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  1. It's been a week and my MS6 is still showing Celsius. I've even tried many, many times to send parameters per Aeotec's own list and still no change. Not a huge deal to me as the only things I use the MS6 for is Lux and Motion for a few programs. But I would like it to return to Fahrenheit should I need temp info for future programs. It always started on Celsius and then usually by a day or two later it would change itself to F. I wonder if eisy is not yet sending location info for it to know where I am (east coast EST)
  2. Happy to report that the Motion sensor, after upgrading to 5.5.4, works normally again. Not always ON. So, my programs that rely upon ON/OFF states are working properly now. I still cannot get my Multisensor 6 (I am returning the 7 since now I know the 6 is not defective) to report in Fahrenheit although I have sent Parameter 64, Value 2 many, many times.
  3. Does migrating from ISY994 to eisy render the ISY994 useless (that is, without re-restoring/migrating back to the ISY994 if that's even possible)? Can the ISY994 still be used as normal after migration? Is it just a copy job to the eisy and not destructive to the ISY994's programming/settings?
  4. Thanks! I probably would've never found that on my own. I would buy the U-D kit if it was available but as soon as I get the ZMatter USB board (if it's the one shipping from Portland, I was supposed to get it yesterday but USPS screwed up again and it'll be 12/31) I will be migrating and shutting the old faithful ISY994 down.
  5. So, for anyone who's still with us .. and since the U-D kit is out of stock .. would THIS work as a replacement? https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-Ethernet-Converter-Compatible-Standard/dp/B08JLWRFH6/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=db9+to+rj45+converter&link_code=qs&qid=1672342715&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-3 Then, use my serial to USB that I already have? Or would the pins be off since this adapter is not made for the 2413S?
  6. I missed this on first read. I have a serial-to-USB converter that I used in the past. I assume that WILL work? Then, the kit (currently "Out of Stock" which is a bummer) has the RJ45 to serial converter although the pic doesn't show the two sides of that connector, the description does list it as such. So, I could use the RJ45 to RJ45 I've been using to the ISY into the converter and to my Serial to USB converter I have? If only it was available to order ..
  7. But we need serial (RJ45) to USB.
  8. The U-D kit listed above will not work. It is Serial to USB OR "ethernet" (albeit "serial") to "ethernet" (serial). As to creating my own cable. I might have the ability to search for the pin info but I do not have the time to do it and create/kludge a cable. Disappointed that we can't just use the 2413 to ISY cable ("ethernet"-->"ethernet") I've used for 7 years! We now have to search for a USB. Wondering if an ethernet to USB converter would work ..?
  9. My 2413S has ethernet out. Not the serial out. So, somehow I need an Ethernet to USB cable.
  10. My 2413S connects to my ISY994 with an ethernet cable (both ends). What cable do I need to connect to the eisy? Obviously, ethernet to USB, but is there an off the rack cable that I can use? I looked for any cables that came with the 2413 but I either didn't get one with it or I've misplaced it.
  11. NFLnut

    eisy ZMatter USB

    Yep. That's what I use HA for. As a complement and a convenient interface on a browser page that I always keep loaded on my house computers. I really like that all of my Samsung TVs in the house show up with what's currently playing on them. I can control the volume, and turn them on/off from the HA interface. I can control my Squeezeboxen and what is playing on them, pause, and control the volume from that interface. Plex too. Turn the Denon AVR on/off/volume. But HA does NOT replace the (e)ISY.
  12. I jumped. Ordered the Z-Matter USB, also. Noticed it says "Beta." Will this be upgradable to the final version? Also, does the Z-Matter USB come with the antennas?
  13. Yep. Hence the reason I am buying an eisy. I never bought the Polisy because I was pretty happy with the ISY994 and didn't really understand Polyglot (still really don't ..) until I found out that because of my old Z-wave board, I can't upgrade past 5.02. And then, several of my Insteon devices went belly up and they were gone. By then, the Polisy's were no longer available. And I'll need to add a ZMatter board.
  14. I looked for the mini-remotes (2342-2) but have not seen them on their site. I would buy several today if I saw them.
  15. Here's my $0.02 that no one asked for, nor wanted. I have had my ISY994i ZW/IR PRO since Jan 2017. I'm not a power user i.e. I haven't set up a lot of complicated programs, etc. Just never had time to learn but I do have a fair number of devices that I have set up basic daily automation for. I started many years ago with HALDeluxe and a bunch of X10 devices (some still going including X10 thermostats in a zone system). Slowly replaced with Insteon. Very few Z-wave since Insteon was often way too expensive. Started messing around with HA on a Pi. Then, I moved it to my UnRAID server on a VM (works GREAT .. much better than the Pi). Until Insteon went belly up, so I just started dabbling with Zigbee and a couple Shelly devices. Which required me to look for a secondary hub and I bought a Hubitat Elevation to control Zigbee. I was able to get an ISY bridge set up on HE and I've had a bridge on the HA for quite a while which controls everything. Here's the deal .. I MUCH prefer the ISY and so I will be buying an eisy the minute I see them available. **BUT** even though I like the Admin Console to some extent and it's powerful simplicity for programing and setup, I much prefer using the dashboards on HA for controlling devices and getting an overall glance of everything (just being honest). Even having my DirecTV DVRs and what's playing and ability to pause, FF, REW, control TVs and my Squeezebox players (and what's playing. Pause, REW, FF). So, I will continue to use both the ISY AC AND HA. If I can get the Z-Matter/Zigbee running on the eisy, I will unplug the Hubitat as I only bought it for Zigbee, I have the old Z-wave card in my ISY so I can't update it to use the latest Polyglot which the eisy will enable. For the TL:DR crowd .. I still prefer the ISY so will go with eisy. I would personally NOT try to run HA on the eisy even though it seems to have plenty of horsepower. I prefer separation. It's far too easy and I think a better idea to run it on a Pi or a server. UnRAID has run it with no problems and much better than my Pi did. I'm just hoping that I can find replacements for my Insteon devices that are as reliable. That is my current predicament. I have to find a decent replacement for my Insteon 8-button Mini Remote Controls. I've found no substitute.
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