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  1. I was wondering if it's possible to have a program send a text to speech command to my Alexa. For instance when I run a program from a speech command thru my Alexa if it sees a certain variable value it would speak a TTS line back thru the Alexa. Thanks in advance Joe
  2. Thanks for the prompt support, I got it now!
  3. I would like to issue an Alexa command that would run the "then" command of a particular program on my EISY, how would I do this? Thanks in advance Joe
  4. My Insteon 2 wire (no Nuetral) device died and I installed the 52252 Z Wave device and it was found by my AC and showed up as 5 nodes but I only need the first to control it directly. I can send On and Off commands and they work. However I receive no status update, it always shows as Off whether I turn it on with a command or physically at the switch. Additionally nothing happens when I send a dim or brighten command and the set level does nothing but send an On command at 100% regardless of the setting I give. Any advise? I found something on the net about setting parameter 29 to 1 to enable status but when I use the set configuration menu I don't think anything is happening even when I have it in linking mode. Thanks in advance Joe
  5. How I finally got Zooz Z-Wave Zen34 Remote Switch to work with Universal Devices EISY Platform After much trial and error and time I was able to finally get my new Zen34 switches working with the Universal Devices EISY v5.5.9 firmware. I will describe what I did and note it finally worked for the first couple switches but it took 3 tries for the additional switches to work so it’s not fool proof by any means. The key seems to be to get the “Awake Mode” of the Zen34 switch extended for a longer time by a method provided to me by Zooz support. 1st - Launch “Add a Z-Wave Device” in the Admin Controller of the EISY 2nd - Put the Zen34 into “Inclusion Mode” with 6 upper paddle taps per Zooz instructions. The EISY “interview” will discover the device and begin the interview process. Have the Device ID number from the back of the Zen34 handy because it needs to be entered once the device is discovered. I didn’t change any of the default values on the ID enter window just entered the ID and entered. Next window is just verification, I hit verify. The “Interview” process will continue now. Soon the blue flashing light (indicating awake and in inclusion mode) will go off and the green light will flash indicating a success inclusion. The EISY interview process continues for a short time even though the Zen34 is no longer Awake, let it finish. No matter how long the Zen34 stays in inclusion mode (blue light flashing followed by green light) only 3 nodes will sync and show up in the Admin Console: ZY xx Wall Controller ZY xx Wake Up ZY xx SC Basic Controller Additionally, no on or off signals will be received by the EISY either 3rd - Reset the “Stay Awake” time by selecting the “ZY xx Wall Controller” node Change Parameter Number to 4 and Parameter Value to 1 (Leave 1 Byte) To input these into the Zen34 I used 7 upper paddle taps to “Awake” the switch and quickly hit “Set Configuration” to the left of values AND “Write Changes” at bottom on the Admin Console screen before blue light turns off so it’s still Awake. Then I tested by tapping upper paddle 7 times and see if it stays in Awake mode for ~30 secs if not repeat until it works, now it stays awake longer to enable sufficient “interview” time I believe. Now is where it gets tricky and unpredictable. To obtain the missing 2 necessary nodes I had to run what’s called “Update with Interview” additionally I set Z-wave “Compatibility Mode - On” and “Validation – Off” I’m not sure if that makes a difference or not but I did it before running the “Update with Interview” just in case after I read the notes for those 2 entries saying it could help with some Z-wave devices. 4th - Select “Wall Controller” node and right click to select the above-mentioned actions. Wake up Zen34 with 7 upper paddle taps then quickly execute the Compatibility On, Validation Off and most importantly “Update with Interview” which is found under Synchronize. The “Interview” process will begin and now the Zen34 stays awake long enough to obtain the 2 missing nodes “ZY xx Scene Button 1” and “ZY xx Scene Button 2” which enables 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 tap On’s with Button 1 (the upper paddle) and all 5 tap Off’s with the lower paddle finally. However, sometimes instead of adding the 2 missing nodes it deletes two of original nodes leaving only the “Wall Controller” node and I had to repeat the process 1 or 2 more times to finally obtain all 5 nodes. So again, I’m not sure the Compatibility mode On and Validation Off changes are necessary. Since I finally got my five Zen34 switches working after countless hours I didn’t want to experiment further and lose what I achieved. I believe the main key is to extend the “Awake” time as illustrated but this can only be done after the initial inclusion is achieved which never sync’s all 5 nodes. To change the parameters required me to act quickly because when the device is “Awakened” it only stays awake for a brief time to Set Configuration” as described earlier and I not sure the “Set Configuration” entry AND “Write Changes” entry both had to be executed but I did so just in case. Perhaps Zooz support could increase default “Awake” values and maybe that would allow the inclusion process to obtain all 5 nodes but I’m not sure. Additionally, if Zooz support and Universal Devices support could contact each other and discuss and/or experiment a better method could be achieved. As Insteon remote battery switches seem to be unavailable moving forward and many are moving to Z-wave anyway these Zen34 switches provide many useful benefits in a wide variety of applications way beyond light control when coupled with a hub like EISY or others utilizing program enablement with the input of these switch commands. I hope this makes enough sense to help others get these Zen34 devices working with the Universal Devices EISY platform.
