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Everything posted by n4bos

  1. Bill, Good idea but if it had been deleted, I don't think I'd get a response saying it was not responding. If I voice command something not there (make something up) it says it can't find the device. Also, If I go to the Alexa app, and pick a device and turn it on or off, the app says, "Waiting for UDI" and then turns on or off the device. I think all indications are that the portal is working as expected except for some reason, all my commands are missing. I wonder if UDI might have an idea? Seems they should have an idea why Amazon will communicate to the portal but the portal does not show the commands. BTW, the Edgerouter continues to perform excellently. I used the VPN remotely last week and it works well as well. Thanks again for the help with that Steve
  2. I added a new spoken command in the portal (as a test) for an existing device. The command was accepted and appeared under the Amazon Device List in the portal just as it should. After that, the command to the Echo turned it on and off just as expected. Then I deleted it from the portal and the Amazon Alexa website and it is gone and no longer works. It appears as if my spoken commands associated with the Main Account are still there and working but not visible in the portal. I THINK I could probably delete all my spoken commands on the Alexa website and redo them in the portal but I'd like to understand why there are not visible. I don't want to have to redo them periodically just to see them and since I can't see them now, I'm not sure deleting them on the Alexa website will in fact, delete them rather than just make the problem worse.
  3. I suspect it's still in the Portal (someplace) because Amazon Echo says it's not responding. I'd just like to understand why NONE of my other commands that still work, aren't visible in the Portal. Steve
  4. Hi Bill, Thanks for the idea. I was able to delete the duplicate items by going to the Amazon website. That fixed part of the problem. Now when I use the voice command to "turn on the gate controller", the Echo says, "Gate Controller isn't responding". I still can't see any of my commands on the "Amazon Echo Device List" dropdown on the portal. I suspect I need to be able to delete the old command in the portal and re do it with the new device since the device ID has changed but if I can't see it, I can't delete it. Incidentally, when I added the device that turned out to be a duplicate, THAT device DID appear on the Echo device page. I suppose I could go in and delete ALL my commands and start over but that seems like it shouldn't be necessary since the commands still work, they just aren't visible on the portal. Thanks again! Steve
  5. I see the multiple instances of Gate Controller in the Alexa app but I see no way to delete any of them. Do you know how to delete them in the app? Steve
  6. Benoit, Thanks for the reply. I do see more than one "Gate Controller" in the Alexa app. I can fix that. I didn't realize they were in the Alexa app as well. The app DOES show the commands that still work. The portal does not. To answer your question, I have two sub accounts in my portal login... one "Main Acct" and one "Shop Echo". They have different logins but when logged into the Main Acct, I can see the Shop Echo as well. If I log into only the "Shop Echo" account, I can go to "Connectivity" and see the commands for that echo. If I go to the Main Account, there is a drop down showing [All], [Main Acct] and Shop Echo (brackets included on All and Main Account) ) and I can select Shop Echo and Connectivity shows the relevant commands for that echo. If I go to All or Main Account and go to Connectivity and then Amazon Echo, I get the message that the table has no data. Does that explain it? Steve
  7. I don't think so... When I log in, I have the "Main Acct" and a sub account called "Shop Echo". If I click on "Shop Echo" all the routines for that Echo are there. If I click on "Main Acct". (or ALL) I get the "No data available in table" message. The strange thing is that the voice commands I set up under Main Acct still work, all except one. To fully explain, I have a 2450 IO Link that I use as a remote gate controller. My original 2450 stopped working so I replaced it with a new one and then the command "Turn on Gate Controller" wouldn't work any more. I could still control it in software however. I went to the Portal with plans to delete the original command and re do it with the new device in place, suspecting that the command was looking for the old device ID. That's when I found no listing for the commands. With that, I added a new command for the gate, and then I got a response from Echo saying, "I found more than one device with Gate Controller" but I can't see any of them except the last one I created. I deleted that one but I still get the duplicate message. I don't know if it's a bug in the software or if I am doing something wrong. Thus the question. Does that make sense??? Steve
  8. I have a number of routines set up for my Amazon Echo in the portal. When I log in and go to "Connectivity" and then "Amazon Echo", it says "No data available in table". Oddly, the routines still work (voice command still works) but I have one command that it says there are multiple instances of and I can't see the list to correct the issue. Probably something simple but what am I missing? Thanks for any help, Steve
  9. As kind of a final update, I ordered a Ubiquiti ER-4 router as recommended my MrBill. While not a "drop in" router in that it takes some level of network understanding to program, it is a SMOKING router. the ISY worked with NO modifications to the settings I used with the old dlink and unlike the TP-Link, there were NO issues with it connecting to the portal. Thanks to all who offered suggestions and assistance and especially to MrBill who helped me make the decision to go with the ER-4.
  10. Hi Geddy, Lots of people use the TP-Link routers and have no issues but I'm convinced there are issues with the A20. I'm not unfamiliar with networks but I've never had issues like this. I think I'm going to try dd-wrt on my dlink if for no other reason than the learning exercise but MrBill has me thinking seriously about a Ubiquiti prosumer router. I'm studying those now and it looks like a LOT of power to play with. Thanks for your reply. Steve
  11. Well, as a wrap up to this story, I reinstalled the dlink DIR-880L router and instantly, the ISY is back on line with all functions alive and well. If anyone reads this in the future, be very wary of tpink routers. At least two of us are done with them! Steve
  12. Oh yah, as a matter of fact, I replaced the network cable from the router to the switch yesterday just to clean things up as bit but it made no difference. I'm putting back the old dlink this morning. I'm tired of messing with the tplink. BTW, I did a search last night and there are quite a few reports of tplink problems with UPNP. I'll report back after putting the dlink back but I bet it's back up and running 100%. Stand by... Steve
  13. Just to be sure and as a test, I opened up the DHCP range all the way from .1 to .254. No difference. Still won't connect.
