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Everything posted by therevpep

  1. aLf, The most important features are in Help/User Guide which is probably the best place to get started. Also, if you'd like, we can give you a call and walk you through it. The most important concepts are: 1. Controllers ... devices that can control other devices 2. Responders ... devices that can respond to other devices 3. Linking ... the process through which you link devices into ISY (either through Link Management->Start Linking or using the button with two arrows in opposite directions) 4. Scene ... a grouping of devices where some play as controllers and some as responders. To create a scene, click on Link Management->New Scene or the button that looks like a color pallette Now: a. Some devices are only controllers only such as ControLinc, RemoteLinc ... To link them, you have to use Link Management->Link a ControLinc/RemoteLinc b. Some devices are responders only such as inlinelinc, lamplinc, and outletlinc c. Others are both suchas KeypadLinc, SwitchLinc So, the first step is link your devices. To link: 1. Click on Link Management -> Start Linking (except for ControLinc and RemoteLinc) 2. In the ensuing dialog, choose whether or not you want to crawl and find other devices 3. Go around the room and click and hold the set button for the devices to be linked for 3-5 seconds 4. Come back to your computer and then click on the Cancel button You can also add your devices by their addresses. To do so, choose Link Management->New Insteon Device. Then, you'd create a scene: 1. Click on Link Management->New Scene 2. Enter a meaningful name for your scene 3. Press and hold the Ctrl button on your Keyboard, and then click on all the devices that you want to be in the scene 4. Right mouse click on your selection and choose "Move to Scene" menu option. In the ensuing dialog, choose the scene to which you want the devices moved (added) 5. You will be presented with a dialog which is going to give you the opportunity to change the role of the devices within the scene. Simply, click on your device, and then click on Controller/Responder button to change the relationship. 6. Click OK I think this should give you enough to get started. With kind regards, Michel
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