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  1. bw23198

    Old ISY994

    Earlier this year I replaced my ISY 994 with a new eISY. The transition went smoothly. I now have an ISY 994 sitting unplugged on a bookshelf collecting dust. I will soon be building a new 2nd house and would like to automate some things with it as well. If I use my old ISY 994 in the new house, what functionality will I lose? I realize development has stopped for the 994 series, but I'm not looking to do as much automation in the 2nd house as my main house. (Also, there was nothing wrong with the 994 when I replaced it; I just wanted to upgrade for new functionality). Could I just purchase an additional license for the portal to get those features? (I transferred my original license to the eISY). -Brian
  2. I did notice the light was off before I unplugged it. It came back on when I plugged it back in. This PLM is quite old (at least 8yrs) and has been rock solid. It's the 2413s model. When I purchased it, I think it was either required or preferred for ISY994. Is that still the recommended PLM, or is the 2413U a better option? Most of my network is Insteon dual band devices.
  3. Ok, false alarm I guess. Unplugging and replugging in the PLM fixed it. My Insteon devices are now online and responding. I guess my PLM just got worn out and needed a swift kick in the rear. -Brian
  4. Oddly enough something similar happened to me. But in my case, eISY can't see any of my Insteon devices. All the device status are blank. And when I try to turn on my closet light (for example), I get an error message about my Rachio sprinkler system. All I can think of is that I recently added a new PG3 ratgdo module yesterday in slot 13 of my eISY. (I hesitated at first; thinking slot 13 wasn't a good choice. Maybe I should have listed to my gut!) I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the behavior is, but as of now all of my Insteon devices are unreachable. -Brian
  5. Thanks, all. This gives me some ideas. I may look into writing something myself. It's been a while since I've gotten my hands dirty.
  6. Thanks. I'll take a look at the Vue, but I was hoping there's an option that didn't require additional hardware. If the usage data is already being collected, and can be requested on-demand through the website, is there a way to programmatically grab that data? -Brian
  7. I'd like to begin monitoring my whole home electricity usage. The idea is to control light timers, HVAC, etc. based on daily usage. Anyway, I'm a bit lost on what my options are. (I already have my whole house controlled with Insteon switches/Ecobee thermostats/eISY controller, etc. I'm really just looking for options for monitoring power usage). I live in north Texas and my energy provider is Oncor. I have a smart meter and I can log into a website (smartmetertexas.com) and view usage data (although it's a couple days old). There's also an option on the site to request a real-time meter reading on demand. Is there an option to interface with this site and import meter readings into eISY? Or do I have to buy some sort of hardware to clamp onto my breaker box and interface with it? -Brian
  8. Removing the node and re adding it fixed it.
  9. I started to do that but this warning message spooked me. Does this mean I'll loose my integration with Alexa and all of the plugins I've installed from the PG3 store?
  10. After clicking on upload node definitions and allowing ISY to reboot the configuration still looks the same as above.
  11. This is what I see. I thought about just clicking the remove button and re adding this but the warning message that popped up looked like that action would affect more than just this node so I canceled that course of action.
  12. I've been following the instructions and I get stuck here: "After System is connected to Portal g to "Select Tool" > Occupancy v2.0. Click Add Geofence, in this example I use "Home Geofence", then save". When I try to add the geofence I get the "node server is not configured" error above. I completed the prerequisite steps of configuring the connection and uploading node definitions and rebooting ISY. There is a green dot next to my eISY on the main screen (and a grey dot next to my old ISY994 that I'm no longer using). If the occupancy node server is truly not needed then maybe all of this is unnecessary. However, this statement makes me think I need it: "However the Occupancy v2.0 Node Server may make tracking a locations occupancy easier if there are multiple users.". I have 4 users/devices within my house that I'd like to configure. -Brian
  13. I'm trying to set up the Occupancy 2.0 feature with a new eISY. I think I'm missing some sort of configuration somewhere but I can't seem to pinpoint it. I've setup a geofence on my iPhone but I think there's a connectivity issue with my Portal. For example, I don't see the Geofence created from my iPhone show up on the Portal. When I click on 'add geofence', I either get unauthorized or configuration error. Where is this configured? There's probably some old values somewhere from my previous installation that need to be cleaned up.
  14. After migrating from ISY994 to eISY, and reinstalling all of my node servers, I have the following two node servers "left over" from my previous installation: isylink ISY Portal Are these still needed? If not, how do I delete them? There used to be a delete button but none of my node servers had that button post upgrade.
  15. And that fixed it! The key was to look for that option within the eISY under Configuration | System. I was looking everywhere in the PolyGlot web interface. -Brian
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