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Chris Jahn

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Everything posted by Chris Jahn

  1. You are correct. The only way to get those links back is if you have an ISY backup, in which case you would restore it, and then run restore devices.
  2. Mike, These programs look like a good way to do this. This is not a problem for the ISY-26, you can have any number of conditions. The ELSE isn't running because the actual status of those lights hasn't changed, and thus the program won't run. You could change your fix program as follows, so that if someone does fast on, brighten etc. with Keypad H it will still turn off the backlight: If Program 'OfficeStatusProgram' is False And Status 'OfficeKeypadH' is not Off Then Set Scene 'OfficeStatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. Restore PLM ISY keeps track of the PLMs you have used, so for example, if you started using a new PLM without doing a restore PLM, you would have some devices linked to the old PLM and some to the new. When you do restore PLM, it goes through all the devices looking for PLM links (either old PLM links, or new ones). If its a link to an old PLM, it replaces it with the address of the new PLM. It also adds the corresponding link to the new PLM. Heres a tip: You should never replace your PLM while ISY is running because it assumes the PLM that it started with is still connected. The ISY will appear to work, but it will be writing the address of the old PLM into the device links, thus you will not see devices updates etc. Its easy to recover if you have done this; - restart ISY (leaving the new PLM plugged into ISY - Important!) - Do a "Restore Modem" Whenever you restart ISY, it gets the address of the attached PLM, and that is the only time it ever does that. Remove PLM Use this with care because the only way to get this back is to restore a backup, and then do restore devices. This removes all links to the PLM from all of your devices.
  4. This is fixed in Release 2.5 (RC1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bug was introduced in 2.4.15 and unfortunately affects most schedules. The bug is that at the time the schedule is being compared, the 'Time is' time must exactly match the current time, instead of allowing for a 15 minute buffer. This buffer is needed if the comparison is delayed for any reason (system busy, etc). eg. If your 'Time is' time is 9:00:00AM, but the schedule is compared at 9:00:01AM, the program will not run. Had the 15 minute buffer been working, if it was compared between 9:00:00AM and 9:15:00AM it would have run. All 'Time is' schedule entries may be affected, and this will likely be intermittent. Note: Although we chose a buffer of 15 minutes, in all practical cases a schedule will always run within a couple of seconds of its specified time. The bug is now fixed, and will be in the next drop.[/b]
  5. No problem, I added Toronto to the list of cities. As for NTP, I don't think we will be able to add it for this release.
  6. 1) You are correct about the reasons for the time difference. 2) I'll take a look at why it is sending 'Off' instead of 'On'. 3) I agree, the mail templates for these messages need to be cleaned up, and made customizable, although I'm not sure if it will make it in the 2.5 release. Thanks for the feedback!
  7. You can also nest program refererences as deeply as you like. For example, you can have a bunch of holiday programs 'Christmas', 'Thanksgiving', etc. and then have program that references them called 'Days Off'. Program: Days Off If Program 'Christmas' is True Or Program 'Thanksgiving' is True Or Program 'Vacation' is True Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program Vacation If From 5:30:00PM on 2007/12/21 To 9:00:00AM on 2008/01/07 Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program Christmas If From 12:00:00AM on 2007/12/25 For 24 hours Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program Thanksgiving If From 12:00:00AM on 2007/11/22 For 24 hours Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. Clarence, Actually, I think the way you had it is good, and how it was intended to be used. Basically create programs such as 'Evening', 'Daytime', 'Office Hours', 'Holidays' etc. containing 'If' conditions only, and then have other programs reference those programs directly. As for when the True/False state is changed ... The only time the True/False status is changed for a program is when that program is run. The first step in running a program is to set the True/False status, it then begins to perform the actions in either the 'Then' or 'Else'. Nothing else changes the True/False status of a program.
  9. Whenever a program runs, it is either set True ('Then' path) or False ('Else' path), therefore you can use any conditions in your 'If' to set a program to True or False. You can use Actions to explicitly set flags as well; create an empty program named 'Flag 1', and in other programs use the 'Program' 'Run' 'Flag 1' action to set 'Flag 1' true, and use 'Program' 'Run Else' 'Flag 1' to set Program 'Flag 1' false.
  10. C Martin, I took another look at the code and decided to make the fix for this; in the next drop, "Same Day" will mean same day.
  11. C Martin, Looks like you discovered a bug ... its in a complex area of the code that affects all schedules using sunrise/sunset, so I'm not sure if we will fix it with the official release coming up so soon. In cases where the 'From' time is greater than the 'To' time, 'Same Day' is behaving the same as 'Next day'. Just for clarification, are you saying you tried 'Next Day' and it didn't work, or that you are using 'Same Day' and never tried using 'Next Day'. I would suggest using 'Next day' because I believe this bug will be fixed at some point in the future.
  12. C Martin, Actually, I think it should be Next Day because you would want on any given day, Friday for example, to go from 10:00:00 PM Friday, to Sunrise on Saturday.
  13. Chris Jahn


