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Chris Jahn

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Everything posted by Chris Jahn

  1. You are corrrect, the program should work as you described it. I just tested this program, and it is working correctly on my system. Are all of your programs still showing 'True' in the Program Summary? If so, please follow the steps in this thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=584
  2. Hi Mike, When you use 'New Insteon Device', we send out an Insteon 'ID Request' to the device you specified. The device should return its type/subtype/firmware level, if it does not, you will get a request failed message (because we don't know type of device it is). If this happens, then you must link the device manually using the 'Start Linking' option.
  3. IndyMike, Our X10 support is limited to the standard commands, and does not support extended data. At this time we have no plans to add extended data support, but with sufficient demand it may be added in the future.
  4. Chris Jahn

    odd behavior

    Use the 'Add And (...)' button to add some parentheses as follows: IF ( status GAR KPL H IS ON Or status MBR KPL H IS ON Or status APPLIANCE LINC IS ON ) and FROM SUNSET To 10:35PM (SAME DAY) and GARAGE CLOCK APPLIANCE LINC IS OFF THEN SET GARAGE CLOCK APPLIANCE LINC ON
  5. Mark, Thanks for updating the Wiki, it looks great.
  6. evarsanyi, I've updated the Admin Console, can you please try it our website: http://www.universal-devices.com/beta
  7. sceaton, I created a folder based on your example, and it is working fine here. You may be using a cached copy of the Admin Console; if you go: Help->About, it should show Insteon_UD v.2.5
  8. It is likely a communication problem, because if the summary is updated with a time then the program did run at that time. (i.e. part of running the program is setting the last run time)
  9. I'm not sure I understand the problem you are having. With this program, the status column in the Program Summary should change to 'True' when you press D3/On, and change to 'False' when you press 'D3/Off'. If it is not doing so, please use the 'DBG 1' command to show the events in the java log. (instructions here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=346) If you are not seeing your X10 events in the log then you may need to restart your PLM.
  10. DaveGee, You are absolutely right, the 'For' should have been at least as long as the actions would take. What happens is when a schedule begins, the condition becomes true (in this case, causing 'Then' path to run), and when it ends the condition becomes false (causing the 'Else' path to run). Anyway, 2.5 (RC1) is now available and it contains a fix for the base problem base problem. This isn't always an appropriate fix... If for example you have something like this: Pseudo code ahead.... IF 8:00AM M-F THEN Turn on bedroom lights wait 1 hour turn off bedroom lights I guess the 'wait 1 hour' is the killer... I'm not exactly sure why, but when I put in that fix indicated above (until/for 1 minute) the turn-off command was never fired. Dave
  11. This is a bug, and has been fixed for the next drop.
  12. This is the same bug, basically it affects any schedule using 'Time is' (regardless of the actions in Then/Else). The work-around until the next drop is to change your 'Time is' to 'From'/'For', making the 'For' 5 minutes.
  13. This is not a problem for 10.4, but they may have changed something for 10.5. This will be fixed for the next drop.
  14. The IR interface for the first release of 99i/IR is through programs. You can add conditions for individual buttons, based on button Press, Hold or Release. Therefore, any actions you can do in your programs today, you can do with IR.
  15. One other thing to be aware of is that if there is a link in a responder (eg. lampLinc) for a given controller (such as a KPL button), then it doesn't matter what links are in the KPL. If you press that KPL button, the responder will turn on/off; even if you have just factory reset the KPL. In other words, the links in the controller are really just there for cleanup; its the link in the responder that matters.
  16. ISY maintains a copy of the link database for each device. Restore Devices copies that link database into the device, and removes all other links. It sounds like you added the device to ISY using the "Keep existing links" option, in which case, all links in the device are kept. If you factory reset the device, and then do restore devices, all the old links will be written back. The bug is actually that you are not seeing the links in the GUI because it should have created or updated a scene based on all of those links. To get ISY to recognize a "hidden" link, create a scene in ISY as if you were creating that link. ISY will then take ownership of it, and you can remove it if you wish.
  17. How to Remove a link not recognized by ISY The way to to remove a link not recognized by ISY, is to first have ISY recognize it, and then remove it. For example, to remove an unwanted link between a KPL B button and a LampLinc that is not recognized by ISY, you would do the following: 1. Add the LampLinc to the scene where KPL B is a controller (create a new scene if you need to). This causes ISY to take ownership of the existing link. 2. Remove the LampLinc from the scene.
  18. How to Replace a PLM Do NOT do 'Remove Modem' as this will remove PLM links from all your devices, and you can't get them back unless you have an ISY backup file you can use to restore the ISY. 1. Unplug ISY 2. Unplug the old PLM 3. Unplug the cable from the old PLM 4. Plug the cable into the new PLM 5. Plug in the new PLM 6. Plug in ISY 7. Login to the ISY and do a "Restore Modem (PLM)" How to Restore a PLM You can restore your existing PLM by running "Restore Modem (PLM)" at any time. Additional Info Restore PLM ISY keeps track of the PLMs you have used, so for example, if you started using a new PLM without doing a restore PLM, you would have some devices linked to the old PLM and some to the new. When you do restore PLM, it goes through all the devices looking for PLM links (either old PLM links, or new ones). If its a link to an old PLM, it replaces it with the address of the new PLM. It also adds the corresponding link to the new PLM. Tip: You should never replace your PLM while ISY is running because it assumes the PLM that it started with is still connected. The ISY will appear to work, but it will be writing the address of the old PLM into the device links, thus you will not see devices updates etc. Its easy to recover if you have done this; - restart ISY (leaving the new PLM plugged into ISY - Important!) - Do a "Restore Modem" Whenever you restart ISY, it gets the address of the attached PLM, and that is the only time it ever does that. Remove PLM Use this with care because the only way to get this back is to restore a backup, and then do restore devices. This removes all links to the PLM from all of your devices.
  19. Chris Jahn


    Yes, you can combine these programs. You should also be aware of the And (...) / Or (...) buttons, they allow you to explicitly specify parentheses so you can have more complex programs.
  20. We'll have a look at the other issues, but as for this one ... The way to to remove a link not recognized by ISY, is to first have ISY recognize it, then remove it. In your case, you have a link between KPL 2 and LL that ISY doesn't know about. 1. Add the LL to the scene where KPL 2 is a controller (create a new scene if you need to). This causes ISY to take ownership of the existing link. 2. Remove the LL from the scene.
  21. Chris Jahn


    Hi Mike, All the And conditions are grouped together, making your first example the correct one. i.e. A and B or C and D is equivalent to (A and or (C and D)
  22. Yes, this program will work. Have a look at thread, it shows some details on setting the true false/status of a program. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=499 If you create an empty program, and use it as a folder condition, then you can do the equivalent of enable/disable to all the programs within that folder by using 'Run'/'Run Else' to set the true false value of the empty program.
  23. Yes, your workaround will work.
  24. Yes, the original ELSE command can be removed if you use the fix program I posted.
  25. Folder conditions are used to determine when programs within it are allowed to run, unlike the old version where 'Hold' determines when programs are not allowed to run. To do the equivalent of hold in the new version, create a program with your hold conditions, and then have a folder condition test that program is false. Program 'Office Hours' (Make sure its not in the folder referencing it) If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 9:00:00AM To 5:30:00PM (same day) Or On Sat From 10:00:00AM To 2:00:00PM (same day) Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Folder Conditions for 'Office Closed' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Program 'Office Hours' is False Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. Folder Conditions for 'Office Open' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Program 'Office Hours' is True Then Allow the programs in this folder to run.
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