  6. Sorry to hear you had such trouble. I am converting from an Insteon setup house to Z-wave but so far it's not going well. I was able to get 2 remote switches to work finally through hours of repeated trial an error but the new 3 Zen34 remote switches I can't get to work. I haven't lost my Z-wave communication to the 2 existing remotes or the Z-wave AC relay I have to my garage door but let me tell you I'm loosing faith in this conversion with my new EISY. Luckily my other 20+ Insteon devices and 1 old X-10 relay panel for my sprinklers are working! Thanks for the response but I'm still struggling. The Zooz people told me to Would you be able to try changing the following setting to see if that helps?: Wake-up time Parameter 4: Choose how long the ZEN34 will stay awake for when manually woken up (with 7 tap up on paddle). Values: 0 – short wake-up until it receives the wake up no more command from the hub (default); 1 – longer 30-second wake-up time (to make it easier to change multiple parameters at a time). Size: 1 byte dec However since the original interview keeps falling short even if I could change this parameter it's too late. I've tried 26 times now
  7. Thanks i have searched and read every topic on the Zen34 on this forum and Zooz’s but no luck. Also my EISY is about 4 feet from the new device as I try to set it up. I will try keeping the device awake by continued wake up mode presses and see what happens, again thanks for the suggestions.
  8. Thanks for the reply That's what I meant in my previous response, I did the factory reset after excluding it then include and again the device is found and shows up but only with the 3 nodes and only 1 click on and 1 click off working because of the missing other two modes. I appears to successfully link showing the green light but EISY is still interviewing and appears to miss the other 2 nodes. I know these nodes are available as I got them to link with 2 other Zen34's several weeks ago with multiple attempts and approaches and one finally worked but I can't seem to replicate it.
  9. Thanks but I've removed and reset the Zen34 several times and still only the 3 nodes
  10. Thanks for the reply and I've tried all the above. It seems to be hit and miss as I got two others to finally work with v5.5.5 but now no luck even after I upgraded to 5.5.9 I wish there was a procedure that worked. It seems the Zen34 Switch thinks it linked and shuts off before all 5 nodes are sync'd but maybe it still only links 3 and the other 2 come from the methods you mentioned and i have tried but it seems random and in the end like you I can't point my finger to how I got the previous 2 switches to work before.
  11. I have been able to link my Zen34 remote switch however I only get three of the typical 5 options: Wall Controller Wake Up SC Basic Controller I cant get EISY to find the 2 Central Scene Controls - ZY xxx-xxxxx1 and ZY xxx-xxxxx2 Without these EISY only sees one click on and one click off not the additional 2, 3, 4 and 5 click options. After several resets and discoveries I was able to get 2 previous Zen34 to finally work and see all 5 nodes several weeks ago but can't get it to happen with my additional switches now. I upgraded to v5.5.9 still no luck. I also tried to "Keep AWake" method but still only the 3 nodes. Does anyone have advise on how to make sure the Zen34 doesn't stop connection before all nodes are linked? It worked for me a few weeks ago but no luck now no matter how many times, resets and relinks I try. Thanks in advance Joe
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