I moved to a new house about six months ago and went with an ISY 994i/IR Pro. (Currently running v.4.5.4) This is my first real foray into home automation since messing around with X10 20 years ago. I replaced every switch and dimmer in the house with Insteon switches and dimmers. (2477D's and 2477S's, all v.45) I added several 8-button keypads. (2334-222) I successfully used the ISY interface and got the keypad buttons into scenes with various lights. I soon learned that if I wanted to use a program on the ISY to control a device, I really needed to control the scene. If I controlled the device directly, the button on the keypad wouldn't reflect the change in the device's status. So I decided to put all my devices into scenes whether I had a keypad button associated with it or not. All my programs control scenes rather than devices. That way, if I decide to make a device part of a scene later on, I don't have to go back and modify my programs; they'll already be talking to the scene. I have four devices, however, that cannot be controlled with a scene. (Three 2477D v.45's and one 2477S v.45.) I have created scenes for these devices. They are the only devices in those scenes and they are controllers. When I send an on or off command to the scene, nothing happens. However, when i send an on or off command to the device itself, it works flawlessly. I have many other devices set up exactly the same way and I am able to control them with their scene. While doing this, I watch the event log and the command that goes out appears to be identical whether I'm talking to the scene or to the devices. Strangely one works; the other doesn't. I have tried removing them from the scene, creating brand new scenes, and re-adding them. No luck. For the life of me, I cannot see any difference in the way these switches are set up versus other devices and scenes that are working just fine. The ones that fail, do indeed fail the scene test under diagnostics.
Here's a scene that's failing.
Fri 02/03/2017 10:30:59 : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 44 13 00 06
Fri 02/03/2017 10:31:00 : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06
Fri 02/03/2017 10:31:00 : [INST-SRX ] 02 50 41.98.C2 40.51.8F E5 13 FF LTOFFRR(FF)
<html><font color="red">----- Kate's Bathroom Light Test Results -----</font></html>
<html><font color="red">[Failed]</font> Kate's Bathroom Light (41 98 C2 1)</html>
<html><font color="red">----- Kate's Bathroom Light Test Results -----</font></html>
Here's a scene that's working fine for comparison.
Fri 02/03/2017 09:09:01 : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 46 13 00 06
Fri 02/03/2017 09:09:01 : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06
Fri 02/03/2017 09:09:01 : [INST-SRX ] 02 50 41.B1.0A 40.51.8F 65 13 46 LTOFFRR(46)
Fri 02/03/2017 09:09:01 : [Std-Cleanup Ack] 41.B1.0A-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1
<html><font color="red">----- Loft Light Test Results -----</font></html>
<html><font color="red">[Succeeded]</font> Loft Light (41 B1 A 1)</html>
<html><font color="red">----- Loft Light Test Results -----</font></html>
Fri 02/03/2017 09:09:09 : [INST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.46 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)
I have read many forum threads about device interference, and the need to install a phase coupler or range extender. I don't think that's the issue here. If I send a command directly to the device, it works 100% of the time. If I send a command to the scene, it works 0% of the time. I have performed a "Restore PLM." That seemed to go okay. No indications of any errors in the event log during that process. But it did not yield any change in the situation. I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious and once I find out what it is, I 'm going to feel very silly about myself. Any ideas come to mind?