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About GlowingHair

  • Birthday February 10

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  • Location
    Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
  • Occupation
    Retired (from IT)

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  1. @Ross It's pretty straightforward. To get the temperature from a Z-Wave sensor into an integer variable (60), Basic authorization was used.
  2. @MBrzeski Not for this specific device, but I ran into the same situation with other devices and used a Network Resource and REST to get the values I wanted into variables. Have you tried that?
  3. @JJJ I'm not familiar with Lutron switches, but in Insteon world, I believe using "switched" (control) in the if statement means just that, that the switch is switched, physically. Using "status" in the if statement would cover all possibilities, e.g., physically switching, Alexa/GH commands, etc. To cover all bases, status and control can both be used in the if statement.
  4. @ThisIsTheWay Are you switching the device or the scene in the Admin Console? If it's the device, wouldn't just the device respond? If it's the scene, both the keypad button and device should respond - is that the case?
  5. @Guy Lavoie I don't remember signing up for hue's dev program, but who knows. I can issue commands in a browser tab, and get details about the bulbs that I used to build the NRs. I was actually embarrassed about my hesitation at the blank admin console. I have written so many programs, successfully, from a blank screen, that I found my reticence shameful. Before the ISY, the only time I hesitated working with a blank screen was in COBOL (yeah, I'm old). The forum has been a godsend! I check it out daily, just to see what's going on, what to watch out for, help out when I can, and basically just feel like part of the community. It was the forum that prompted me to get a Raspberry Pi and learn Python; it's still running and interfaces with the ISY just fine. Sorry, I have had a tendency to ramble lately.
  6. @paulbates Sorry, too many decades in IT. And a strong dislike of hops - more for the rest of the world, right?
  7. @paulbates You are correct that about the IPA belonging to the Hue hub. From what I see when I dump the bulb info, it looks like they are part of the version 3 bulbs I bought (since version 1 didn't do greens well at all). They may be able to be operated locally - some tunable white bulbs of the same vintage can be.
  8. @paulbates Below is an image of the NR. To me, it looks like the NR is using the IPA, which would not have been available. The blurred part is my very special key to access the Hue. So, following what you and @Guy Lavoie wrote above, my guess would be that key is the local access. Am I on the right path? Guy, I appreciate everything about my ISY, especially the internet independence, even though I really don't know why I got it in the first place. It, and the PLM, were plugged in for years before I added anything to it - every time I opened the interface, the blank screen sent me scurrying away. Finally found time to RTFM, and haven't looked back. I have one of the first batch of PolISYs sitting in a closet waiting to be deployed, but dreading the upheaval. Thanks
  9. I am hoping that the knowledgeable folks here can provide some insight, as I can't figure a logical explanation for this. It's a good, but confusing situation for me. Two weeks ago, I lost internet service for 2.5 days. My ISY994 carried on, with key functionality working as programmed. I added Hue functionality via Network Resources, years ago, at a time before plug-ins, and it has been working well for years. Obviously, without internet, I can't control Hue bulbs - fine, they are in non-critical areas. What surprised me was that two of the Hue bulbs came on and off per the schedule I had previously programmed. How can the ISY reach the bulbs when I can't? Thanks in advance for any insight, or any reasonable theories. Saying it was gremlins doesn't count.😉
  10. @paulbates If you are using Google Drive, why not just make the connection to it on W11 and leave OneDrive out of it? If you are already using GD, that seems like it would save some scrambling. My situation is very similar to @Geddy when I switched to W11 many, many months ago. However, I had been using Carbonite for backups, so I restored files from there. I don't really have an explanation for using Carbonite rather than OneDrive (I miss the SkyDrive moniker), other than Carbonite was available before I had 1T on OneDrive, so inertia maybe? I had to do a lot of tweaking to get W11 where I want it. Being a Microsoftie, the Office 365 subscription is a must for me. I thought after retirement I wouldn't be doing much with the Office suite, but it is still a godsend, especially since MS actively makes working with Android so easy and nearly transparent (RIP Windows phone). Sorry, didn't mean to ramble.
  11. @mapeter I think all you have to do is follow the switch instructions to associate the switches directly with each other, no PLM or hub necessary.
  12. Cool! It's been working for me now, too. (Didn't chime in before - seemed like enough you had it managed. Thanks)
  13. @smokegrub 90% of the time, my finder is blank when starting. I hit refresh and it populates. Have you tried that? Also, I have saved the configuration so it can be loaded if necessary. If I recall, I've only had to do that 3-4 times.
  14. My routines are triggering, but about 1-3 minutes after they should. Luckily, for me at least, they aren't for anything critical, just convenient.
  15. @Techman Perfect! Thank you so much. Definitely going to bookmark this. Edited to add: I still wasn't satisfied, so did a little more searching, and what I found is to use http://ip.addr.of.isy/rest/nodes/ (thanks, @MrBill), and I added the specific address to that to return the specific device's properties. This is what I recall using before, but had forgotten.
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