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Papa C

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Everything posted by Papa C

  1. I'm using a pair of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083XGZXRH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 for the water supply to my washing machine. It's nice in that they auto shut off on power loss (great for this application), they have others that don't auto close. I control them with https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0846DZJD8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Not knowing where your valve is, can you not get a 24v supply to the valve location? I have a shut off IN the house added when I added a water softener. I intend (one of these days) to add a controllable shut off there as well and would probably just go with another of these US Solid valves. The ones I have get quite a workout every week.
  2. I just did this very thing this past Sunday. Have an Aeon Switch 6 that won't stay on the network (even prior to eisy/zmatter) and in the course of fighting with it a Multisensor started acting up. After migrating there were "extra" nodes added for nearly everything (and named ZY instead of ZW), so said "what the hell". Blew em all away and started over. As someone said above, you need to EXCLUDE them. As I had less than a dozen devices and have removed and added some a few times they were starting with numbers in the 20's which really grated on me. So, after excluding them all, I reset the Zmatter board and then started readding them. This put them all in, in the order I wanted starting with device ZY 002. Per something I saw here that if added non secure they seemed to work faster, I added the Multisensors I had NON secure. Not sure if their faster or not, but they HAD in the past sometimes dragged to act (second or two from sensor blink to light on) and they seem to bring the light up consistantly faster. A Zooz Zen Relay also during the interview process requested "Unverified" S2 (don't remember the exact wording, but seems to be working just fine as everything else.
  3. Ok.... I had noticed SEVERAL new items with ZY (couple "weather", power, etc) and wondered what they were. Thought it was something new for the eisy. But what's with the ZY now? Is that what ZW will become? There were new items for every ZWave device I have....
  4. Thanks, yeah did the same. Went back to polisy. But wondering where along the line I wound up with the same program with two different names. Any ideas about the Query at startup check box? Wonder, should it be checked?
  5. I migrated yesterday from Polisy/Zooz to Eisy/Zmatter and all went actually very smoothly. The worst of it was dreading issues that just didn't appear. Everything that was working seems to still be working maybe even a bit better. This could be from an update as well that I did to the polisy just prior to migration I don't know. I had started having problems with the programming for the lighting in the kitchen. They seemed to be very slow. You could see when the motion sensor went off and it could be a minute or two when lights would respond. Requesting lights on via Amazon you would hear the sound from the talking tube and sometimes NOTHING would happen, others a minute or two they'd come on. It was like Polisy was just busy. However, other lighting with same programs in other parts of the house worked just fine. After migration they seem to be back to normal? Go figure.... The only things I see amiss is I have two programs highlighted in yellow: "Isy" and "Query". If I remember right, they come from the original isy set up to query settings nightly? I'm sure I just need one of them? tips on putting it right? Or if it's needed? I DO see in the system configuration a "query settings at startup) tick box that isn't checked. Should it be? The only other thing found thus far is a Aeon Multisensor 6 that I had turning on a fan if humidity got to a set level. For some reason there is no humidity available in settings? It has been changed to temperature? I'm guessing I'm going to have to reset some parameters for it? They must have changed somewhere along the jumps from 994 to polisy to eisy?
  6. Papa C

    Polisy vs Eisy???

