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  1. @IndyMike, Thank you, you did lead me down the right path. By setting the led to ON 6/OFF 0 I could see that the "C" button was in fact off. Everything went normal. Pressing the C button after the bedtime program ran triggered the alarm lights program as it should. Then reset for the big one, pressing C did nothing before hitting off. After hitting off, it made the house go wonky. I turned off C, hit bedtime again and the system recovered. Hitting all off and opening a door, triggering the alarm, the C lit up and the lights started coming on as they should in the order I want. Keep me in the dark, intruder in the light. Why the Master Keypad Off doesn't show in the Log I guess is the mystery. The motion sensor in the Garage shows on, then the lights come on and then the sensor shows off. I use a program to delay the lights turning off by 20 minutes. Either big door opening or motion turns on the lights and starts the delay timer, that's why so much shows up in the log for the garage lights turning on. Not sure why different random alarm related programs trigger when C is on before off is pressed. Nor do I Understand the timing of those events. Since I have a repeatable experiment to prove my programming ignorance I think I won't pursue that question. I went the lazy way on the LED problem. Using the Green permanent marker to make the LED on the "OFF" button dark enough to not keep me awake worked very well. Since Insteon quit making color kits, I wish I had thought of this sooner. I bought a giant permanent marker kit at Costco.
  2. @IndyMike Thank you for looking over the logs. I am not super clear on the first question. I simply use the press of the MB Door Keypad off button as the trigger to start the program. Maybe I am using trigger in the wrong context. Maybe I mean to say it creates a temporary state? Either way, I am not sure how that relates. Selecting "Buttons Toggle Mode" at the bottom of the admin panel for the MB Door Keypad shows all 5 buttons as "Toggle". I do agree it is interesting that the MB Kelly Watch Winder goes to off, and there isn't anything about MB Keypad All On - off. side note, I do hope UDI can make the bottom bar scroll someday in the admin panel. I just discovered "buttons grouping" when I stretch it across two screens to find the toggle mode button. What else am I missing? As far as the second question, yes I used to have a 3 watt bulb in the curio and after talking with Steve (UDI/Insteon) I went to a 6 Watt and turned off the "auto on sensing" feature. Since then, the curio has been stable except during these events. The i3 Outlet in my office has a 9 watt bulb and regularly shows "communication error" for some reason. I have replaced the outlet twice and can't find any interference there. Third question. Short answer: A scene isn't consistent in its order of operation and doesn't give the illusion of being lived in. Also a program lets me set the lights in the guest bedroom if no one is there but not turn out the lights if they are there. Same program three less lines based on the state of "sOccupied_Guest" Long Answer (if interested else skip to next paragraph) When I owned a Lutron Dealer that was also a Security company we sold HAI Omni's and Lutron because they created a "vacation mode" with random light changes. Through the security company we learned the more it looks like a person walking through the house the more likely the baddies move to the next house. It was more effective than an alarm or a dog. Eventually, Lutron created "learning mode" which was amazing. After a month I never touched a light again. The whole reason I went ELK M1/ISY 16 years ago is that HAI was no longer available and the ISY could do this quite well with a little effort. And I sold the Lutron dealer and was too cheap to pay retail for it with SmartHome just down the street from me. Also when I walk in at night there is button downstairs I can press that does a similar thing and the house follows me to bed. Cool nerd stuff I guess. The program itself has worked pretty solid for over 15 years. Unless I do something stupid like attach a button to an alarm event and also to a scene that is. You are probably sending me down the right path. I now realize I made that C button a Panic/status button by making it a controller/responder to the elk. That may have been "on" last night and as you noted with the off button it doesn't show in the log. I have no way to know without going to my office and logging in (which does all kinds of other things) since I haven't figured out a way to make the led dark on all six buttons when they are off and on only when one of the buttons is "on". In my bedroom I didn't have instant feedback of the status. I took a green sharpie and made my own color change kit with the clear keypad covers. On the off button, I colored both sides and the back of the off button so hopefully that is dark enough. I am going to leave all programming as is and see if that was the problem. Yes you are correct about other programs, and here is the odd one. Each time the lights came back on a different program ran. One is based on Sunset the others based on the ELK alarm status just as the C button problem that started this thread was. The eisy is on a large battery back up and didn't reboot so it isn't a catchup problem. Learned that one already and the first Cyberpower UPS did all kinds of weird stuff to my system. Stay tuned...