  14. I have tried using DHCP which puts it INSIDE the DHCP range and tried a reserved address outside the DHCP range. Both will sometimes work for a short time and then stop. With the dlink, the ISY has ALWAYS had a reserved address outisde the DHCP range and it has (and does) work fine. With this tplink router, it doesn't seem to care if the address is DHCP assigned or not.... it only works for a short time and then stops. BTW, I have tried for the DNS as well as, and None work for very long and some, not at all. I think I mentioned that I have another device that "normally" works fine with UPNP on the dlink. It will NOT work with UPNP on the tplink and requires manually setting port forwarding to work. I really think tplink has a bug in their UPNP protocol and perhaps other parts of the software as well.
  15. The default range was .100-.199 and i don't have nearly that many devices so I just left it at that range. In addition, I have a number of reserved address for cameras and such that are outside the DHCP range. I have not activated all of them in this router while I chased this problem. I have tried using my router address as the DNS and it works for a short time and then disconnects from the portal again. I'm really weary of trying to make this tplink router work. I've about decided it's going back. I may give Dd-wrt a try on my dlink and see how that goes. Lots of people seem to have great luck with that. It's very frustrating because the dlink just works! No hassles. MrBill had very similar results with a tplink router and I have a friend who has an IT support company and he has not had good luck with tplink. Won't use them in fact. Thanks for the suggestions nut I think this thing is flawed.
  16. Michel et al, I'll try to be more specific. First, port forwarding is NOT being used now. The situation I am seeing is; I originally set up a reserved address just as with the dlink router.... This is outside the DHCP range of .100-.199. When that didn't work, I changed the ISY to DHCP and let it set an address inside the DHCP range. It set .112. It still would not connect so I tried turning ON UPNP in the ISY as well. Still wouldn't connect. With that, I thought I would try to get it to assign another NEW IP address since I had been playing with DHCP and UPNP in the ISY. I'm guessing that since the MAC address was in the router, it insisted in assigning the .112 address every time. With that, I turned off UPNP in the ISY and changed the DHCP range in the router to .115-.199. It then assigned a new address that being .120 and now the ISY connected with the portal and everything worked but if I looked at the Configuration/Portal tab, it showed the ISY as "Online" but no other data like the "Active Services". With that, I wondered if the UPNP not being on in the ISY might have an effect so I turned it on and when the ISY rebooted, it was again "Offfline". Since I was beginning to understand this game, I now changed the DHCP range in the router to be .100-.110. When I rebooted the ISY with both DHCP and UPNP on in the ISY, it came up as .101 and was "Online" and the "Active Services" showed up as well. I then went in and reserved the .101 address in the router and all was good. This morning, it was again "Offline", I suspect because the DHCP lease time had expired and when it renewed, once again the "problem", whatever it is, happened. Does that make more sense??? Since it works fine with the dlink router, I really don't think it's a problem with the ISY. I believe it's an issue with the tplink router and based on the above comments related to another tplink router, I think this one is going back. I believe I have spent way too much time trying to address what I believe to be a tplink problem. The whole reason I started this was my old dlink was running out of steam what with all the Insteon stuff, tplink wifi switches and the other normal stuff. I looked for a router that was advertised to be able to handle 40+ devices. If this one gets returned, does anyone have a recommendation for a tried and true unit that will handle that many devices? Steve
  17. Not quite sure what you mean... If I set the ISY to not use DHCP, then set the IP address to for example, then the subnet mask to the router's, then the gateway to the router's IP of, are you saying to leave the DNS blank?
  18. Further update.... This morning, the ISY is again, disconnected from the portal. I suspect there is an issue in the router and have written to tplink with the information. At this point, I have spent WAY too much time trying to get the router to work. If they don't have a solution, I will abandon the A20 router and find another brand/model that WILL work.
  19. Well, here's what it took to make it work. Why? I have no idea! I had to go into the router and set the DHCP range OUTSIDE the assigned IP address for the ISY so that the router assigned a NEW address within the new DHCP range. Then I set the ISY to DHCP only, no UPNP and rebooted the ISY. When it came up, it was connected to the portal. Interestingly, when I look at the portal it only shows it as "Online". The other information that used to be there about active services was missing. With that, I did it all again except I turned ON UPNP in the ISY ... it's OFF in the router. Now when it came up, it's connected to the portal and all the information is there about active services. Now I reserved the assigned address because I need it to be reserved so my remote access app will work. There has to be a simple explanation for this behavior in this router but I don't know what it is. Now I'll wait until the DHCP lease runs out and see if it still works. Fingers crossed.
  20. The Echo stopped working because it needs the portal to communicate and since the ISY won't connect to the portal, the Echo doesn't work. Actually, I DID get it to connect to the portal by deleting the ISY from the router completely and rebooting the ISY in DHCP mode. That worked until I tried to reserve the new IP address in the router. That stopped it from connecting again. Their HAS to be a way to make it reliably connect but so far, I haven't found it.
  21. Well, no joy. Still get this for the error log... Thu 2021/03/18 08:07:19 PM System -140000 my.isy.io Thu 2021/03/18 08:07:24 PM System -170001 [Network-DNS][Task=19] Failed DNS 16/rc=6
  22. That's a thought. I'll give that a try.... Steve
  23. I agree but I can't imagine the ISY won't work with that router. If that turns out to be the case, it'll go back because I use the iSY a LOT around here so I'm lost without it. Thanks for your suggestions. Steve
  24. Yes, still won't connect.....
  25. Hi Mango and thanks for the reply. I changed the ports to 80 and 443 respectively and the DNS to Still no connection..... The odd thing is I can reinstall my old router and it connects instantly so I'm puzzled! Steve
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