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About dantoronto

  • Birthday 08/02/1953

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    Toronto, Ontario

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  1. For the record. The forwarding of port 3001 should be to the IP address of the ISY/eISY and not of the Rachio. Restart the Rachio node and voila, the Rachio data shows up in the Admin console. OPTIONAL: Key: 'port' Value: External port (integer) for polyglot server. Note: This port must be opened through firewall and forwarded to the internal polyglot server. Defaults to '3001' if no entry given but opening port is not optional (required for Rachio websockets). or required or used for polyglot cloud.
  2. Thanks for your response. My configuration looks right. As I said, my sprinkler zones get listed in the admin console. But no data appears. Sigh
  3. One last (I hope!!) question. Not sure if I misunderstood your instructions. In my ELK, you advised that under M1WEP Setup / TCP/IP Settings, I should enable non-secure port and set it to 2101. Which I had. And that in the configuration for the ELK Node, under host, you said to put in the IP address for my ELK with ":2101", e.g. 192.168.xx.yyy:2101". And this all now works!! My question is whether on the first page of my ELK account details, I have have for the "Port to use for connecting", I should/must have it set to the non secure port or can I have it set to the secure port. All the material I have read or seen has that setting as the secure port. Am I less secure? And will the connection work if that setting is the secure port? You had previously said: > Host: the IP Address for the ELK with 2101. 192.168.50.xx:2101 Please confirm with ElkRP2 that unsecure port is allowed and is set to 2101. That is correct. and yes, if someone is able to get onto your LAN they can connect to the unsecure port, but they still need a user code to arm/disarm. I could allow connecting via the secure port, but then would have to store the username/password in PG3 which does not yet have a secure way to store the data. Thanks much
  4. and in the port forwarding, does it matter which protocol? TCP or UDP or both?
  5. sorry, could you please explain that in less technical terms? 1. I have the API key from Rachio 2..for Host, I have the external WAN IP for my modem. from www.whatismyip.com Correct?? 3. 3001 And in my router, I port forwarded 3001 to the IP address for my Rachio. Correct? I get my sprinkler zones listed in my admin console but no data shows up. Thanks
  6. sorry. I thought you sent me a note to move this to this topic. Yes, you solved my problem. Perfectly. Thanks
  7. For years, I had my ISY connected perfectly to my ELK. I was able to create ISY programs which allowed me to tell Alexa to arm our alarm alarm, our alarm away and our alarm vacation. All was great. For whatever reason, I decided that it was time to upgrade from ISY to eISY. For no other reason than to support UD and to future proof. Migration certainly wasn't easy but Michel and his crew were amazing. I finally got most features up and running. But not my ELK module I purchased in the Polygot. I am certainly not an expert techie. Or even very good. But I read everything I could to figure out how to properly configure. The post by zorax2 was especially helpful Initial Elk Setup for eisy (Note: Elk Module for ISY-994 does not work on eisy) I followed each step. I think exactly, In my router, I port forwarded 2101 for the IP address for my ELK. I used TCP as the protocol. I could have also used UDP or Both. I created a static address for the IP address for my ELK under the MIXEP Setup / TCP/IP Settings My ELK Polyglot configuration is: Host: the IP Address for the ELK with 2101. 192.168.50.xx:2101 user_code: used the password we use to arm or disarm our ELK keypad areas: 1 outputs: 1-16 change_node_names: false light_method NONE But still I do not get the following steps in zorax2's post: 15. If successful, the Elk Controller and Elk Outputs, Zones and Controllers will show up on the left side where your devices are found. 16. At the top of the list of names of your zones will likely be “Home”. Click on “Home”. This will bring you to the current status of Area 1 of your alarm system. There is now a dropdown box that you can change to arm, disarm, etc. Choose what you would like to do and then click the dialog box “Set armed Status” to whatever you’ve selected. This process is different from the Elk Portal Module where the Armed status was listed next to the “Main”, “Programs”, “Configuration” part of the Administrative Console. On the admin console, I don't have Elk Outputs, Zones and Controllers. The Elk Controller says that NodeServe Online is "Connected". Remote Programming Status is "Disconnected" Everything else is "False". And under Programs / Actions, I can't get a pull down for ELK Controller to get ELK to arm itself in a program. Please, what am I doing wrong??!!
  8. sorry for the intrusion. Is the host supposed to be the DDNS for my modem or the IP address of my Rachio? And I should be port forwarding 3001 pointing to the IP address of my Rachio? Trying to fix my set up and configuration. I am not getting any data coming into my admin console! Thanks
  9. Sorry that I hijacked this topic. Jim was extremely helpful Thanks. And now I have the same issue/question that KHouse had to start. I have programs in my admin console that, with my old ISY, I could trigger by asking Alexa to Arm Alarm. With eISY, those programs no longer work. Interested to learn the solution. Thanks
  10. Did you delete both logs I attached. Sorry. Now I work on Rachio!!!!
  11. Wow. I finally got connected. And now under eISY/Main/ELK Controller/M1EXP it says Connected!!! And I now have all the pull downs I need to program the program that works with Alexa. Will test that in the morning. Thanks so much!!!! To confirm, I am now having ELK connect via non-secure 2101. That is OK? Am I less secure? I do not have ELK making its IP Address static. That is only done in my router. My router now calls that address as being "Manual". Used to say it was "Static". Seems the same. This seems very different from what I was following eKeypad XEP Best Practices - Dec 2017.pages I have to figure out how to connect to the ELK remotely. Says it should be via secure. Should you change M1EXP to M1XEP?
  12. I checked the non-secure port and sent it to the M1EXP. By the way, is it MIXEP or M1EXP? I unchecked status from the M1XEP setup. And then rebooted. Now ELK won't connect to Network Attached is the log before I changed the static designation under the MiXEP setup / TCP/IP Settings. Will try to figure out what is wrong now. Sigh
  13. Jim you are very patient Here is what I have done. 1. I have removed all port forwarding for the ELK IP Address. I thought I had read this was required in order to access the ELK remotely. 2. In the node configuration, for user_code, I have kept the numbers we use to arm and disarm our ELK keypad. 3. I have changed the account details so that the Port to use for connecting is now 2101 and "Connect Non-Secure is now checked off. Again, this is different form what I was told to do for remote access to the the ELK. 4. I have reserved the IP Address for the ELK in both the M1XEP and my router. Both are static. How do I email you my log for the eISY? I tried to attach it. Still no change under eISY, M1EXP (sp?) Status is FALSE, NodeServer Errors is 0 Thanks much
  14. Responses Q: There is no need to port forward if the eISY & Elk are both on the same LAN. A: The ELK and eISY are on the same network. To be clear, they are both connected to the same ethernet switch which is then connected to my router. My modem is on bridge mode and it is my wireless router that gives out the IP addresses. Is any of that a problem?? Q: Personally I don't use the same code as other users, I create a new code just for the plugin so I can know who did it. A: Does this user_ cod mean anything? I assume using my ELK sign in numbers is good enough. Correct? Q: Please confirm with ElkRP2 that unsecure port is allowed and is set to 2101. A: I had it set to 2601. Changed the settings to the way you show. I then saved the changed and rebooted ELK. I then rebooted eISY. No change. Still shows M1WEP status as "False" Q: Personally I'd do this on the router and let the Elk obtain the IP from the router with DHCP. A: I would prefer that but someone said static was better. Should I change it?
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