    Yes, it will repeat the sequence 4 times, but it is based on time only, Specifically: - the 'Then' is run at Sunrise + 20 minutes - 20 minutes later, then 'Then' is stopped abruptly, and the 'Else' is run If you want to guarantee it runs and completes 4 times every 5 minutes, you can do this: If Time is Sunset + 20 minutes Then Repeat 4 times Set 'Front Door Light' Off Set 'Back Ext Trim Lights' Off Wait 5 minutes Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. You are quick ... I updated my original post.
  15. The general approach you are taking good; if you have a number of devices you want to turn on or off then use a scene rather than turn on/off each device individually in a program. I'm not sure I'm following this completely, but it sounds like what you could try putting a 'Wait 2 seconds' before the turning the LED off. Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'All Off LED Status' Off
  16. 1) "Remove Existing Links" This is fixed in the next drop 2) "Restore Devices" Restore Devices adds back all the links known to ISY for that device, and deletes all others. When you originally linked the device, did you choose the "keep existing links" option? If so, ISY will have kept a copy of all those links, and will add them back if you do "Restore Device". 3) "Add Devices Found in Links and Remove Existing Links" I'll try to recreate the problem here. ... 4) Remove Device - In some cases when a device is removed from ISY, the link database file was not being deleted (basically when it could not communicate with the device). This would cause old links to be retained even after adding the device back, and may be the source of some of your problems. This is fixed for the next drop. 5) Hopefully we can prevent you from losing your sanity ... its too late for some of us
  17. Yes, Restore Device re-writes all ISY created links back to the device, and removes all other links in the device.
  18. The 'Repeat' action repeats all actions following it, up to the end of the list or the next 'Repeat' action. Repeat Every X minutes repeats all actions following it every X minutes. If more than X minutes have elapsed when the list of actions is finished, then it repeats right away, otherwise it waits however much time is remaining and the repeats it. To adjust the wait time, adjust the number of minutes (or seconds) in the 'Wait' actions. In general, to wait between a range of time you would use two 'Wait' actions. For example, to wait between 20 and 30 minutes you would use: Wait 20 minutes Wait 10 minutes (Random) To wait between 10 and 15 minutes you would change it to: Wait 10 minutes Wait 5 minutes (Random)
  19. donwe123, This example turns 'Appliance_1' on and off multiple times randomly between sunset + 20 minutes to 11:30 PM every day. You can adjust the wait times if you want it to turn on/off more frequently. The 'Else' guarantees that the 'Appliance_1' will be turned off at 11:30PM If From Sunset + 20 minutes To 11:30:00PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 0 seconds Wait 10 minutes (Random) Set 'Appliance_1' On Wait 20 minutes Wait 10 minutes (Random) Set 'Appliance_1' Off Else Set 'Appliance_1' Off
  20. I think you are looking for something like this. This turns the light on at some time 20 minutes to an hour after Sunset, and turns it off 2 hours to 2 hours and 40 minutes later. If Time is Sunset + 20 minutes Then Wait 40 minutes (Random) Set 'Appliance_1' On Wait 2 hours Wait 40 minutes (Random) Set 'Appliance_1' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  21. Here is what happened ... the program ran the 'Else' path because the Status event was received but the 'If' conditions were false. The 'Last Run Time' is updated whenever either the 'Then' or 'Else' path is run.
  22. The side effect of querying a device is that its status is sent back to ISY as an event. Therefore, the program ran as a result of the 3:00AM query querying all of your devices, one of which being 'Coach Lights @ Front Door'. This behaviour is a carryover from the old schedules/triggers, and now I'm wondering if it is appropriate or not.
  23. Yes, if you want that button to be switched to off when the time expires then you will have to use a scene to do it.
  24. You should see 'Idle: True' if the current time is in between time range, and 'Idle: False' if the current time falls outside the time range, regardless of the 'Random Box' or any other actions you may have. Only the conditions in the 'If' control whether a program is True or False, the actions have no bearing on this.
  25. These programs are both fine, although if the time is between sunset and 11:00PM it should show 'Idle: True'. Do the time and/or sunset/sunrise times appear correct? The sunset/rise times are off by one hour due to DST changeover, and thus make sure to go to configuration 'Synch the clock with computers time'. (This is a bug and is fixed for the next drop).
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