobile with a simplified UI, to install in a car or a family member's phone? Cheers.
  14. SOLVED! Thanks @Jimbo.Automates
  15. Greetings, I've started playing with Geofencing. Quite exciting. Tested it just turning on a light when I come home. That works well However, i need that light to turn only between sunset and sunrise the next day. So I wrote the program Geo-Light If time sunset-sunrise Then turn on light Wait 15mins Turn off light. And in GeoFence I call Geo-Light... Except Geo-Light runs whenever sunset comes around🙄 without waiting for me to drive close to home... Is there a better way then setting a Variable when geofencing is triggered and adding that test in the IF statement of the program? Cheers.
  16. Hi @bpwwer; I was able to migrate to PG3x on eISY and installed your WeatherLink NS (Live version). You'll find the Debug log of the nodeserver attached. But judging from this line, a lot of information is available from the WeatherLink Live box located at the IP address specified. 2023-05-30 19:50:38,358 Thread-246 udi_interface DEBUG wll:query_conditions: {'data': {'did': '001D0A71724E', 'ts': 1685494236, 'conditions': [{'lsid': 508874, 'data_structure_type': 1, 'txid': 1, 'temp': 60.3, 'hum': 100.0, 'dew_point': 60.3, 'wet_bulb': 60.3, 'heat_index': 61.5, 'wind_chill': 60.3, 'thw_index': 61.5, 'thsw_index': 59.5, 'wind_speed_last': 0.0, 'wind_dir_last': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_1_min': 0.0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_2_min': 0.0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min': 0, 'wind_speed_hi_last_2_min': 0.0, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_10_min': 0.0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min': 0, 'wind_speed_hi_last_10_min': 0.0, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min': 0, 'rain_size': 1, 'rain_rate_last': 0, 'rain_rate_hi': 0, 'rainfall_last_15_min': 0, 'rain_rate_hi_last_15_min': 0, 'rainfall_last_60_min': 0, 'rainfall_last_24_hr': 126, 'rain_storm': 710, 'rain_storm_start_at': 1684549020, 'solar_rad': 0, 'uv_index': 0.0, 'rx_state': 0, 'trans_battery_flag': 0, 'rainfall_daily': 86, 'rainfall_monthly': 1049, 'rainfall_year': 2797, 'rain_storm_last': 232, 'rain_storm_last_start_at': 1684283100, 'rain_storm_last_end_at': 1684404060}, {'lsid': 508856, 'data_structure_type': 4, 'temp_in': 79.6, 'hum_in': 51.7, 'dew_point_in': 60.3, 'heat_index_in': 79.8}, {'lsid': 508855, 'data_structure_type': 3, 'bar_sea_level': 30.231, 'bar_trend': 0.067, 'bar_absolute': 23.368}]}, 'error': None} I'm a bloody beginner at programming node servers, but this might be an opportunity to get my feet wet (or drown🤪). Please let me know, if/how I can help. I have both the WeatherLink Live box and the unit with the Davis Instruments IP Dongle here in house along with a full blown Vantage II Pro Plus weather station. Cheers; JR WeatherLink_5-30-2023_55044_PM.zip
  17. SOLVED! @xKing got back to me. Once I migrated to PG3x on eISY and tried to look at it again, ANALOG showed up as a parameter on that device. One thing to pay attention to: Tasmota only sends an ANALOG reading update via MQTT every so often (300seconds). It does however give real-time update on its WebUI. Thanks @Geddy and @xKing Cheers
  18. Good news, I'm up and running! I had to update the Bios first, using SSH @Michel Kohanimhad to remote in twice, first to fix a pointer to a shared folder, then again to restart UDX. I was able to update my location with LAT/LONG to get an accurate sunrise/set. PG3x and eISY worked waaay easier to get MQTT node server up and running. I just had to do the configuration within the node server and all is working. Google home gives voice commands, the Z-wave sensors provide information. When I migrated the Z-wave devices from Zwave dongle 500 to eisy/Zmatter, most of them reconnected. I only had to sync/update-w-interview a couple of them to help them along. With the MQTT PG3x Node Server even the analog readings of my Wemos D1 Mini started showing up. That was a problem on PG2. The only thing I'm still struggling with is the Keypad of the ELK NS. Will get to the bottom of that too, I'm sure. And, it seems that when using Admin Console/File/Set UserID/PW, it ONLY sets the userid of IoX and PG3x. The SSH credentials remain untouched. Maybe I understood that wrong. I'll have to set those within SSH, I'm guessing. Thanks again to @Geddy and @Michel Kohanim for your help and patience, even on Memorial day weekend. MUCH APPRECIATED. Cheers
