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Everything posted by InsteonNut

  1. Hi @stillen_i30, Try going to Settings->Lighitng Controller->Sync->Update Only. If that doesn't fix it, select "Download All" instead. If that still doesn't fix it, email me at support@mobilinc.com so we can go from there. My guess is that the Program ID MobiLinc has no longer exists on the ISY and MobiLinc needs a refreshed copy of your ISY data. Wes
  2. Hi BigEfromDaBx, Send me the ISY's error log and that will help inform us as to what issues the ISY is running into: support@mobilinc.com Also, please send me a screenshot of your Help->About page as well. Wes
  3. Thanks, BigEfromDaBx, Your firmware is up to date so that you won't see the "Automatically Update" option. Glad the DNS change did the trick. This is the most common solution to the connection issue. If the ISY can't resolve DNS, then it won't be able to connect to internet services like the pool time servers or our MobiLinc Connect service. Wes
  4. Hi Mike, This error message happens in any condition where the network can't make the round trip connection from MobiLinc to the ISY either on a direct IP or through MobiLinc Connect. MobiLinc also has an always-connected socket connection back to the ISY over direct IP or MobiLinc Connect for real-time status updates. If this gets disconnected by network equipment in the middle or from a weak cell or Wi-Fi signal then when MobiLinc is disconnected, this message will appear as well as MobiLinc attempts to reconnect. Wes
  5. Hi BigEfromDaBx, First, please make sure you are running the latest ISY firmware. To upgrade, log into the ISY's Admin Console and go to Help->Automatically Update. If you continue to have issues, this can happen in cases where the ISY's internet access or power has been interrupted. Once the local network, internet access, and power is restored to the ISY, the ISY will automatically attempt to reconnect to our servers. If you continue to have this problem, please try the following: - If your ISY is DHCP IP assigned (default), please reboot your network equipment including your router and modem, and then restart your ISY. Wait 5 minutes and try MobiLinc again. - If your ISY is fixed IP assigned, please use the Google Open DNS IP for the ISY's DNS IP address: - If you have any port forward rules set up in your router that point to the ISY, please turn these off. - If you open the ISY’s Admin Console and go to Help->About and see that “Internet Access” is “Enabled”, go to File->Disable Internet Access to turn off. This is a UPnP feature that is opening up a port forward rule in the router. This should be “Disabled” for MobiLinc Connect. - Reboot and verify the router and any other network equipment is updated with the latest firmware from the manufacturer. If after performing the above your ISY does not reconnect, please send us the following to our support email (support@mobilinc.com): - A screenshot of the ISY’s Admin Console->Help->About page. - The ISY’s Error Log Wes
  6. Mil, I respond to all emails at: support@mobilinc.com. Please reach out to me with the following information so I can see your exact settings and offer suggestions for how to remotely access your cameras: MobiLinc: - Screenshot of your camera’s settings page. You can take a screenshot on iOS devices by pressing the top power button and the bottom home button at the same time. IP Camera Tool: - Screenshot of your IP Camera discovery tool running on your PC or MAC showing your discovered IP Camera. OR - A screenshot of your IP Camera in a web browser showing the camera’s address when you are connected from a PC/MAC. The results of going to: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=what+is+my+ip Or your external DNS address. Finally, please provide a screenshot of your router’s port forward page showing the routing to your camera. There is no yearly charge for IP Camera support. IP Cameras is a one-time purchase. Are you referring to MobiLinc Connect for your ISY? If you have a subscription with us through PayPal, you can manage that subscription through your PayPal account. Wes
  7. Hi David, MobiLinc gets its status from the ISY the same way the Admin Console does. These two should be in sync. So the question is why the ISY doesn't have the correct status. The power outage could have thrown things out of sync until the ISY has a chance to query all items or you manually query all your items to pull in current status. Once that happens, make sure the turning a switch on/off physically propagates the status back to the ISY/Admin Console/MobiLinc. If that doesn't work, you may have a bad or getting here, PLM. Wes
  8. Hi Folks, Echoing Michel, the skills are technically live, but there are still issues on Google's end. Namely getting your items back to Google Home/Assistant when you change anything. Google has a solution in-progress, but hasn't released it yet. Hang tight, both UDI and myself will announce when this is actually ready. For now, if you want to try Google Home, you'll need to unlink and relink your skill every time you make changes to your devices, scenes, programs. Wes
  9. Hi Randall, I responded here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/21527-alexa-only-discovering-a-subset-of-devicesscenes/ Wes
  10. Hi jblackst5000, In case you hadn't seen this yet, our full Alexa support for the Smart Home was certified by Amazon last Friday: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/21094-mobilinc-ios-version-410-voice-notifications-and-alexa-smart-home/ Wes
