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Everything posted by visualcoat

  1. Was not able to upgrade from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3, keep getting "Connection Refused"
  2. New question on the same front. I have google home linked to my ISY though only some device show up. Any suggestion on how to get the rest of them to show?
  3. Thank you for the help, though the UDI never shows up as a linked account. SOLVED: The issue was that I had Microsoft Edge set as my default browser. Once I switch to my default browser back to Chrome it worked as expected.
  4. Thanks @Jimbo, though I do not see it linked to un-link it. Can you send a screen shot of the screen where I would unlink it?
  5. @Michel Kohanim I don't have any devices to unlink. Do you have any other suggestions I may try?
  6. Please forgive me, though I am not sure how to unlink my account. Is this done in the isy portal or home app?
  7. When trying to link my google home to the ISY portal I keep getting the below screen then nothing happens. What should I see next?
  8. ​Do you need a Elk system to use the Elk water shut off or can I use it with a ISY, Insteon I/O, and Leak sensor?
  9. This has been a great post. Out of the following products which would you recommend I purchase. 1. SELECT 2. ELK 3. BACOENG
  10. ​My girlfriend loves Halloween and would like a way to light some of our decorations that use the small tea candles. Does any one know of a LED tea light that is battery operated and can be controlled by the ISY?
  11. ​My girlfriend loves Halloween and would like a way to light some of our decorations that use the small tea candles. Does any one know of a LED tea light that is battery operated and can be controlled by the ISY?
  12. These two guys did what you are talking about: http://homeautomationguru.com/insteon-door-lock-sensor/ and http://tcbf62auto.blogspot.com/2014/09/using-insteon-hidden-door-sensor-to.html
  13. ​I was looking to be alerted to when my washing machine is done.
  14. What does your program look like?
  15. What scenario are you trying to build based on the temp outside?
  16. I set up mine with three program, one to detect the state of my door, two to turn it off, and three to turn it back on. HVAC 0 - Test Door - [ID 0015][Parent 0001] If Status 'D an W Sensors / Back Door Sensor.1 - Status' is 100% Or Status 'D an W Sensors / Front Door Sensor.1 - Status' is 100% Then Wait 30 seconds $sDoorOpen = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') HVAC 1 - Turn AC Off - [ID 0016][Parent 0001] If $sDoorOpen is 1 And Status 'Thermostat / Thermostat - Cool Ctl' is On Then Set 'Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' Mode Off $sDoorOpen = 2 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') HVAC 2 - Tuff AC On - [ID 0017][Parent 0001] If $sDoorOpen is 2 And Status 'Thermostat / Thermostat - Cool Ctl' is Off And Status 'D an W Sensors / Back Door Sensor.1 - Status' is Off And Status 'D an W Sensors / Front Door Sensor.1 - Status' is Off Then Wait 30 seconds Set 'Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' Mode Cool Else $sDoorOpen = 0
  17. visualcoat

    Away Mode

    Has anyone integrated the "Samsung SmartThings Arrival Sensor" with the ISY994 for "Away" mode?
  18. visualcoat

    Away Mode

    Through out the forum I see members talking about setting their home to "Away Mode" or "Vacation Mode". Would you guys be able to share how you are triggering this flag. (GoeFence, KPL, ect.) and what scenarios you using this for use this for?
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