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  1. This is all awesome. Glad to see some life with Insteon. Nice work on these buttons - that really helps step up the game. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. And that sounds like the perfect GF [emoji2] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. You sound like the perfect wife [emoji8] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It appears that the low battery is on a transmitter, not the battery that you replaced. Should be able to see which transmitter either on the keypad quickly or with the logs either on Elk RP or via keypad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. TrojanHorse

    ELK Area 1 issue

    Glad I could help (and remember the issue from years ago LOL) and glad I saw it right as you posted it so that you can keep moving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. TrojanHorse

    ELK Area 1 issue

    What is the name of area 1? I seem to recall that the ISY doesn’t like certain special characters here so if you’ve renamed area 1 try changing the name to something simple or back to Area 1 and see what happens. Edit: I think it was starting with a “space” character that it didn’t like. I originally tried spaces to center the name on the keypad. Now I use dashes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Seems sad that light people went to the moon with rockets and computers probably less powerful than the ISY but you can’t figure out your fans. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Saw this and was curious. Did you choose that setting? Do you have 999 seconds to see if it works in that timeframe? It’s only 16.65 minutes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Thank you! This is a helpful overview. It appears that some are named a bit differently in the polyglot store, but as those are under development I likely wouldn't pick them at this point. Perhaps I'll look at investing in a local weather hardware device. I'm guessing there that while you can get specificity of current conditions, the forecast data might suffer a similar location problem that you describe? I took a brief look at the WeatherFlow and didn't see a mention of detecting snow. Anyway, this gives me something to think about and I'm glad I didn't just start with the first one in the alphabetical list as that one is going away. Thanks again!
  10. Hi @bpwwer - First, thank you for creating all of these weather node servers. The entire community benefits greatly by your efforts and those of others that create these valuable additions for us. I see you've created several weather node servers. Some appear to rely on one's own "local weather station" hardware. I don't have any of that. As this thread is long and things can change, I'm wondering if you can give a brief overview of (or point me where to look for) the differences between them, and maybe which one you think is currently "best". How would you compare them to the Climate Module in ISY? Maybe this should be a new thread. I'll defer to you to define best since you're closer to them. I'm not exactly sure how I'd use them, but I would start with pretty simple stuff. I understand that the data these services provide is out of your control. Would you ever use more than one in tandem? Thanks for the work you've done and thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.
  11. Ha! This has nothing to do with titles / screen names. Just telling you what you are. I did check my programs, and checked them again now that the conditions can be reasonably tested (temperatures). Anyway, let's stop this, it's hard enough to sort through info here without unhelpful posts. I'll see you in the coffee shop if you want to continue.
  12. @hart2hart was nice enough to put together a comprehensive list that notes some of the common gotchas and how to avoid/resolve them. I'm suggesting that this issue with thermostats should be included. It's funny, I go back and look at this thread and see the lil' guy being a complete RichardKnob there as well.
  13. I never mentioned UDI... Critical thinking is clearly not your strength. You try to be critical but it reflects poorly on you when you're just plain wrong.
  14. Um, you're hardly worth responding to, but help me understand what I claimed that isn't true?
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