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Everything posted by j.rieff
@MrBillNo, unable to update firmware. Kept receiver something like a Write Size error. Everything shows I am at 5.0.15 which is what it was before everything starting quitting.
Was wondering if performed a firmware updated through the ISY Portal if that would work.
@MrBillInstalled the new Micro SD card. The one I pulled out was only a 4GB card. Definitely old. I noticed my firmware was 5.0.16C. I usually only updated the firmware when I received a notice under the Help toolbar menu item. When I went out to the forum, I found the system was up to 5.3.4. So, I downloaded the files. When I tried to updated the firmware somewhere around the 2% completion I received a Write Size error dialog box (did not write down the specific text). So, I left everything the way it was at 5.0.16C. Performed a restore and setup my admin password again. Everything appears to be running OK. However, whenever I logon a LIB_ERROR_403 error dialog box pops up. Everything appears to be working OK.
Thanks. I was thinking admin/password like some of the routers on the market
@MrBillThanks for your insights. You are one of a handful of folks who give reasonable and understandable advice in this forum. I have one last dumb question before I embark on this adventure. Step #4 was Logon to ISY (after replacing the Micro SD card). Do I use the logon credentials I created for myself when I initialized the device and whenever I access it? or, is the a default admin set of credentials built into the firmware that I have completely forgotten? Thanks again.
@MrBillOK - I think senility has finally taken over. As you may recall, I had a couple of projects that involved changing some network cables. The ISY was Project #1. So, everything was working great after the new cabling. It helps to have a spool of Cat 6 and connectors in the closet. So, onto project #2. Again, the focus of that project worked as desired. However, I forgot to follow the scientific principles and I did not go back to make sure project #1 was still working. Then I decided to see if the phone app was working again. It was not. Back to the wiring closet and the network switch which was moved several times. I decided to unplug then replug the network cable for the iSY (into a new port on the network switch). Again, back to working with the Admin Console. Just check with the phone app. All is good. I purchased the new microSD card so I now should be ready. Just need to find the four leaf clover. In the meantime, maybe I should work a little bit on cable management. Thanks again.
@MrBillOK - maybe I spoke too early or I need to be checking something else. Tried to fire up the Admin Console from my laptop (which by the way is now working great again when connected to the docking station). I get a Socket Open Failed java.net Socket Timeout Exception error. I am quite sure Java is all up to date. I will check the Java Cache. Tell me if I am barking up a wrong tree.
@MrBillThanks. That makes a lot of sense also. Just looked at one of the folks I trust in this department. They are definitely inexpensive. Have not purchased any since I replaced one in the GoPro with a much larger one. Amazing how just a few years ago 32G was large now we are looking at 512G and above. So, let me understand the sequence of events. 1. Power off the ISY 2. Remove and Replace the Micro SD card 3. Power on the ISY 4. Logon to ISY 5. Perform Manual FW update 6. Restart ISY 7. Restore ISY with latest backup Did I miss anything?
Thanks to everyone who responded. I really appreciate the synopsis on Polysis vs eisy. When I would do the CableTV fix, all the LEDs would illuminate solid with the Memory rapidly flashing at the beginning. Most likely part of the Power On sequence. The Rx and TX would start flashing. Again, part of the Power On sequence while connecting to the home network. When I did this yesterday, the Rx and Tx eventually went dark. Fast forward to today. I replaced the Ethernet cable as suggested by on the the helpful posts and went through the Cable TV fix again. Now, the power was off to the device for a couple of minutes rather than the 30 seconds before while I unplugged the original network cable and replaced it with another cable I had in my cable drawer (Yes, I am probably a Tech pack rat). After restoring power, everything started as it did before. However, the Rx and TX LEDs periodically flashed. I went back to my laptop and fired up the Admin Console. I eventually got the logon screen, which I was not getting before. Success there. I did get an acknowledgement screen that asked me to agree to policy and guidelines (something like that) after which my network displayed. I test a couple of commands on a couple of devices. All was good. So, I am thinking I will declare success at 10:59 AM (CST) on 1/16/2023. Hopefully, that will not change in 5 minutes. I am going to try the same fix on my Docking station. I is not seeing the home network right now. Maybe I will have a great Monday, Thanks for everyone. Hopefully, this ISY944i will stay healthy.
I have an ISY944i which has been installed for probably 10 years. On Wednesday of last week (01/11/23) I attempted to access my ISY via an app on my phone. I was just a little too lazy to turn off a light using the switch. I received an error that indicated that the ISY was not available. So, I immediately when to my PC to logon to the ISY via the Admin Console. To make a long story short, it did not work. SO, I went to the ISY device and performed the Cable TV fix - unplug the power cable and the network cable. The power LED on the PLM was lit up. After completing this low tech fix, I went back to the Admin Console and initiated a Restore ISY from a backup I captured around Christmas. After that I was able to logon to the ISY via the Admin Console. The phone app was also working OK. I should point out that all my programs were operating correctly and all the motion sensors were doing what I expected. Tonight, again in my laziness, I needed to turn off a couple of lights. The phone app again did not find ISY. The Admin Console had the right IP address, but would not bring up the ISY network configuration. All Cable TV fixes did not work this time, When I logon to the ISY Portal it says my ISY is not online. The Ethernet cable is attached and it has power. Now, maybe the End of Life email I received today was telling me that it might be time to replace. However, I am not sure which device, eisy or Polysis, to acquire. Is the transition rather straight forward, meaning, will my backup file be able to restore everything to a state similar to an fully operational ISY. Now, as I mentioned earlier, all the programs after to be working correctly. Just cannot access via phone app or Admin Console.
