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Dr Pepper

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Everything posted by Dr Pepper

  1. My apologies I didnt scroll far enough. Thank you Just call SH and ask to buy Insteon and they will tell you its discontinued but they arent putting it out officially on their site. As an Engineer in a $120 million company the chip shortage is not the problem. Why they are doing what they are doing I dont know. Possibly the rumour of a new generation is true who knows.
  2. I am looking for someone etching/engraving not the stock buttons. I have about 100 stock buttons but they dont address everything. I have a list of about 30 buttons I need. But thank you for the reply PS Smarthome has discontinued Insteon and no longer offers custom button engraving.
  3. Due to an illness I stayed away from HA for a few years and missed that SH discontinued Insteon. I have all of the actual devices I need but I need custom engraved buttons and SH no longer offers them for purchase. Does anyone know who was doing the engraving for them and are they still engraving. If not are any forum member engraving or know anyone who is? I have buttons that the ink can be remove from. Obviously I am willing to pay for the service. Thank you
  4. I generally agree with you. Power Line Carrier was a big mistake for SH. They should have gone RF from the start. Dual Band that cannot ignore noise on the power line defeats itself. Zwave is much more successful because it has significantly less problems with communications, hundreds of mfg's (although some inconsistency between them) and more capabilities (locks etc). I like the keypads and the ISY. Not much else about Insteon. I am slowly adding Zwave where I can but I could not find a Zwave outlet dimmer so I bought a few of them with mixed results. SH should partner with manufacturers more experienced in automation. Possibly sell off the Insteon protocal to a real manufacturer.
  5. I just recently installed an older Outletlinc Dimmer just fine (bought new off ebay) and a new Outletlinc Dimmer bought direct from Smarthome and it would not link. It would not recognize the Insteon Engine. I had to call and wait and wait for SH Tech support. Finally get them and they told me it might be that the ISY does not support the latest firmware and I should hold on to it. BALONEY! I insisted on a return for refund. I had also bought two of the IRlinc Transmitters and now I am wondering why they were so cheap. I wonder if they have issues to. SH is not known for consistent quality (rather they have very inconsistent quality).
  6. I assume that this works better than the Mobilinc Geofencing. Can anyone confirm that? Thanks
  7. Thats what I thought. I forget who said they needed filters for Zwave. Heck I never used a single filter with UPB in 8 years. It just worked.
  8. Is anyone using filters with Zwave? I have not heard of that so it would be news to me. I agree that SH needs to do a better job with their RF designs. I have taken apart devices that had the antenna wire laying on the black 120 V internal wiring. Just poor assembly instructions and QC. The power limits are restricted by FCC Part 15 and IC RSS247 (going from memory here if I am mistaken sorry). Those reports are probably available on the FCC website as far as test results etc. Every mfg I ever worked for tweaked power down for samples tested and back up in production. So I would guess whatever you see as far as test results production is probably higher. Another feature they really need is flashable firmware. No explanation needed Has anyone noticed less products on the SH website? They were reselling everything from fish bowls to t-shirts if they thought it could make a buck. Maybe they are going to be more focused going forward.
  9. I went the HS2 to HS3 route. Had to buy a new Hometroller for HS3 it would not run on the HS2 Hometroller. Then had to get new plug-ins only to find it did not work well and crashed after a week or so due to memory leaks. Rich did send me a new hard drive saying that was the problem but it was not. Your comment implies they have finally fixed it. ISY is MUCH more reliable then Homeseer. Also better support. But HS is a little ahead on the Zwave component from what I hear from guys at work (although they abandoned it to after I did and went to something else). I have only had 3 or 4 Insteon I2 devices fail in the past year and a half. I used to have that every month or so for the original Insteon devices around 2007. As far as SH still interested in UDI they best be. I think UDI saved the advanced users from dumping Insteon years ago. If they dont support UDI supporting SH products they are shooting themselves in the foot. I would guess the average ISY user has more Insteon devices then the average SH Hub user. I agree that SH may have outsourced their Engineering in hopes of getting it right for once. Not sure if its true but could very well be.
  10. The memory leaks kept crashing my Hometroller. I was supposedly the only one for about a year or so then it came out that it was in fact happening to many others. Its possible the fixed it now I dont know. I have poured a few thousand into Homeseer just to have it sit on the shelf. Then again I poured even more than that into the original generation of Insteon to throw it in the garbage
  11. My opinion is the guys at UDI are smart enough not to put all eggs into one basket. With SH the only mfg if anything ever happened to them UDI would be high and dry. That and there are certain desirable devices that are not made by SH (Locks etc). So UDI is doing all of us and themselves a huge favor in supporting Zwave. I am pretty happy they are (and its a lot of work). Homeseer supports both but is very buggy and requires a lot of resources. It is also very expensive compared to the ISY.
  12. Ok understood. I was hoping it would not be a major project for you. Thanks
  13. Michel was anyone able to track this down and if so will there be a fix in the next release of 5.X? Thanks
  14. I am running 5.0.10 but this had happened in the 4.X firmware as well and one reason I had been dying to update to the 5.X. Its not the worst problem to have but if you have the time to track it down it would be appreciated. Looks like a few others are seeing it to.
  15. I have this issue with my Zwave door lock. Always says it cant communicate but yet it works just fine. But I get the alerts and have to click through them. Why does it say communication failure if it works? What I did notice is I can lock and unlock all day long by manually doing so from the AC and not comm failure. But if I do it from a program it always comes up as a Comm Failure.
  16. I heard Dahua is coming out with a version of the ring this year. We had the first prototype at work but they are making major changes before its released. Since I use their DVR and cameras it would intergrate there. A neighbor who does not have automation put two rings in (front and back door) because his house was broken into twice in one day last year. He loves it and he hasnt mentioned any issues.
  17. Dr Pepper