  11. Hi Balok, This is Wes from MobiLinc. Have him contact us at: support@mobilinc.com with the connection details so we can suggest the configuration change. Wes
  12. Hi Folks, As promised earlier with my hint about something later this week, our long awaited 2.0 update to MobiLinc for Android has now been released: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=15070 It should be available to everyone through Google Play over the next 24 hours. Wes
  13. Hi Folks, Michel asked me to post here to shed some light on MobiLinc for Android. First off, we have not abandoned Android or our Android users. There have been a number a factors that I can't go into here that's impacted our ability to deliver updates to MobiLinc for Android. The good news is that we believe we've cleared out most of these hurdles and are proceeding forward. While there hasn't been much in the way of public releases, I can confirm that internally we've been very busy working to bring MobiLinc for Android up to a more modern look and feel that fits into the Android 4.x design language as well as other critical ISY features like Z-Wave support. If everything goes well for us this week, we'll have an announcement at the end of the week over in our MobiLinc forum and on our MobiLinc Facebook page with more specifics. I did want to comment on the following, since this perception concerned us: This statement simply isn't true nor have we stated this anywhere. We are 100% internally funded through app purchases and subscriptions to our MobiLinc Connect cloud service. We have no fundraising arm to our company, nor are we actively trying to sell MobiLinc, or our company. As for forum participation, we (I) regularly check and respond to posts here (viewforum.php?f=53) and on our official MobiLinc forum (http://forum.mobilinc.com). However, the best way to get ahold of us is through the email link in the app. In our response, we try to set expectations and not make promises we know we can't keep. This does have a side effect of not discussing future enhancements to MobiLinc as much as I'd like to. If you have questions for me, please feel free to send these to support@mobilinc.com and I will respond. Wes
  14. Hi Folks, PUSH is an iOS concept that we have supported for those that use our MobiLinc Connect cloud service. If your iOS device is using MobiLinc Connect you have additional options to enable PUSH notifications for your devices, programs, variables, and security states. See our website for more info including specifics on where to go to enable: http://mobilinc.com/features/push/ The Android platform has a similar concept called GCM that we're looking into to offer similar functionality for our MobiLinc Connect/Android users. Wes
  15. Hi Matt, I don't really have any pre-canned scripts that work for most scenarios. MobiLinc/Tasker/geofencing is a powerful combination, but with that power and openness comes complexity and uniqueness to each install since rarely two people will use these features the same way. You are on the right track with multiple devices. A more basic example is looking for all the phones (people) to be gone (0) before taking any action. If anyone comes home then "wake the house" back up with whatever that means to you. Lights on, disarm, etc. The best thing I can suggest is to dive in and experiment and let us know what neat things you come up with! Wes
  16. Hi Matt, This is Wes from MobiLinc chiming in. For Android/Tasker/MobiLinc, oberkc is dead on. Tasker handles the geo-fence threshold detection and hands off the command to MobiLinc to process all in the background. MobiLinc does not need to come to the foreground. The only thing you need to be aware of with geo-fencing on MobiLinc for iOS is that the MobiLinc app needs to be allowed to run in the background. You accomplish this by not force closing the app or killing it when not in use. Simply exit MobiLinc like any other app and it will do it's thing in the background monitoring for boundary crossing with the help of iOS. See our website on Geo-fencing including specific notes on iOS 7: http://mobilinc.com/features/geofence/ When iOS detects a boundary crossing it tells MobiLinc and MobiLinc then executes in the background to tell your ISY that the region has just been crossed. Xathros is also correct. iOS could take a up to a few minutes to detect a crossing. In our testing, it usually detects the crossing instantly, but this depends on a lot of factors. See the website link for notes on this. If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at: support@mobilinc.com Wes
  17. Hi Michaeldstark, This error message happens when the ISY becomes disconnected from our servers. That can happen for a couple of reasons, but the most likely reason is as follows: If your ISY is DHCP IP assigned: - Reboot your Router - Reboot your ISY - Wait two minutes - Log into the ISY and confirm that the ISY is up and running. - Open MobiLinc and verify that it's working. If your ISY is Fixed IP assigned: - Verify that the Gateway IP is set to your router's internal IP address. - Verify that the DNS IP is set to your ISP's DNS IP server. Some users have success setting this to Google DNS: Either or - Make any changes and allow the ISY to reboot. - Wait two minutes - Log into the ISY and confirm that the ISY is up and running. - Open MobiLinc and verify that it's working. If you continue to have issues, please contact us at: support@mobilinc.com Wes
  18. InsteonNut