  3. @IndyMike. Sort of, the KPL C by the bed was simply a responder so I got a polite alert of someone at the gate. We use a KPL in the office to see motion in the house. Each sensor lights up a key while it is on. I found it an easy way to find our previous dog based on motion when she was going deaf. I don't know why it activated the A button, but removing it from the scene fixed it for a while but.... Well, now it gets fun. After a few months of flawless operation, the lights have a mind of their own again. I went through this list until I caved and unplugged the plm. I wish I could blame the white hat hacker next door but I am sure this is me again. Only program changed since last time this appeared fixed was an auto garage light and that was a week ago. I changed the duration the light was on and removed a trigger from the if statement. Here are todays logs and as requested the "bedtime" program. The error at the end is the time of wife tolerance limit and PLM unplugging. I included last nights logs showing what happened. The error in my office is sporadic, and I have replaced the outlet with the new i3 and added a dual mode switch to control it on the same phase and still have comm errors from time to time. It was way worse with Cyberpower UPS in the house. Here it is. I pressed the "bedtime" button at 9:23, "Kelly Watch Winder" is off. That is at the top of the program so I know the eisy/plm "heard" the command. The lights started coming back on so at 9:41 I set the alarm and tried again. The hallway curio is the first device that turns off and right back on at 9:23 and again after the alarm set and I press bedtime again at 9:43:56. The "MB Door Keypad 70.9BC0Foyer" button does also change from off to on which was the issue I fixed before by removing it from the "front lights" scene. I also notice later that the MB Window Keypad.Office and .Stairs come on. Almost like the programming rolled back. .Stairs should only light up when the stair motion is on. and then the closet.stairs should come on as well and it does not so this makes little sense. The thermostat is changing from "night" to "day" temps also at the end which is odd. After I try and get some sleep, I will plug the PLM back in. This is a new MB Door Keypad btw. I replaced it as a precaution last time, so this is very likely another "feature" I accidentally programmed in, or created by a manual link. Again I will check after some sleep, you can see the lights have been turning on for hours, and not in any consistent way like a program running. Unlike other threads, this isn't hourly and I don't see a pattern yet. I left the program in .iox since I can't seem to copy in a readable format. There is as much as I can put in a screenshot here too. I thought the export feature would let me paste a formatted version, but it created a solid blob. I use a Mac so was hoping to drag copy paste, but... there I go again wanting things to work the apple way. BedTime.v5.8.4__Wed 2024.09.11 02.30.00 AM.iox UDReport truckated.pdf UDReportNormalNight.pdf
  4. If the LED has a rocker on them they aren't likely to be designed to dim and they will do odd things depending on how you dim and will fail sooner. Flickering and humming are normal with a lot of switched LED panels when you try to dim them. It might be better to go with a lutron dimmer and the adapter package with new LED Lights that @peterathans suggested if you want the lights to last and have full control of them.
  5. Hello all, Thanks for the responses, and I found the issue. @IndyMike is correct there weren't any sensor activations in the logs and unlike Ela's problem my sensors do show in the log so I stopped looking down that path. It took watching both the logs, the event viewer and keeping my laptop next to the bed to find it. But as Yoda would say "Fixed, problem it is". What I found: Button C on one of the 5 button keypads by the bed was a responder to the front lights being on. The idea was if the front lights came on because someone entered the gate we had a visual since the "siren" as a doorbell is highly unreliable. In my office I use the center four buttons to show me motion at each of the four sensors. When one is activated the light is on. Makes it easy to find the dog or see if someone comes in the house while I am working. July 3rd I set the front yard lights to remain on from sunset to sunrise so we could leave a flag up correctly for the entire 4th weekend. This was activating that keypad, which in turn changed a state of the Master Door Keypad back to On that I did notice in the logs. It was confusing, but if you look at the log I posted it looks like I pressed the "on" side of the same keypad I just pressed "off". I thought motion at first because of the A.C. coming on. I think the timing was somewhat random due to the PLM and communications limitations. I did remember that I had once added a program so that if someone showed up at our gate after "bedtime" that the lights in our room would come on to alert us. I saw that program get a green stripe in the admin panel just after pressing the "off" to activate "bedtime". The solution was to remove the .c key as a responder to the front lights. I did some testing and for some reason if any of the 4 middle buttons are "on" the state of "master keypad" returns to on. The keypad is Keypadlinc Dimmer 5 buttons v.45. I don't really understand this because the .b.c.d. keys should be read independently. I have upgraded to 5.8.4 and will retest or try to find another way that it can all work. I also have a spare keypad, but there could also be a spurious signal where the .c of the keypad address isn't being received. I have had noise issues with Cyberpower surge protectors and thought I had it all cleaned up, but maybe not. For now I have had two nights of good sleep.