    Damaged KPL

    Can you message me the pic? I will gladly send you a replacement as I am pretty sure I will have what you need. Not looking for money just to help you out. Would be a shame for you to have to pay for something this simple from SH.
  18. Dr Pepper

    Damaged KPL

    If you put up a picture of what you want so there is no confusion I am pretty sure myself or someone else can help
  19. If you have Zwave there are some LED controllers that should soon be controlable from the ISY in 5.X when it is released.
  20. I just enrolled it and you are correct for the one output at a time. I have to open it up to check for the triacs. If he is using AC he can use 4 EZ Flora's and still be less expensive then most other options (if he can find them at $40 each).
  21. If you are trying to control 4 12 volt low current circuits you can look at an EZ-Flora sprinkler controller to possibly control them. Instead of using a 24 Vac transformer use a 12 Vac or Vdc transformer and observe polarity if you use dc. It should work. I actually bought one for low voltage LED lights on my aquarium I just have not had time to play with it. Pin 1 would be + 12 Vdc, Pins 2, 3 and 4 would be your negatives if using dc (they are all the same node) and then Pins 5 through 12 would be 8 positive dc outputs (Pin 5 is output 8, Pin 6 in output 7 etc). You can find them used for $40 sometimes on ebay.
  22. This must be very frustrating for UDI. I would have thought that SH would be begging UDI to include this device so that they sell more. I guess its possible that there is a legitimate reason they are holding it back. I am sure that the masses greatly appreciate the release of 5.09.
  23. If you lower the temp, wait for it to no longer say heating, and raise the temp again it will work again for a few cycles at least. I do this a few times a day. If you dont do that "reset" the furnace/boiler will no comeback on (although a power cycle on everything will also work). I plan on doing a setback and restore on the set point every hour so I dont have to worry about it. FYI I am not directly connected to the T-Stat from the furnace so in my case its not a spike. I isolate through a relay that is tripped when the T-Stat calls for heat. I did that because of the history of these T-Stats and I still have the problem.
  24. You seriously think SH cares about quality?
  25. I have a nice label maker that I need to start labeling everything. I could spend a month or more LOL With the snow coming in a few days it might be something to work on. You had to mention it LOL
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