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Everything posted by j.rieff

  1. Thanks for your quick reply. As I read more of the User Guide, I figured out it was User Error. I was trying to access using my laptop. At the time, my laptop had a VPN active. Once I turned off the VPN everything popped up like it was expected. Now, that does not explain why I could not access via my MAC which does not use a VPN. Oh well, that is an exercise for another day. A quick check of some of the devices and programs shows everything was successful. I made sure I performed a backup and a Save of the Finder info. Thank again to everyone who has helped me in this adventure.
  2. OK. I have followed all the installation instructions in the eisy User Guide. I was successfully able to install using WiFi through the UD Mobile App. I was then able to activate the Admin Console via IoX Launcher. I was able to complete the configuration setup and change the Admin ID/Password to my account info. The next step to Restore ISY using my backup from my previous (yet now dead) ISY994i that was at 5.3.4. Based on earlier posts I was under the belief that this would take awhile. So after 24 hours, I tried to activate Admin Console, but all I receive is the proverbial hourglass symbol in the IoX Launcher. No eisy appears in the IoX Launcher. Not sure what my next course of action should be now.
  3. Yes - eisy. I was just referring to the indicator that said the device would beep 4 times after performing the Update Packages selection. This was a response in the Admin console. As I mentioned, Id did not know if a set of beeps actually occurred. It is still Restoring from the backup. From other posts, I understand this might take awhile. So, just standing by.
  4. @MrBill @Geddy @DennisC The install basically went OK. I first tried the wired approach since my original install was next to the router and network hubs. I could see it polling the network hub, but the UD Mobile app just kept spinning. So, I started over using the WiFi approach. It is sitting next to one of my Mesh Network nodes. All was good with that approach. I may need to move it nearer where my laptop/desktop resides since many of the Update/Reboot/.... commands use beeps to indicate completion. Oh well, that is for another day Now, onto the Restore ISY using my 5.3.4 backup. Hopefully, it is good since using the 5.0.16C backup did not work.
  5. @DennisC That is interesting. I am looking at the back of my eisys right now. Going from left to right, the following ports are visible: USB, Headphone Jack, HDMI, small pin size hole for factory reset, another HDMI, Power, and Ethernet. Right above the Headphone Jack is a Micro SD card slot and it is labeled with the Micro SD card symbol. Still looking at the back as a reference point, on the right short side is what appears to be a locking port and there are 3 additional USB ports on the left short side. Power button is on the
  6. @DennisC Thanks. I need to wait for the cable to be delivered so waiting a few more days will not hurt. I have gotten use to all the programs, especially the ones that monitor the motion sensors and turn on the lights in the garage and on the driveway. So, I will wait until I see a thumbs up on FW 5.5.5.
  7. Just thought of one more question I forgot to put in the original post. There is a slot for a Micro SD card. Is it necessary to install a Micro SD card before I do the initial setup or is this something that can be added later? I know my original ISY994i had an 8G card installed from the factory. Thanks and apologies for throwing in a new question. Brain cells were all not in synch.
  8. @DennisC Thanks. I did not find that Wiki article in my searching. That spells it out quite well. When you say don't upgrade right now, are you referring to upgrading the eisy FW or delaying overall installation of the eisys with all its steps (including restoring the PLM and backup)? Thanks for such a quick response. You must already be tired of the NFL Network coverage.
  9. As few weeks ago my ISY994i decided it was time for a long nap. After sending it back to its parent, it was determine that repairs were not possible. So, an eisy order was placed. The unit has arrived, but I forgot about the new cabling even though I already was using the Serial PLM. I just did not read all the sentences while looking at the configuration of the eisys. The cabling will be arriving in the next couple of days. I was operating ISY994i at FW 5.0.16C successfully for several years with no problems. For some unexplained reason I decided to upgrade to FW 5.3.4. Prior to the upgrade I captured a backup under 5.0.16C. After the FW update, I captured a new backup. the configuration and programs did not change between backups. My system configuration is right now exclusively Insteon. I just read the about support for the new i3 devices. Hopefully, Insteon will send the specs. Based on an email to their support center they intend to do this. Unfortunately, I need to replace one of my outlets since a painter decided he needed to keep pushing the setup buttons which has rendered the device non-functional. All he needed to do was asked and I would have turned on the outlet. That is another story. I also was using ISY Portal. I just discovered UD Mobile. I did logon to UD Mobile. I did find my credentials for the old ISY994i. I was already using IoX for the Admin Console. I have looked at many of the posts concerning migrating to eisy. Everything seems to be straightforward (I think). Here are a few observations. Please correct me if I am wrong. I will probably use the wired configuration since that it what I was using before. 1. Use UD Mobile when setting up the eisy. 2. Make sure you register for the free ISY Portal license even if your license is currently active. 3. Make sure you select Insteon devices in the Configuration menu. Since I currently do not have any Z-Wave devices I can unselect Z-Wave. 4. Use either backup to restore my Network configuration. I was previous using a static IP address. I have read all the posts indicating this may not be the best approach, so I will need to make sure DHCP is selected in the Network Configuration menu. 5. Restore PLM. Maybe step 4 and 5 are switched. Not sure. 6. From some of the posts, it appears I may need to go to each device and restore it. Not sure about the battery related devices (e.g. Motion Sensor 1 and Motion Sensor II, 1 to 8 button switch). I also have some wired 8-button swtiches. 7. When I fire up IoX for the eisy, make sure I delete reference to the old ISY994i and Select Refresh to find the new eisy device. 8. All should be good. 9. Be patient since the network scan may take awhile. I know there is something I am missing. Any recommendations will be much appreciated.