    Widget Error

    jmed999, Quick suggestion. It sounds like the commands are working in MobiLinc. Please delete the widget and recreate your program widget and try again. It sounds like perhaps the program's ID in the ISY changed from what it was when the widget was initially created. This can happen if the program is modified and saved in the Admin Console. Wes
  19. InsteonNut

    Widget Error

    I actually don't need the program. Based on your description, the error message is telling you that the Widget couldn't reach your ISY to issue the command. So, the problem is related to the phone's ability to get a data signal at the time the widget was activated. I don't believe there is anything we can do in the widget to fix a phone data problem, but wanted to know if there were reproducible steps that we can try in our lab to rule the widget out. For example, - Phone is asleep. - Wake phone up. - Immediately find widget and attempt to activate program. - Receive error message. - Repeat command again. - Command is successful. Something like that flow is what we'd need to attempt to reproduce the error you are seeing. Wes
  20. InsteonNut

    Widget Error

    jmed999, If there is a Widget problem we need to be able to reproduce it in our lab so that we can fix the issue. Are there reproducible steps we can take to illustrate the problem consistently? The error message you are receiving is consistent with the Widget not being able to "see" the internet at the time of issuing the command. The most common reason is that the phone simply hasn't established a data connection yet to the internet service provider. By going to a website first you know that the phone can reach out to the internet so you can eliminate that as a potential source of the problem. Wes
  21. InsteonNut

    Widget Error

    Hi jmed999, This is Wes from MobiLinc. Can you try something to see how it behaves? This is likely a cell data network issue where the phone doesn't have a good data signal (waking from sleep, etc) from the tower when the command is issued through the Widget. Try this, before you issue your widget command, open the web browser and go to Google.com or similar site to verify/establish network connectivity then issue the Widget command. Does your success rate improve? Wes
  22. Xathros, What you'll want to look for is an IP Pan/Tilt camera that has an Input/Output (IO) option. What you would do is hook an IO Linc relay to the IO block of the camera and tell the camera to start recording based on the input state of the IO Block. Then you can use the ISY to do your monitoring of your system. When the conditions are right to start recording, tell the IO Linc to turn the relay ON which triggers the camera to start recording. Network resources could be used to tell the camera to move to one of it's preset locations. Again, the trick here is to find a camera that has a documented API or you'll have to capture network traffic from your computer to see what HTTP commands are being sent to the camera. Panasonic has some of the best documentation I've ever seen from an IP Camera manufacture. Their high-end camera: http://shop.panasonic.com/shop/model/BB-HCM581A-W?t=overview supports IO but the camera is pricey. Wes
  23. Hi Clarence, The Foscam model available on our store: http://mobilincstore.com/cameras.html are really meant for indoor use. However, they can take the outside temp if it's shielded from the elements like rain or snow and direct sunlight. We know of several users who mount these under their porch. The Sharx camera I personally have installed is a true outdoor camera. (Weatherproof) I hope this helps, Wes
  24. Hi Clarence, The Foscam camera we sell has a resolution of 640x480 and does have night vision in black and white. Once there is enough light in the room it kicks off the IR emitters and switches back to color. These Foscam cameras can record to an FTP server (offsite) on motion alarm and/or send you an email directly on motion alarm. These Foscam cameras nor most entry level cameras can record live video to an offsite location. I have an outdoor Sharx camera that has a feature like this as well as digital IO that triggers on motion. You could use a mid-range camera like the Sharx or Y-Cam to hook up to an IO Linc to the Digital I/O that the ISY could then watch to send an email or txt on motion detection from the Sharx camera. Wes
  25. Hi All, Xathros asked me to pop over and chime in with my thoughts. - The Smarthome cameras are rebranded Foscam cameras. Many camera manufactures re-brand other's OEM cameras. Foscam seems to quite popular for re-branding. - The camera that Smarthome re-branded is a slightly older version of the Foscam line that is missing some of the more advanced optics like an IR CUT filter to improve color image quality. At their price it makes for a descent camera, but we opted to sell the latest version of the Foscam cameras on the MobiLinc Store that includes the IR CUT Filter for better image quality. - There are no INSTEON compatible cameras. No camera today has an INSTEON module installed in the camera for control. Everything is still IP or closed-circuit based. - The ISY's Network Resource module is quite advanced and could be used to control the pan/tilt motion of really any IP based camera. The trick is discovering what network command to use that the camera will accept. - Some cameras are much better about documenting the cameras interface than others. The best I've seen is Panasonic. The information found in their API docs far exceed any other camera manufacture in terms of 3rd party quality documentation support for their cameras. - We wrote the IP Camera plug-in for MobiLinc so that you can see your IP Cameras on a screen with your devices, scenes, and programs tagged to that camera. An example is a garage door camera. Watch the garage door as you tap to open or close it all on one screen. How do you want to integrate IP cameras into your ISY setup using Network Resources or otherwise? Wes
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