    I'm kind of in the same boat. Seems like I just got the polisy pro what a year ago maybe (whenever it came out). I just got the new board for the polisy and was waiting on the fixes to install it and BAM! Here's a whole new system to buy.... But every time I start to load all that in my cart for purchase I look in here and it sounds like one big hair ball of heart burn... I've had a few issues with the Polisy that I didn't have with the isy and it sounds like there's lots of bugs to iron out of the Eisy. Not sure I want to retire yet another UD device in favor of the new shiny till maybe it's a bit more polished? In the mean time I've got an Isy IR pro with the 500 board that not sure what to do with and not really ready to add a polisy pro to the pile.
  7. Is there a way to resize the program content window? It was always more or less maximized with the "Add to program" being just large enough to see everything and the "Program Content" occupying the rest of the screen. Somewhere along the way, don't recall if it was the move to a new laptop along with win 10 to 11 or the jump from ISY to IoP but every time when I initially log into ISY and load the programming windows the Content window is just a couple of lines at the top of the screen and Add to occupies the rest. I can grab the bar in the middle and drag it down, but is there some way to make it stick?
  8. "@Michel Kohanim tells you the super secret trick" Now if I did that it would loose it's "super secret" status! ......
  9. Right, I DO hit save. That's what I've been referring to. Isn't that what saves the finder file? I save it on the desktop so it's right there with the launcher file. I KNOW this works because I've done it before and has worked for quite a while. Was even working when I first migrated from ISY to IoP. It just stopped after the upgrade from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3. I'd seen the reference to adding a port number to it pop up and was searching back trying to find it to see if that was something I was needing to do when I ran across your post about it. But it really sounds as if that is only for local access which works perfectly for me. It populates the launcher just fine when I'm local, it's only when I'm remote that those extra lines don't show up.
  10. Yes, that's it exactly. I use a laptop. As before I wipe all the launcher info, go to the portal as pictured above and copy and past the info line into the finder (I've done this both at home and in the office). I've then saved the info and can log into IoP. However, if the next day I try to again log in from the office I cannot, I have to go to the portal and get the info again. I CAN log in via launcher any time I'm home (on the same network). It's like it isn't saving the info from the portal?
  11. Question: Does this: Enter https://polisy:8443/desc into the dialog Apply for trying to access IoP via the portal? Initially everything worked fine. Could access IoP from home directly and via portal. Then after upgrading to 5.4.3 it's like it keeps loosing the portal logon. It finds and logs into it fine from the local network, but if I'm remote and run the launcher it only has the first line without a type. If I ADD the info line from the portal it I can log in fine but saving seems to do nothing. It DOES create the finder file but obviously something is off. I've redownloaded the start file multiple times, deleted everything, even rebooting pc afterward, to no effect. Do I take the info line from info, and replace the "/isy/ portion with the above line?
  12. Any theories why the above two programs don't work the same? In the upper (the door) it works exactly as I aimed. Close the door, and pretty much disables the motion sensor until the door opens then the motion sensor takes over. The bottom one however, doesn't appear to ever disable the motion sensor program, resetting the count from what ever it is to "3" upon motion. So, if you're in the shower without the door closed (reason for fast on) and someone walks in and leaves the count is reset from "11" to "3".... It SHOULD disable the motion sensor program should it not?
  13. There is a BUNCH of the "S" switches popping up on EBay....
  14. Front Bath Door - [ID 0022][Parent 0005] If 'Front Bath / Front Bath Door' Status is Off Then $FrontBathLight = 25 Stop program 'Front Vanity Auto' Else $FrontBathLight = 1 Run Program 'Front Vanity Auto' (If) This one works, when I can change the node, I'll switch it to "Status On" ------------------- But this one (nearly identical) while it sets the State correctly, when there is motion it sets it to the value specified in "Front Vanity Auto" Front Bath Shower - [ID 0004][Parent 0005] If 'Front Bath / Front Vanity Light' is switched Fast On Then $FrontBathLight = 11 Stop program 'Front Vanity Auto' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I can actually watch it change the state from 11 or 10 to 3 when the motion sensor referenced in "front vanity auto" goes off.
  15. Yeah that's more or less what I'm looking for. I'm actually turning the light on with a multisensor 6. What I want to do is lick the light on for a longer timer if the door is closed. Did not get the chance to even open the laptop this weekend. Maybe later this week. Got it working with just calling when the sensor is off (door closed). I've also got it working when you turn switch on fast on. HOWEVER even though I'm calling the program that sets a state when fast on, it resets the timer when motion is detected...
  16. Huh.... Yeah, I see that in the options. I'll have to take a look at that this weekend and see. Thanks! Wound up with: If OFF set state X.... It works, just not what I was wanting it to do.
  17. The default mode of this switch is to turn on responders when open, turn off when closed. Is there a way to swap this?
  18. Papa C

