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About Mayben

  • Birthday August 24

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  • Location
    Sparta, NJ
  • Occupation
    Firefighter, Project Engineer

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  1. I've tried updating and am encountering issues. I cannot locate the ISY via launcher nor the web based, however, I do see it shown on my Network. I used the command "sudo tail -f /var/udx/logs/log" and receive the following: I also tried shutting it down, removing power, then powering back up and nothing has changed. I then tried hitting the multi function button twice to force a restart, nothing. The far left LED on front panel is the only lit. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  2. Mayben

    What is the EISY?

    I bought my Polisy Pro at the end of March
  3. Thank you for the update @Michel Kohanim
  4. Mayben

    Apple Watch

    Hello all! I'm not sure if it's on the development list or not, but it would be great to see UD Mobile expand to the Apple Watch. I had this functionality previously with MobiLinc Orchestra, I don't recall if it was on MobiLinc X. Thanks!
  5. I'd like to see the list as well. thanks!
  6. @Javithat did the trick, took a couple tries, but works!
  7. @JaviI've got the new Mac. I installed UD Mobile, logged in, and went to restore from backup. Upon restart of the app, I've been unable to open the app since.
  8. @Javithat is great information. I do upload and edit raw photos, which makes the upgrades appealing, albeit, I've been lazy and avoiding shooting with my rig and just accepting iPhone shots, lol. So, there's the pickle!
  9. @JaviI was looking last night, I can get the MBP M1 Max today at a couple of the local Apple Stores. I'm trying to decide whether I really NEED the M1 Max or if the M1 Pro would suffice, basically $3499 vs $2699. I like the jump to 32GB ram and the graphics upgrade sounds great as well. BUT, I'm trying to justify as I wasn't planning on upgrading yet, but my 2016 MBP w/ Touch Bar's screen stopped working, I believe due to FlexGate, and a new screen is not worth it.
  10. Hey @Javi, I need to get a new MBP, so I'll help with testing as well. Care to help toward the cause of procuring the new one? LOL Usually, Apple has special pricing for first responders, usually mirroring the Education discount, however, it's not currently showing.
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