  10. Thanks. That is what I was thinking also. None of this makes any sense, especially since all was working; then we slept; then it was not working. Intermittent error. Thanks again for all you help.
  11. @tmorse305 @MrBill Interesting since after what appeared to be successful install of the 5.3.4 FW and associated IoX Launcher all the files were there. I guess that aligns with your observation after a successful closure of the Admin Console. Right now, the app is working. It is not UD Mobile. It is Simple Home Controller. I have been using it for years with lots of success with a couple of different phones. It is fairly basic with respect to features. It has met my expectations for controlling items when I am away from the house. Based on what I have been reading I need to look into UD Mobile. Maybe it will give me more features. I just double clicked on the IoX Launcher. Nothing. The Icon Splash Screen displays for a few seconds. The Finder dialog window does not appear.
  12. @MrBill @tmorse305 I was at that directory. The 5 files in your list were there last night. According to the post it was recommended to delete these files. Looking at that directory right now, Frame and Launcher are the only state files that start with UDI_. There is another one, ud_finder that I did not touch. There are no other state files in this directory.
  13. @MrBill @tmorse305 No change when I first deleted the files. Maybe I should do that again. Just looked to delete again. The only state files that were there after yesterday's exercise were Finder and Launcher. No change. The Admin Console does come up, but only with FILE tab visible. When select Restore ISY, I can select the Backup. An error message comes up that says it can not clear the Configuration
  14. @MrBill @tmorse305 When I look at the network hub, the ISY is connected. When I access the ISY IP address in a browser window, the address bar changes to http://{my ISY IP address}/WEB/INDEX.HTM, UD Icon is displayed in the Windows Tab, and the spinning circle of death is spinning in the tab around the UD Icon.
  15. @MrBill @tmorse305 This device has more blind alleys that one of those mirror mazes at a fair. Earlier today, I attempted to access the ISY via the ISY Portal. When I ask for the ISY information, it said the ISY was not online. So, then I read your responses. No, I did not attempt to access the Cloud entry on the earlier attempts. So, that was the plan for today. I selected IoX Launcher from the Desktop. The finder window was blank so I loaded a Finder saved file I generated the other day right after I was (I think) was success upgrading the firmware. I then selected Cloud rather than LAN. It took quite awhile, but the Admin Console did come up. The problem - my ISY network was not visible and it also would not load. It just sits there with the Power Off warning at 0%. It appears to be my ISY because the location is correct. That is all I know right now. Not sure if I should use Task Manger to close out the Web Launcher for Admin Console.
  16. @MrBill @tmorse305 Results are still the same. IoX Launcher appears to "launch" OK. The UD Icon appears shortly followed by the Finder Window. Everything in the Finder Window appears to be OK. When I click on the row that contains my ISY (the only row) a dialog box with 3 selections appears (Admin Console (LAN), Admin Console (Cloud), Dashboard) appears. When I click on the row corresponding to LAN, the row is highlighted and everything appears to stop. I can click on the X in the upper right hand corner, but nothing happens. The dialog box does not close. The Add and Save buttons bring up their respective dialog boxes, bu nothing happens from those. I tried some searches through the Wiki and Forum, but all the suggestions are what we have already performed. I am wondering if I should "install" the Admin Console through the ISY Portal and attempt to start over - Install the FW and everything else again. It it like the Admin Console app in the ISY is corrupted (my words).
