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Everything posted by rafarataneneces

  1. I had no idea Hunter Douglas PowerView is IFTTT compatible! Wow, I love it! I'm going to buy it today!
  2. Is ISY Portal compatible with Google Home?
  3. Dear Michel With SO MANY people having problems with ISY Portal, have you thought that the solution is not that the ISY Portal will 'retry incessantly'? It's 100% obvious that rebooting solves the issue, so have you thought of officially name this a bug and work with us towards a solution? Do you know if V4 has this problem or is it only V5?
  4. Michel recommended me to reboot the ISY and it works
  5. Dear Michel I sent you the error log
  6. Dear Michel My ISY Portal says it's offline since 3:13 AM I don't know why Do you know if it's because of me or is the server down?
  7. Anybody has bought the Philips Hue 3rd Generation yet? it was supposed to be released yesterday
  8. My ISY Portal says devices is offline since 5:05 AM. I checked it around 5:20 AM I can use Network Resources just fine In my Configuration / Portals tab I see Portal Integration - UDI Online Registered Active Services Myusername Registered
  9. But I've read that with AC power, Insteon Wireless Thermostat reports temperature every time it changes. Without AC power, it only reports every hour. Do you know anything about it? I LOVE the fact that now it's always on! Before, ISY would just show a blank page. It definitively feels like EVERYTHING is now reported in REAL TIME (except temperature). Temperature reports immediately after changing. So far it is working flawlessly.
  10. It didn't worked out. Temp on the display was 84, temp on ISY was 83, no matter if I press the SET button on the Wireless Display. I guess this device is wonderful, but you CANNOT query, and it ONLY works if you plug in the USB AC 5.0 V positive and negative cables. I am so happy with my purchase, I will use it to control ceiling fans and change the speed.
  11. hmm I haven't tried, I would need to reboot since I see the temperature as 83F now. but the Thermostat with USB power is working rock solid, it sends the variable to the ISY every single time the temperature changes. I love it! I hope I remember to do this next time I reboot the ISY. I created a program that stores the temperature and humidity, and also with 'Int to' so it survives reboots.
  12. I bought an Insteon Wireless Thermostat. I installed it with USB and did some investigation so it's always powered on. I connected it to a power outlet that already has USB. It looks so good! however, it's been almost 1 hour and ISY won't see the temperature. So, from what I understand, ONLY when it changes temperature, it will send a 'report' to ISY correct? So you can't Query the device from ISY to see the temperature? So far, I love that it's always on!
  13. Would you please let me know if you can find in Amazon the power supply with 5v 200mah that you used? the only thing I found was USB chargers and I don't know if USB cables have one positive and one negative Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I want to use it so if temperature changes 1F, then change the ceiling fan speed
  15. The wireless thermostat can report temperature changes when temperature changes 5C, 1.5C, 1C, or 1F I don't know or even 0.5F
  16. So even if it changes 1F, it will tell the ISY? I read that it only report changes if it changes at least 1.5C, that's too high
  17. If you buy LIFX then all your problems can be resolved. No need for ISY or Network Resources or changing previous wall outlets and re-wiring them. People defend Philips even though it clearly is more of a hassle than a solution. Yup, the bulbs change colors, other than that it's a major pain in the ***. I use LIFX and I have pre-set brightness and colors based on circadian. It's awesome and works great. And mom and girlfriend can use the standard switches, no problem.
  18. so 1) what happens when connected to power if I want to read the temperature of the Insteon Wireless Thermostat and store it in a variable? 2) can I do an ISY program that triggers every time the temperature changes? if AC Wireless Thermostat > 0 thanks
  19. per the manual I need an AC/DC adapter 5.0V and 200mA output. However I need to peel the cables and insert them through the back. It also says "do not use anything over 5.5 v to avoid damage" Has anybody used a power supply with this and is happy with the end result? my questions are 1) any recommendations? links to Amazon products if possible 2) how often can you retrieve temperature readings if you use the wireless thermostat with power supply? I know with battery you can only read once every hour, it's awful thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I knew you would be an *** when you answer. Your attitude is that of an insecure perso always trying to make other people look bad. I researched before posting. Do you want the seconds before the first bulb came on? asshole
  21. I hate how Edison invented the light bulb so when you use a switch it turns on/off and now Philips says 'keep the lights always on and never use a switch unless it's the cheap switch we sell' at what point it's okay to lose that feature that humans have used for almost 200 years
  22. Anybody knows if Philips Hue 3rd Generation Bulbs (out in October) will have the ability to remember their last color?
  23. Anybody knows if the Philips Hue 3rd Generation will FINALLY remember the last color and brightness? LIFX has memory so you can switch the lights on/off just like a normal lightbulb. has anybody hear about this?
  24. Anybody knows if these lights will FINALLY remember the last color so when you turn them on you don't have to reconfigure the color and brightness?? Sorry if this was posted in the wrong forum I couldn't find a better category.
  25. I have Insteon Hub AND ISY994i but only for a few devices. What I do is 1) DISABLE Programming Lock 2) Create my own program to update ISY upon querying device every 5 minutes Works great, and it activates the KeyPad Linc if a device was turned on by Insteon directly. It also works if the device was turned on from Amazon Echo.
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