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About Mayben

  • Birthday August 24

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  • Location
    Sparta, NJ
  • Occupation
    Firefighter, Project Engineer

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  1. UPDATE: Seems to be holding, will work on getting the ZWave devices working again. I'll check the Sunset program - after sunset
  2. OK - so I was just able to update to 5.8.4, let's see if it holds!
  3. Hi! Ever since upgrading to 5.8.3, I've been stuck in a loop where it constantly shows System Busy, goes to 100%, closes that alert, then starts again. Additionally, previous programs no longer work, nor do the Z-Wave devices. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  4. I've tried updating and am encountering issues. I cannot locate the ISY via launcher nor the web based, however, I do see it shown on my Network. I used the command "sudo tail -f /var/udx/logs/log" and receive the following: I also tried shutting it down, removing power, then powering back up and nothing has changed. I then tried hitting the multi function button twice to force a restart, nothing. The far left LED on front panel is the only lit. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  5. Mayben

    What is the EISY?

    I bought my Polisy Pro at the end of March
  6. Thank you for the update @Michel Kohanim
  7. Mayben

    Apple Watch

    Hello all! I'm not sure if it's on the development list or not, but it would be great to see UD Mobile expand to the Apple Watch. I had this functionality previously with MobiLinc Orchestra, I don't recall if it was on MobiLinc X. Thanks!
  8. I'd like to see the list as well. thanks!
  9. Another update: Most of it is working now, but there are still a couple scenes and switches acting funky.
  10. Alrighty, todays update is as follows: I've rebooted the Polisy again per @MrBill's suggestion. The PLM is now connected! Stuff seems to be turning on w/ UD Mobile, but not turning off, HOWEVER, when I'm in the Admin Console, there seems to be some updates happening. I've tried restoring the PLM, but that does not seem to help. When trying to activate scenes, nothing happens. When trying to active the device itself, it says it cannot communicate. I've rebooted the ISY again without luck. I have not had a chance to check for threads for these "new" issues as I'm sure it's covered somewhere. But at least the PLM is connected! LOL
  11. I've rebooted the Polisy a few times, but will certainly give that a shot another time or two. @JaviI did not get to swap the cable yet, wife left on a work trip and kids have kept me occupied! Hopefully I can check in a little if the Polisy reboot doesn't work
  12. I have not mainly because it was working fine until I decided to move everything back to basement. I'll give that a shot.
  13. I can connect to the Admin Console. I've also confirmed that Insteon support is checked.
  14. Damn - it's saying PLM isn't connected, what gives? I've double checked everything, unplugged, plugged in, etc
  15. UPDATE, it is now showing Online, however, the ISY cannot connected to devices now. I'll go and double check the PLM connection again.
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