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Everything posted by nickp

  1. BUG Report: Outlet Fast Off. I just found this out, and it is weird. On the OUTLET. Physical buttons on/off work as expected. Physical buttons fast on/off work as expected. Admin Console - on/off work as expected. Admin Console - Fast on/off on TOP outlet, works as expected. Admin Console - Fast on/off on BOTTOM outlet, changes the TOP outlet.
  2. Michel fixed me!!! In playing with some SSL settings, I ended up with VERIFY checked. Once UNCHECKED everything worked. Thanks Michel!
  3. I cleared the log (some old stuff in there) I restarted. Here is the current log. ISY Error Log.v4.6.2__Fri 2017.11.17 10.37.18 AM.txt
  4. Sorry, wasn't taking my Excel file. ZIP attached now. Also sent you the email - thank you.
  5. Sorry, I was in the process of attaching it - please see it attached.
  6. So, all of a sudden my ISY shows offline, and I've lost Alexa communication. I have pulled the logs, and gone through them, and they show a DNS error However, I can PING the portal. I have also gone (as another suggestion said) to the NTP settings. I manually set the clock 5 minutes fast, then used NTP to update the clock back to the regular time. It took less than a second to use NTP. I don't think I have a DNS issue. I don't think I have an Internet issue. But I cannot log into the portal. ANY ideas out there? ERRORS attached.
  7. My Alexa "smart home skills" did not list the ISY. I added the "ISY Optimized for SmartHome v2". I told it to forget my devices, and them re-discover them. It found nothing... Arrgh... After hitting discover a bunch of times, everything has finally come back. However "turn on desk lights" will result in "desk lights is not responding". Come on - let there be light.
  8. So, I have an Ecobee three, and this is sometimes working, sometimes not. I originally setup my Ecobee and called it StreetName. It made sense to me when looking at the app, but when Alexa supported it, saying "set streetname temp to 74 degrees" was confusing for the wife. So, i changed the ecobee name to home. Now, I can say "set home temperature to 74 degrees" and everyone is happy. However, with the new voice commands, I cannot say "alexa, what is the temperature at home" - she always replies with the weather report. I also cannot say "alexa, what is the temperature at master bed" as it tells me that device does not support that command. My ISY also has a device called "master bed" and I belive that is confusing. Lastly, the HUGE bug is that if I say "alexa, set home temperature to 74 degrees", it does so, but puts a permanent hold at that temp. It does not cancel the hold after 4 hours like the controller does, and does not switch to home/away/night mode. So until I manually cancel the 74 degrees on the controller, the temp is on hold So, this alexa stuff is almost working with my ecobee, but really not enough to be useful...
  9. Hey Ajax. I wrote a night light program that uses state variables to keep track of the "override" function. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20357-night-light-program/ Not sure if this will be helpful or not, but think it could completely apply to your program here. Basically, I use one variable to control the status of the lights (on/off) I use a 2nd variable to see if I'm allowed to control the scene (on/off). If a user changes the state of the lights (either up or down - anything that does not match the scene) then I disable the control. I only enable the control after the lights are manually put back into a certain state (in my case off, but if you have a "night scene" that sets them to 25% then look for that status.) I hope this helps. Nick.
  10. Hey Guys. Sorry if this is a dumb question... I have a friend who has a cabin in the woods. He has a satellite internet connection as nothing else is available. He has no way to allow inbound ports. The ISY portal is fantastic, as he can run the Mobilinc app on his phone, and control stuff. Is there a way for the admin console to access the ISY using the ISY portal? That way I could do programming for him, without having to drive out to the woods. (Trying to remote control his PC via a satellite connection is painful.) Thanks, Nick.
  11. Universal-Devices tech support got back to me - VERY FAST. They explained the same thing, and immediately gave me a refund. They did the back-end thing to make everything work again. They showed me this article about getting the Mobilinc Pro to work with the ISY portal. http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_MobiLinc_Configuration Great support, still love the product!
  12. So, I got my ISY last week, and started setting it up. Taking things slowly, and just playing with one or two devices to start with. I setup the Amazon Echo, and linked it through the portal. I could see the ISY was online. Over the weekend, I hooked up remote access using MobileLinc Pro. Got that working. Today I hooked up two new devices - the first in a room with an Echo/Dot device. I went into the online portal (which was working on Friday) and it says offline. it says offline since Saturday at 2pm - which is about the time I hooked up the MobileLinc portal. Is there a compatibility issue running both portals? Thanks, Nick.
  13. Follow up question on this program... I was having this discussion with a friend, and we thought that the nightlight solutions was great, but like all things we need to come up with exceptions to make sure it's happy. The though process was that a nightlight for the kids was a great idea in a hallway to a bathroom - come on for XX seconds, and then turn off. The exception process came up with - what if I then want to force the lights either on or off? Example. I specifically want the lights on at 100% and I want to cancel the motion sensor - because one of the kids just threw up in the hallway and I need to clean it up. I think the solution is to have separate MotionON and MotionOFF programs. Have the MotionON program call the MotionOFF program after XX seconds. Have the MotionOFF program check the light level before it turns off the lights, and if they're above 25% then exit and don't do anything with the lights. Can I check for a light level? Also, would it be worth checking if there is still motion in the hallway, and if so to wait an additional XXX seconds and test again. Lastly, can I hit the OFF button, and start a timer that disables the motion sensor for 5 minutes. So, I can force the night light off when I'm playing tooth fairy. ??
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