@MrBillFinally was able to update the spp settings. Copy and paste with my phone are not in my highly proficient skill set. Everything appears to be working. thanks
@MrBillAgain - Thanks for the reminder.
@MrBillThanks for covering my tooshy. Totally went brain dead at that moment. Looks like a little rain this weekend so I should have some time to update my settings in the SHC app. I will remember to use the fully qualified URL starting with https://my.isy.io/isy/ .............
@GeddyAll of this makes lots of sense. When I was using the IP address it did not include "/desc". I will try add the "URL to ISY" address in the address field in the app. I will probably need to "log" onto the portal from my phone and copy the :URL to ISY" address including the https preamble. Hopefully, copying the address rather manually entering the info will be easier. There are lots of opportunities for dropping a letter or number from the address. Thanks for your help. Give me a day or two to update the app settings. I will let you know whether or not I was successful. Spring is starting to "sprung" so I need to do a little yard work.
Follow-up - I copied the URL to ISY as described above. I used both MS Edge and Chrome to access this URL I get the login dialog window. I use my Portal credentials rather than my Admin Credentials. I get the following error message: /isy/{removed} not found Obviously there is a user error on my part. Just not sure what.
@Geddy @MrBillI am using the Simple Home Controller app on my Android phone. In fact, I had been using it for several years with no problems. I was using a DDNS service through No-IP dot com with no problems. Then all of a sudden sometime last year I could no longer access my ISY device when I was off my home network. I double checked all my port forwarding assignments and everything appeared to be OK. I checked my URL for my DDNS. Everything was OK. Everything was correct in the SHC settings. After working with the SHC developer for several weeks, I posted a question on this forum. The consensus was use ISY Portal and the IP address from the link you suggested. That worked until a couple of days ago when I noticed the IP address in the ISY Portal was different than the one I was originally using. Not sure why it changed. I did not even notice the ISY Portal URL. Not sure if that will work in the SHC app since as you mentioned it brings me to the Admin Console.
Dennis - Thanks for your response. My ISY is already assigned a static address per the referenced document. My question actually pertains to the Internet Access IP address that is visible from the About selection under Help. This is the IP address that is used my ISY Portal.
Does the IP address associated with an ISY 944i that uses the ISY Portal periodically change? If so, How does one know when this change happens and how can this be communicated so one change access the ISY when not on the home network of the ISY. Today, I was trying to access my ISY when I was not at home. When I logged onto the ISY Portal, I discovered the IP address that was previously being used (even the day before) had changed. Once I updated the IP address in the app on my Android phone everything was good again. Just wondering if there was some automatic way to keep track of the update.
Thanks for the update. I found the portal tab and completed the approval. Everything appears to be OK. The earlier post mentioned to use the URL found in the portal to access the ISY remotely. In the Portal window under the Tab you are described there is no URL. However, under About there is an Internet Access URL. Is that the one I should use?
Is there any documentation I need to read? I did setup the account. It is now waiting for owner approval. Not sure who is the owner other than me.
Nothing has changed with respect to the router. I have 2 ports setup in the router for this purpose and they are linked correctly in the ISY. This is why it is so confusing. Nothing has changed from a setup standpoint other than I obtained a new phone over the summer. Now, I do remember reading something about ISY Portal earlier in the year. I do not have the ISY portal setup right now. Maybe I need to go back to reread that email. That could be the solution.
I may have missed something from other posts or announcements. I tend to access the forum when something "goes wrong." Up to now (relatively speaking), everything has been working find with my ISY944i. I have been able to use the Admin Console using my PC or access the ISY directly via its static IP address. Up until now, I have also been able to access the ISP via Simple Home Controller and Agave apps on my Android phone when I have been away from the home network. Sometime during the summer (maybe earlier - remember I ten to take things for granted when everything is working as expected) my access via the apps discontinued to work. Nothing has changed in my ISY configuration. I did finally upgrade my Android phone to a 5G capable device. For the past few months, I have been working with the developer of the Simple Home Controller app to troubleshoot the problem. Nothing has worked. I have a DNS through No-IP dot COM. The IP address that assigned through that service does see my router correctly. Yes - the ISY is plugged correctly into the home network. Not sure if I missed something in the forums that changed the way ISY is made accessible to the Internet. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Have fun today.
@MrBill - Thanks for the reminder. Completely forgot about the fall back fix to everything - factory reset. I will try that later. When I do the Factory Reset, do I then need to do a Restore Device on that specific device or should everything be back in alignment. Thanks. Love the User Name. Takes me back to the good SNL days.
@larryliix I did attempt to do a Restore on one of the specific switches. However, the Admin Console just "sat" there appearing to do nothing. Usually there is a progress bar reminding me not to Power Off the system. When the diagnostic did work, I did a Compare which did indicate an error. However, the Restore functioned as described above. I was thinking maybe I should just do a blanket Restore Devices on everything rather than select a specific device. I do have several battery operated devices (motion senses, remote switches, ...) in the configuration. Not sure how the Restore would work for those. Also, I was thinking maybe going back to the main menu under File and perform a Restore ISY using what I think is a good backup. Thoughts? I think this is a fairly easy solvable problem. The internet access is the puzzling one. Question - there has been a couple of Java updates recently. Could this be affecting some of the strange anomalies with the Admin Console? Thanks again. Better quit now. My fingers are not hitting all the right keys.