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Everything posted by InsteonNut

  1. Not a problem. Happy to help, Wes
  2. Hi Xathros and scotcarter, Here's an explanation as to what you are seeing with regards to ICON commands vs. direct device command: The idea is that if you use the ICON controls or switch control (graphic controls) in MobiLinc HD, the action (ON, OFF, etc) should reflect what the real-world device would do if you walked up to it and performed the same ON, OFF, etc action. In the case where devices are controllers of a scene, that means the scene actually gets the ON, OFF, etc command, just like it would in the real-world. If you want to talk just to that device (direct device commands) then you can tunnel into the details of the device and issue the ON, OFF, etc commands from the table menu here to talk just to the device. I hope this helps explain how MobiLinc is operating, Wes
  3. No problem Tom, glad you got it to work. Just curious though, what was the Verizon issue? I'm sure there are other's that might benefit from what you discovered and fixed. Thanks, Wes
  4. Hi Tom, The update released last night was to address iOS 5 compatibility issues. There are no known issues with HTTPS. Let me recap and see if I can understand where the issue is: - Your iPhone is connected via 3G or a remote Wi-Fi source - Under My Settings->Lighting Controller you have both HTTP and HTTPS IP and Port information filled out (and have confirmed that HTTPS is correct). - The Connect Method is set to Auto. For this scenario, MobiLinc will see that you are on a 3G or a remote connection and attempt to connect over HTTPS. When this fails, try using Safari on your iPhone with the same HTTPS and PORT information to verify that the iPhone is capable of resolving the address to your router. If you are using a Dynamic DNS address it may be possible that the iPhone does not have the address resolution for your dynamic address. Safari will fail to connect if that is true. If you are using a Dynamic DNS address, please try the fixed IP address of your router instead and try again. If this still doesn't work, please email me at wes@mobileintegratedsolutions.com with your connect info to your ISY and I can attempt to diagnose the connect issue from my lab setup. Wes
  5. Hi all, Probably a better way to say it is the UPnP implementation in 3.1.8 and 3.1.9 does not consistently return responses to MobiLinc query requests. When the ISY is busy processing log files is espicially when the ISY does not return responses to MobiLinc. This is fixed in 3.1.10 and I hope UDI is able to release this update soon. A workaround is to set the connect method to HTTP when you are at home on your local Wi-Fi and HTTPS or Auto when you are on cellular. Wes
  6. MIchel - The local address is the method I use to configure MobiLinc. Thanks Hi Moshe, Do you have anything in the My Settings->Lighting Controller Secure IP Field of MobiLinc? Under 3.1.9, since UPnP is reduced, MobiLinc no longer can "see" the ISY on startup on your local LAN. As a result, if you have any IP address in the Secure IP field, MobiLinc will attempt to use this IP address to connect to your ISY. If you set your Connect Method to HTTP this will force MobiLinc to always use the local IP address which will get around the UPnP limitation in 3.1.9 on your local LAN. Keep in mind that while over 3G, MobiLinc won't be able to connect to the local IP address of your ISY. To connect both at home and over 3G, set the Connect Method to HTTPS, and enter in your router's IP address. This assumes that your router supports loopback (which most do). Wes
  7. Hi Mitch, As much as I'd like to agree with you that MobiLinc DOESN'T have an issue, I think that aside from a potential router problem you discovered there was some things I could have done better in MobiLinc. I've dug into the problem some more and can report that by modifying my 3G to WiFi crossover code I've eliminated the -5011 errors and most of the -5012 errors. Here's the problem with the remaining -5012 errors and the iPhone. When the user hits the home button to close out of MobiLinc, the iPhone OS gives the code a very narrow window to run to clean up variables, state, etc. Once that timer expires the iPhone OS forcefully shuts the app down no matter what it was doing at the time. So when MobiLinc is in this shutdown period, it tries to send out a network command to the ISY to unsubscribe, but the time it takes to perform that action exceeds the timer allowed by the iPhone OS. So in essence, the unsubscribe command never reaches the ISY and the ISY is left with a disconnected subscription channel. If the ISY tries to send subscription messages out that interface between the time that MobiLinc was shutdown to the time that the ISY expires the dead subscription channel, the ISY will log the -5012 errors. In my setup I'm seeing on average 0-3 of the -5012 errors each time I shut MobiLinc down. Once Apple releases the iPhone OS 4 with multitasking most of the -5012 errors should go away since the iPhone would just keep MobiLinc running and connected to your ISY in the background. Unless Apple chooses a different shutdown method for Apps, I believe there isn't much else I can do to eliminate the potential for this to occur. I will continue to test my code changes and will be included in my next release to Apple. Wes
  8. Hi Mitch and Michel, I looked into this last night and this morning and I think I may have found the reason the ISY is logging all of the -5011 errors. I believe this is only an issue on iPhones and the now the new iPad+3G. When the iPhone is asleep and the user wakes it up and launches MobiLinc right away, the iPhone is still figuring out if any of your preferred WiFi networks are in range so your current internet connection is 3G until the iPhone logs into the WiFi network. So as MobiLinc is performing its startup routine by contacting the ISY for program status, weather, subscribing, etc. MobiLinc has to be able to respond to the iPhone saying, "we found a WiFi network and I'm logging into that netowrk now. All your 3G requests have been dropped and disconnected. Start using the WiFi connection." My released code will cancel all connections and start the entire startup routine over again since I can't trust the data. I suspect what is happening is MobiLinc is right in the middle of receiving the initial subscription dump when the 3G data connection is closed by the iPhone thus resulting in a string of -5011 errors logged by the ISY. I made a change this morning that upon the 3G data connection going away and WiFi being present, if MobiLinc is subscribed to the ISY, MobiLinc first issues an Unscubscribe message over WiFi and then proceeds to reconnect to the ISY over WiFi. With that change I no longer see the -5011 errors in my log file. I do however still see the set of three -5012 errors. Maybe Michel can shed some light as to what causes these and how I can change MobiLinc so that the ISY won't log these type of errors. I've sent Michel an email detailing MobiLinc's unsubscription method. Once we can narrow this down I can add this change to my next release. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Wes
  9. Hi all, I'm duplicating my post from the MobiLinc forums here: I can confirm that MobiLinc does display the secondary KPL buttons in a scene and when commanding the scene to ON, all devices and KPL buttons associated with the scene also change to ON. Try this...Go into My Settings and tap "Tap to Sync with ISY" and select Update Only. This will re-download all your devices and scenes and cache the MobiLinc database with the current set of devices and scenes from your ISY. Does the KPL button now show up in your scene list? If you make changes to the folder layout, device list, scene list, or programs AND MobiLinc is not activially running on your device, MobiLinc doesn't know that there is a change to your ISY configuration and you will need to re-sync it to tell MobiLinc about the new configuration. Let me know if that fixed your problem, Wes
  10. Hi Tome, Just to be clear, the iPhone and iLinc does not store any certs. iLinc is configured to accept all certs from the ISY self-signed or otherwise. It will not store the cert on your device. I went through the process of requesting and installing a new self-signed cert on my ISY running 2.7.8 for both a 512 bit cert and a 1024 bit cert. I entered in my DynDNS domain name for my router and saved off the cert for backup purposes. After my ISY rebooted to start using the new cert iLinc connected to my ISY without problems over 3G and local LAN using HTTPS (SSL). One thing to check is that the external IP address that the ISY is entering into the host field for the SSL Cert generation is correct and is the same IP address iLinc is using to connect to your ISY for the SSL IP field. Wes
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