  19. Good evening. How were the BBQs? Alright, I am making progress. After @Michel Kohanim (THANK YOU!) remoted into the eISY and squared away some things (pointing to wrong shared folder), eISY is now with a new BIOS, running 5.6.0. and being recognized by IoX Finder. I was then able to migrate ISY to PG3x including MOST of the Zwave devices. Some of them showed asleep during the interviewing process, which seems odd, because all of them are powered by USB... I'll chase those down. It also seems to have migrated MQTT and Davis Node servers, although I can't tell (see below), if it is the PG2 or PG3 version (both were present on the Polisy, although I was using PG2 withthe 994. The house now seems to have basic funcionality back, as in most motion sensors and Google Home voice controls. But the MQTT works because eisy is sending MQTT messages to Polisy/PG2/MQTT... When I disconnect Polisy, I'm dead in the water... A few oddities: 1- I cannot log into PG3x on the computer (using http://IP:3000). It gives me a red UNAUTHORIZED message the first time around then No reaction. Using admin/admin as a password. (using Chrome and Brave, latest rev) I also tried to change the password from within the admin console as instructed in the eisy:User Guide. No dice. 2- I cannot seem to change the time zone in the Admin Console to the Colombia/Medellin available in the dropdown menu. Nor does it let me set GMT-5, lat 6.xxxxx, long -75.xxxxxx. It doesn't accept negative longitudes. It does accept 75.xxxxxx, but after that still puts the location as Los Angeles, CA. Neither does it do anything, when I push LOCATE ME... 3- Old problem and not important, more out of curiousity: Why is it that when I change/assign usernames in AdminConsole/File/SetUser&PW, the assigned usernames don't ever show up? Don't know which names where assigned, which slots are taken... Hopefully I can get the first two points resolved, so I can rebuilt the rest of the sytem: MQTT NS, DAVIS NS, ELK NS, Wake-on-LAN NS, Sonos NS etc... Overall, quite straight forward. thanks to everyone! Cheers
  20. Hi Geddy, Yes, that was the first time i powered up the easy. I started with wired and then tried wifi. Tried both easy.local:8443/desc and the IP version. The one nagging feeling I have is that when I tried it with UD Mobile initially, it asked me to scan the QR code on the back. While flipping the unit, i am almost positive i pushed the infamous multi-functi9n power button. I think that puts the unit into update mode... Oh well, i guess I'll wait for the BBQ weekend to be over... Or maybe I'll do the transfer from 994/pg2 to Polisy/PG3x... Cheers
  21. Hi Geddy; Thanks for that information. Done. Unfortunately eisy is not showing up in my IoX finder, not responding to any of the ADDs either. I can SSH into it (dont' worry, I didn't execute any commands!). It also shows up as NOT ONLINE in my ISY portal... Didn't have much luck with UD Mobile either. Submitted a ticket, let's see what Michel says. I don't have Insteon. About a 100 Sonoff/Tasmotas running on the Polisy's PG2 node server. I started migrating to Polisy 3 at one point, but the tool for Zwave wasn't ready and then I got busy travel without. Wise words. I'm now waiting for a reply from UDI to get the eisy on line and up to date. Will read the remaining migration protocol in the mean time. HAppy Memorial day weekend
  22. Greetings from Colombia; Finally home for an extended period of time to do said migration and have appropriate shake-down time. My current set up is: ISY994 Pro on 5.3.0. with Zwave dongle 500 and a whole bunch of Tasmota/MQTT devices Polisy PG2 on 2.2.13 I want to migrate to eISY/PG3 with the ZMatterz dongle. My questions: 1- should I migrate a) from the current set up of 994/Polisy/Zwave500 directly to eISY/PG3 by backing up from Polisy/PG2 OR b) should I first try to migrate to Polisy/PG3, transferring PG2 to PG3 and zwave500 to ZMatters and then to eISY/PG3/ZMatterz? 2- in case of b) is the Zwave data stored on the ZMatters dongle while on Polisy, or do I need to repeat the steps of migrating Zwave again? Cheers
  23. Good tip. Thanks Ross, I'll dig into that. My hope is to retire the Weather Link IP in favor of LIVE, assuming I can get all information from the latter...
  24. Thanks Bob, I'm about to head out of town for a couple of weeks and we're in a dry spell anyway, with no rain at all. I'll run that log when I get back. Thanks again
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