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Everything posted by upstatemike

  1. I Have the original SmartHome X-10 translator which is a PLC PowerHome uses a PLC Homeseer is currently a PLC but will be switched to a PLM EZX10RF is PLM based? EZIO8 has a PLM My Plan: Install a W800RF32A on my ELK panel and connect the ELK to an ISY 99.9 This will let me eliminate both of the EZ units and the X-10 translator. Convert Homeseer from the PLC to a PLM (Homeseer will not support the PLC in future releases. Not sure how ISY and Homeseer will work together yet. PowerHome only supports the PLC at this point but I will likely take it off line when I bring up the ISY. So the short answer is that I don't plan to keep any PLCs and just have to figure out how to work with Homeseer's PLM. Would be nice if Homeseer communicated to the ISY over the network like the Elk so I could have only 1 Insteon interface to manage.
  2. The calculator shows me at 662 links and I am about to order some more stuff... should I be worried? Will the ISY-99.9 work for me? 0 8-button keypads 13 6-button keypads 10 ControLincs 5 RemoteLincs 102 Switches 48 Plugin Modules and SocketLincs Did not count PLCs on Homeseer, PowerHome, and X-10 translator, Did not count EZIO8 or EZX10RF (Hope to eliminate after ISY is installed) Will be adding more SockeLincs, ApplianceLincs, Relay switches, KeypadLinc Relays, and RemoteLincs (say 10 more devices total).
  3. Will the details of both versions be released at EHX? I am anxiously awaiting 99.9 because of the large number of Insteon devices I have but I don't know if I also need the IR functionality without more information about it. Will IR functionality be in addition to all other features? Or will programming space require some sort of trade off? Will both versions work with an Elk security panel?
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