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  1. This is all awesome. Glad to see some life with Insteon. Nice work on these buttons - that really helps step up the game. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. And that sounds like the perfect GF [emoji2] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. You sound like the perfect wife [emoji8] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It appears that the low battery is on a transmitter, not the battery that you replaced. Should be able to see which transmitter either on the keypad quickly or with the logs either on Elk RP or via keypad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. TrojanHorse

    ELK Area 1 issue

    Glad I could help (and remember the issue from years ago LOL) and glad I saw it right as you posted it so that you can keep moving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. TrojanHorse

    ELK Area 1 issue

    What is the name of area 1? I seem to recall that the ISY doesn’t like certain special characters here so if you’ve renamed area 1 try changing the name to something simple or back to Area 1 and see what happens. Edit: I think it was starting with a “space” character that it didn’t like. I originally tried spaces to center the name on the keypad. Now I use dashes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Not sure. I use an HDMI to toslink digital converter which gives good clear audio. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I use a raspberry pi for this and some python scripts that I wrote. Wasn’t simple (for me since I had to learn python) but I now get a short .wav file played when the mailbox opens. And it “grabs” the settings from my whole home audio to then return them to the prior state. Could scale it to do more sounds and triggers. Similar to you this was totally unnecessary but when I started on my automation project years ago I thought once I have that feature that means I’m basically done. But of course I’m not… Edit: I’m using a monoprice amp but the rpi could still work.
  9. Are we sure Alexa’s preferred pronouns include “she”? Regardless, my view is it should be referred to as “It”. Real women are quite powerful and some don’t need Alexa to run timers in the kitchen [emoji2368] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Seems sad that light people went to the moon with rockets and computers probably less powerful than the ISY but you can’t figure out your fans. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Funny. Also funny that probably some are frantically researching how to do this! Hope you can answer all the follow up questions : - ) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Glad I could help. Keep plowing ahead. I think a proper USB to serial connector is your next step if you can’t access with RP2 to the Elk via Ethernet. That will eliminate variables. If you need a new XEP so be it. Better than a rip and redo! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sounds like you have a plan. If you don't get installer approval just ask for homeowner / user. Should get you what you need. I was going to suggest connecting RP2 via serial if you have a way to do that. That would be a good start. You can also access the logs through a keypad - I believe it's Elk key, 4, Right Arrow There are several knowledgeable users at cocoontech.com as well. Good luck!
  14. Do you have RP2? I guess I'm confused now. I have access as a homeowner / self-installer. Elk technically doesn't directly support end users but they will let you download the software. Give it a try, not sure anything has changed. That said, hopefully you have the installer code to access the panel... I probably can't help much about the M1XEP. Sounds like you know that it's properly on the same network as the ISY and RP2 tries to connect? There is also an Elk support forum that you can post to once you get your account. End users will sometimes get answers there from Elk employees.
  15. Certainly looks like it would work with Elk relays to open and close. If you want to monitor the status would need to look into that as it looks like it might put voltage on those lines and they aren't dry contacts? Would also want to make a rule in the Elk that turns the relay off after 1-3 seconds as they mention (which can be done using a phantom relay and I can look that up again if needed). Would be important to know also what happens if it gets a close signal when it's already closed or an open when already open. Does the watercop handle that? Or do you need to monitor the status and create your own logic to prevent that situation? One caveat - make sure that your pinout matches the color coding! It appears they're using T568B, so if you are cutting an existing cable make sure that's what you use. Ultimately, make sure that your wiring matches where it should go, not just the colors.
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