  6. @kurelgyer, While I would love to see Insteon join the matter crowd, I am not quite understanding what @paulbates is saying. Like many in earlier threads I leaned forward and fell into the chasm hoping UDI would create a bridge. I disagree with Mr. Bates about implementation and working. Somehow Amazon Echo and Apple home both instantly recognized my matter devices once I figured out how to designate one of the echos or an iPad as the "matter controller", with only amazon echo devices or only apple home devices everything worked fine. The only problem I see with matter is that somehow once a matter controller is set within an eco-system that system becomes the master. This seems to violate the whole idea of matter, but then again who is matter to force Amazon and Apple and Google to play nice. I have caved and let Amazon echo be the master and Apple Home can no longer control the blinds or the outlets. Honestly does it matter if I ask Siri or Alexa or Google? I would much rather add logic in my eisy to do the same tasks. If all I wanted was a schedule the Insteon Hub would be fine. All of the devices are instantly recognized and added to Amazon, Apple and UDI eco systems. I just haven't found a way for the UDI eisy to understand what the devices are and do. With 8.3.4 update, each blind now has a window of information that wasn't there before, but it looks like an alarm sensor from my Elk M1. My fingers are crossed that whatever information is being sent in the setup mode by the devices that Apple and Alexa can figure out, UDI will figure it out too. They always do.
  7. Bummer, at least now I don't feel like I was missing a simple source of data. I will keep troubleshooting. If it happened every night or if I knew a certain sensor was doing it, that would be great, but the log doesn't have the same status changes in the same order when it happened last night several times. Hopefully the flush after the upgrade today helps. If not I will unplug my keypad (tabletop mount) and see what that does.
  8. That looks great but I only get "on" or "off" not "Switched On" or "Switched Off"?
  9. I use the insteon for mine. The dimming of LED's is very tricky though because they draw so little the dimming might not dim enough for you. Did the lights come with a dimming color module? https://www.insteon.com/dimmer-outlet I a surprised an LED lighting module is three prong. I have this for a curio with an LED. https://shop.insteon.com/products/dimmer-module
  10. I would update to 5.8.4 first and then maybe do a restore if it is still not responding.
  11. PLM status is internal so nothing to do with MS/Crowdstrike outage. That is the PLM not talking to your eisy. Those errors look like the eisy isn't communicating with the admin panel, so it might be worth opening a ticket. Did you upgrade to 5.8.4 yet? What version are you on? Sadly I am on my 5th PLM since switching to my first ISY. I now keep a spare handy. There is a wiki to reset the PLM and reload it but it might be better to backup your eisy, and do a factory reset/restore, upgrade to 5.8.4 and then reset the PLM https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Replace_Modem_(PLM) Restore PLM is a very long process. You could try doing just that, a factory reset of the PLM and then restore but that will double the effort if you have to do it again after an eisy reset.
  12. A while ago I went with greywinds blinds and got the matter motor upgrade. The eisy finds them without even putting them in programming mode but they look like a motion sensor with temperature, luminance and other odd fields, and only on or off even though one is open 50% now. My amazon echo network also found them quickly and added them automatically. Alexa control isn't bad but it means I need to tell Alexa to open or close them and I would prefer to use the state of the house, sun angles and other cool features I can use in my eisy. Most of the "Alexa ready" blinds on amazon use the zooksmart engine. I also have a set with Zigbee motors and they showed up too, same issue. Thoughts? ideas? or just wait for UDI to load the code?
  13. I am trying to troubleshoot a new "tick" my house has developed. When we go to bed we press a button I call "bedtime" (MB Door Keypad 709BC0All On in the log). It is used to start a program that shuts the house down, checks the alarm status, power grid status and if not in a power restricted status, turns on the thermostats which lately has turned on the A/C. I can see in the logs where everything shuts off and pretty quickly, it acts as if we "woke up", this requires one of three motion sensors to be triggered, the garage door to open, the alarm to be turned off or the "on" button on the keypad by my bed to be turned on. We use the Off on the same keypad as the "bedtime button" My guess was that it is the motion sensors when the AC kicks on but the logs don't show it so I feel like I am on the wrong path. The log shows the lights coming on and the keypad status changing from "off" to "on". So I am also looking at spurious signals. The on/off buttons on the 6 button keypad are not a responder or controller for any devices. They are only used to trigger programs. So is there a way to see the history of the programs during the night like a log? The Programs summary tab only shows the last run. If I get up to walk to my office to look at the admin panel, the sensor runs the program to wake the house up and that is the "last run". 718 log.pdf
  14. Recently my house has been waking up on its own. I believe it is the insteon motion sensors activating when the A/C kicks on. This is a new "feature" so I was troubleshooting and upgraded from 5.8.0 to 5.8.4 today. So far the upgrade is faster and smoother, glad I read to clear java etc first so it was easy, kudos on the back up speed changes. Other new "features" I found after the update: The email tab in configuration lost all smtp settings and returned to default. Insteon Motion II V .47 the battery level is now blank and "battery powered" is false.
  15. All MS services are restored so is it working now? Ironic that the security software did the same thing it is supposed to prevent isn't it. I switched to UDI/Insteon/matter because it was standalone and worked even if internet was down as long as I had power in the house. So if your local commands aren't working, look at the log and see what it is getting.
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