    New to Polisy

    On both my phone and on my laptop if you look close you can see a faint blue but not near what all the others are. Some of the other links are even underlined. This one in particular just tends to blend in until you know it's there. I completely missed that page until Michel sent it to me. Working with him and Google right now to try to link back to Google after going to Polisy. Unlinked and tried to relink and Google consistently said UD not available. From the portal it errors and then checks that it's the correct account but still doesn't.
  19. Papa C

    New to Polisy

    Michel, the link in #8 under Migrating from 994 to Polisy doesn't stand out like the rest. I missed that as I was going down the list as I was migrating. I totally MISSED that page until you sent it to me yesterday. Might bolden or underline that link?
  20. This weekend moved from ISY to IoP. Missed the page that said to hit the migrate button and on my screen it was OFF the bottom of the screen so I didn't even see it. But, restored the backup to IoP followed the rest of directions and everything seemed good. Excluded and Included all ZWave and everything seemed to work fine, but no spokens. Ok, so spent some time on portal and entered all of them for Amazon and Google, discovered and sent to google, WALLA! All seemed to work. Happened to think, checked with Alexa, Lock Door, she did, unlock door, she said to do it manually, great! Then Google, lock door, she did, great! UNLOCK door, she did.... NOT cool! Ok, so lets look in the app to see if I can take care of that. Nothing is in the Home App. Hmmm, everything works. So decide to unlink it thinking if I relink everything will populate in the app. Unlink, ok fine. Try to link, constantly get the message "Could not reach Universal Devices. Try again later". So, after working with Michael he felt best course of action would be to start over. He reset my license to the trial put the time on the isy and I went at it again. Set it all up again, license transferred off ISY to IoP, but specifically said ZERO spokens transferred from Alexa and ZERO from Google. Ok, so even if I have to enter them all again so be it. I enter a few and try the link again, same thing, "Could not reach...". But NOW, in the portal if I try the "Send to Google" button, it errors out, asks if my email is the correct account (it's got it correct) and nothing happens. Amazon seems to be working fine, but cannot connect to google. Going through Google support there shows NO links to Universal Devices. It looks as if UD thinks I'm linked as it KNOWS my account and doesn't want to link an account that is already linked? Still waiting to hear more from Michael but looking for any other ideas?
  21. The friend I mentioned has the same isy as I (zw-ir pro). His had it. So, I went about adding it. Seemed simple enough, "If 3 am" then "Query ISY".... EXCEPT I couldn't find "Isy" as a device.... Finally typed "I" to start typing Isy and it "Popped Up" in the bottom of the list. I then saved it, so we'll see what happens. Just an FYI for anybody trying to add it and can't find Isy as a device.
  22. Not meaning to sound huffy, I just never heard of it and wondered what it should do or might cause if I didn't have it? Just chatting with a friend of mine, he too said he thought it "came factory" but I logged in and looked in my programs and only see what I've written. So, what does this query produce? Does it update links? You disabled yours with a failing plm. Is that because it might have messed with links? Yes, I've got the 994zw ir pro. Just ordered a Polisy pro, trying to catch up on reading to prep for change over and get everything "ship shape" to try to make it as smooth a transition as possible.
  23. So I need to write a program that queries the system every night? Have honestly never done this. I can't tell you how many years I've had it and my entire lighting system is Insteon. Hmmmm, will have to put that on my list. Suppose this carry over and need to be done on Isy on Polisy? Purpose? Just to update links and device statuses?
  24. I missed something somewhere... Nightly 3 am query? When did this start?
  25. I'm on 5.3.0 with three Schlage zwaves (connects, I think). This is the furthest from my ISY. There is one other lock between the two as well as a Zooz relay and a steel washer and dryer set. After moving to the 500 series card, deleting and reinstalling, they've all been pretty solid.....
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