  17. @MrBill @tmorse305 Results are still the same. IoX Launcher appears to "launch" OK. The UD Icon appears shortly followed by the Finder Window. Everything in the Finder Window appears to be OK. When I click on the row that contains my ISY (the only row) a dialog box with 3 selections appears (Admin Console (LAN), Admin Console (Cloud), Dashboard) appears. When I click on the row corresponding to LAN, the row is highlighted and everything appears to stop. I can click on the X in the upper right hand corner, but nothing happens. The dialog box does not close. The Add and Save buttons bring up their respective dialog boxes, bu nothing happens from those. I tried some searches through the Wiki and Forum, but all the suggestions are what we have already performed. I am wondering if I should "install" the Admin Console through the ISY Portal and attempt to start over - Install the FW and everything else again. It it like the Admin Console app in the ISY is corrupted (my words).
  18. @MrBillApologies for being a pest. Done of this is making sense. If I wait long enough, I get a couple of errors: 1. Unable to load resource http:// my isy IP address/web/insteon.jar 2. A similar one but pointing to Admin Console In the ISY Portal once I access my ISY there is an entry under Settings that says Install Admin Console (Internet)
  19. I know, it should work. In fact, it worked yesterday. Today, it just sits there and stares back at me. I repeated everything one more time. Same result. I though maybe a laptop restart would work. Nope. Does not make sense.
  20. Thanks for all of your help. This is not making sense since yesterday the Launcher and the Admin Console both worked. I found a couple of instances of start.jnlp from much earlier downloads. So, I clean up all of those. I usally keep a separate folder for each of the firmware downloads and console files. So, I delete all the admin and start files. I followed all your instructions. 1. Disabled the Firewall and Virus Scan 2. Opened the Java Control Panel to delete the follow files - Trae and Log files; Cached Apps, Installed Apps 3. Verified I deleted all the Start and Admin files 4. Downloaded the Start.jnlp file 5. Double clicked the file from #4 6. The "Finder" dialog box appeared with all the information already populated (which I though was strange since clearing the cache, .... should have removed all the data) 7. Clicked on LAN 8 Hour glass appeared and stayed around for quite a while. Admin Console did not startup 9. Verified ISY was operating through phone app and ISY Portal
  21. @MrBillOK - I cleared the Java cache as the download instructions recommend. As I mentioned before, I had a IoX Launcher and an Admin Console icons. So, I removed the one associated with the Admin Console (Admin.jnlp). Now, the launcher just "stales" out. I double click the "finder" entry associated with my ISY; then click on LAN. The Admin Console never comes up. I can bring up the ISP Portal "console" and access via my phone app. I even retraced my steps by clearing the cache and apps then doing a "clean" install of the launcher (start.jnlp)
  22. One last question. Tow Icons appear on my desktop 1. IoX Launcher - this looks like the "old" finder. when I double click on the IP address for my ISY, it brings up a LAN, Cloud, or Dashboard selection. All is OK when I select LAN. 2. Admin Console - an error message pops up that says the JAR and JNLP certificates do not match
  23. thanks for all your assistance. I performed all of the above: Disabled Virus Scan. Disabled Firewall, Download a new copy of the 5.3.4 FW, and reseated the Micro SD card. Success!! Thanks again. It looks like (sample size of one) that everything is back up and operational. Now, I will need to follow the eisy developments. Not sure I need to upgrade immediately, but with a new orgganization taking over Insteon development who knows when my ISY will no longer meet the needs. I keep forgetting to tell you I like your MrBill handle and Avatar. That is my generation of SNL.
  24. I am just as confused as you are why this appears to be sort of working. I say sort of since I receive the LIB-ERROR_403 error when I logon to ISY through the Admin Console. When I try to perform a Web Access via the ISY Portal I receive a /config missing error. Obviously, the file structure is not complete which aligns with the LIB_ERROR_403 error. I downloaded the 5.3.4 file from a Forum discussion that had Firmware 5.3.4 in the title. You were a participant in the Forum discussion. Maybe I download the wrong file. I have a vanilla ISY944i. Nothing fancy and no Z-Wave. I do use a PLM that is connected to the ISY944i with what looks like an Ethernet cable. Probably a Serial PLM. I will go back to the Forum and do another download. Wish me luck.
  25. @MrBillPC Laptop Windows 11. I did download a a fresh copy of 5.3.4 and did not unzip Could I perform the FW update via the Portal rather than through the Admin Console. From the outside looking in it would appear to be the same.
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