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Everything posted by gregkinney

  1. @mmb Would you mind directing me to a resource on how to achieve webhooks with the eisy, or giving an example?
  2. My steps of troubleshooting at the point where you are would be in this order: 1. Replace network cable 2. Replace power supply 3. Replace Polisy If none of those fix the issue, you now know that it's not the Polisy. My next steps would be swapping out hardware starting with the router, change wall outlets or a different circuit breaker in the house.
  3. There was a recent Roku update that broke communication to 3rd party remotes. Here is the simple fix: https://community.roku.com/t5/Features-settings-updates/After-update-Ultra-response-to-remote-commands-is-way-slow-some-commands-not-recognized/td-p/1020413
  4. @Geddy I had no idea. That will come in handy, thanks!
  5. You can do a factory reset on the device. Delete it from the ISY, then physically unplug it. While holding down the bottom button on the lamplinc, plug it back in to power. There will be a solid tone sound. After the tone stops, you can let go of the button, then add it back to your ISY like before.
  6. Yes, if you go to Tools --> Log, it will download a log in Excel of all recent activity with timestamps. Additionally, I like to go to Programs, and right click on the top folder "My Programs" and left click on "copy folder to clipboard". Then paste in a word processor and search for the name of your lamplinc device. It will lead you to all programs that device belongs to, which should help troubleshooting.
  7. Yes, that is what I have done to "fix" the issues. A significant amount of my programs involve network resources and those must be spaced out about 2 seconds each in order for them to all fire correctly, so I have a slew of waits. This all makes sense now 😄
  8. @Ross thanks, I will check that out sometime. It looks really interesting. @dbwarner5 thank you! That's great information. And it makes me angry. Goes against the logic of any other programming language I have experience with. Because it seems so backwards to me, I can never remember to use this logic and I screw it up the first time.
  9. You're not wrong and I'm not going to pull you off the edge, however, I will say this is a 'grass is always greener' type of scenario. I had the same idea as you and attempted a switch to HA. I have also run HA for many years alongside ISY for the things the ISY coudn't do. The first thing I did was switch Zwave over to HA because ZW was SOOO bad on ISY. So many delays and missed commands. My experience with ZW on HA was that it was worse than ISY ZW. That is not everyone's experience but it was mine. The point of my story is that if you switch, it will fix some of your issues but it will create other issues. Sometimes it's worth it. I mean, the grass does come in different shades of green in different locations, right? Maybe it is a little greener for you somewhere else. Just know, it will likely not be a fix all. I continue to run ISY and HA in tandem as well as a RPi where I write my own little scripts that don't fit neatly into the ISY or HA box. I have decided this is the best approach - not cutting out any one ecosystem but using each one for their strengths.
  10. @larryllix Thank you for the suggestion but that didn't work. I did use your idea though to simplify the program and I just picked 2:45pm so now I don't have to disable the program after it runs. @IndyMike thank you, your suggestion worked! I can never wrap my head around the fact that the 'if' keeps evaluating while the 'then' is running. Makes no sense to me. @Ross Android. It's a great app called "http shortcuts". It's free, not sure if it's on iPhone. One quick button, nothing else to do. You can pick the icon. I then also group some of them into folders.
  11. @DennisC Yes I might have to change if I can't find a reliable way to accomplish this. But this way is pretty cool. I don't even have to open an app. The shortcuts reside next to the home screen on my phone
  12. Just remembered I use this program by HTTP command often, and it works fine: temp hallway down 1hr - [ID 00BE][Parent 0004] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Ecobee / Ecobee - Hallway' Setpoint Down Set 'Ecobee / Ecobee - Hallway' Schedule Mode Hold Wait 1 hour and 2 seconds Set 'Ecobee / Ecobee - Hallway' Schedule Mode Running Wait 4 seconds Set 'Ecobee / Ecobee - Hallway' Schedule Mode Running Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') #enabled
  13. I have this program: shades down if temp over 95 - [ID 026A][Parent 006C] If 'WeatherLink / WeatherLink' Temperature > 97.0°F And From 2:45:00PM To 2:50:00PM (same day) Then Set 'Zwave / Shades - Kitchen' 28% Wait 20 seconds Set 'Zwave / Shades - Kitchen Door' Off Wait 20 seconds Set 'Zwave / Shades - Butlers' Off Wait 20 seconds Set 'Xscenes / Shades - Dining' Fast Off Wait 20 seconds Set 'Zwave / Shades - Tasha Ofc S' Off Wait 20 seconds Set 'Xscenes / Shades - Theater' Fast Off Wait 20 seconds Set 'Zwave / Shades - Mud Room' Off Wait 20 seconds Run Program 'shades study winter down' (Then Path) Wait 3 seconds Disable Program 'shades down if temp over 95' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') #enabled The 20 second gaps are because sometimes the zwave signal seems to trip over itself - I had more success by spacing the commands out. This program runs great on its own. However, I use HTTP shortcuts on my phone to do often used tasks. So if I want to close these shades, I use my http shortcut which uses a "runThen" action from the REST API. However, it will run for maybe 30 seconds to 1 min, and then stop. It will never complete. I assumed there was a timeout or something while it was waiting to receive a completed response from the API, so I created this program, thinking it would respond immediately with a completed response: shades sun - [ID 030B][Parent 006C] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'shades down if temp over 95' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') but it's the same end result - it runs for 30-60 seconds and stops. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can achieve my goal?
  14. @Ross Love your usages, thanks for sharing. Can you tell me more about the windows? You have windows that can literally be opened and closed?
  15. @Ross would you mind sharing some of your program ideas that you use based on the weather station? I'm always excited to learn new uses for the devices I have.
  16. I've had Davis Vantage Vue for 4 years. I highly recommend it; works flawlessly.
  17. Yes, I replicated everything as before. Same LL, same outlet, the new (used) cord in the same position as previous. I will give it the weekend and then follow your disposal instructions. Good suggestion BTW. A conversation I had years ago with an insurance claim adjuster said the majority of house fires he dealt with were the result of cheap extension cords.
  18. No strange log entries with the new extension cord. Is it safe to assume there is something wrong with that specific extension cord? And if so, is there any concern for safety? Am I ok to keep using it for other things or should I throw it away?
  19. It wasn't wound and taped in deployment, that's only for storage. But I hear you - I'll replicate how the cord was laid out the same as before.
  20. I have not but I can. Just to clarify, you're suggesting plugging in a different basic 2 prong empty extension cord to see if the log entries return?
  21. I don't have one of those but I do have one of these. Shows watts/amps/volts. Is that helpful?
  22. It was the extension cord that caused the issue. I unplugged it and the repeating log entries have not happened since. Correct, it was an empty extension cord plugged into the lamplinc. It is a 2 wire, 10ft, not sure of gauge. It is on the thin side.
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