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  1. Cool thanks. So I won't be able to use it in my case but for future reference where is this replace device function? I read that I need to move the device in the root folder of the ISY but for the life of me I can't get it moved out of the folder it's in. Is there a trick to it?
  2. I guess I have to related questions: 1) On the ISY 994 how can I replace an Insteon Device with a replacement Insteon Device without having to re-program all the links and connections? Is this even possible? 2) If it is possible can I replace a Dimmer Module with an On/Off module or can you only replace devices if they are 100% the same? Thanks so much!
  3. I created a Home Assistant Scene with 6 Insteon devices. When I execute the scene only a few of the devices turn on. I initially thought that I may be dealing with an Insteon queue overflow congestion problem, however, genius @MrBill posted the following in another thread: So I followed his advice and did a test. OBSERVATION (VIEW SCREEN RECORDING HERE): Every time I execute the scene a different set of devices responds. Sometimes 5, sometimes 4, sometimes only 2. The ISY only shows the same 5, 4, or 2 lights as being turned on. The physical lights always match what is shown in the ISY interface. This leads me to believe that I am dealing with a communication issue between my Home Assistant Instance and the ISY994. At least that's how I understood @MrBill's comment. QUESTIONS: 1) Would you guys agree that this is a HA -> ISY communication issue rather than an Insteon queue overflow issue? 2) If so how can I troubleshoot a communication issue between HA and the ISY? SETUP: ISY994i Firmware v.5.3.4 Home Assistant 2022.11.1 / OS 9.3 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ Universal Devices ISY994 HA integration This is the test scene I created:
  4. Venicenerd


    I am so curious how all of this will play out. Really hoping that ISY will embrace Matter full heartedly. It could be so great!
  5. Venicenerd


    Correct. But if Polisy will be a proper Matter hub any devices connected it could be exposed via Matter. Same as Philip's Hue bulbs won't support matter but the Philip's hub will be upgraded to matter so that the bulbs will be exposed to matter via the hub.
  6. Venicenerd


    What I would like to know is devices available on the ISY will be able to be used by other Matter Hubs. I'm way more interested bridging my Insteon devices from the ISY to other places than having matter devices show up on my ISY. Will this be possible?
  7. I'm using the ISY 994 and the the Home Assistant integration to bring all of my Insteon devices into Home Assistant. From there I bridge them over to HomeKit so I can control my lights via Siri. I'm struggling getting scenes to work properly. I've tried two ways: I. HOME ASSISTANT/HOMEKIT SCENES I create scenes directly in Home Assistant and HomeKit and place all of the individual Insteon devices inside the scene. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work reliably for me. As soon as there are more than 3-4 Insteon devices in one scene some of them don't fire when I execute the scene. I have heard some people say that this is due to Insteon network congestion. I wanted to see if everyone else here has the same experience or if perhaps there is something wrong with my setup? I'm not trying to create massive scenes. Up to 10 Insteon devices would work for most of my scenes. II. ISY/INSTEON SCENES Here I create a scene on the ISY itself and then bring that scene into Home Assistant as a switch: Then I bridge those switches over to HomeKit. So now when I say "Hey Siri, set Sunset lights" the "HA Scene Sunset Lights" switch in Home Assistant turns on. The ISY then turns off the six lights specified in the scene, and turns on the "Bedroom Deck Door" and "Front Door" at 100% brightness. So far so good! The problem arises when I change just one of the lights manually. If, for example, I turn off the "Kitchen Deck" light (either by switch, inside ISY, HA, or HomeKit) the "HA Scene Sunset Lights" switch inside HASS will remain in the "on" position. Therefore, I won't be able to execute my scene via HomeKit again since both HomeKit and Home Assistant believe the scene is still active. The switch is already "on" so obviously they will not try to turn it on again. This can get really messy as certain lights are part of multiple scenes. So as soon as things become out of sync one can no longer, reliably execute scenes this way. Also if you have two scenes with the same Insteon devices but but each set to different brightness levels this will not work. Is there no way to specify that Home Assistant should only consider the "ISY Scene Switch" as turned on when the scene is in the EXACT state that you have specified on the ISY? If any of the lights are not in the EXACT state (on/off, brightness, etc...) it should be displayed as "off". SUMMARY Obviously I would prefer to just create all of my scenes natively inside Home Assistant and HomeKit itself. Is this truly not possible with ore than 3-4 Insteon devices at a time? If going the ISY scene is the only way I would love to find out if there is a better way to go about this so that Home Assistant only report the scene as "on" when all devices are in the exact state as specified. There must be a better way to deal with this, right? I am open to all thoughts and suggestion. I am sure others must be struggling with this as well?
  8. I hope you have been able to solve your issue. **HIJACK WARNING - IGNORE IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING ISSUES** Your setup looks exactly like mine so I was wondering if you have had any issues creating your scenes, containing Insteon devices, in Home Assistant itself? When I place more than 3-4 Insteon devices into a Home Assistant scene not all of the Insteon devices respond. I assume the Insteon Network may get overwhelmed? However, when I create an Insteon Scene on the ISY itself and control the entire scene through a Home Assistant Switch the issue becomes that HA will still show the scene/switch as "on" even if not all devices of that scene are turned on. This will stop my automations inside HA from working correctly since they will not turn the scene on again since they believe it's still on. So if I tell Siri "Set the scene arriving home" it will turn on all of the lights and the HA switch for the scene turns on. But then if I turn off just one of the lights in that scene the HA switch will remain as "on". So now when I tell Siri "Set the scene arriving home" it won't turn that light back on since the entire scene still shows as activated in HA. Wondering how you are dealing with this?
  9. Ahh! Ok so I did it wrong and created Integer variables just like you said! Can I just delete the Integer Variables and re-create a State Variable with the same name or do I need to do anything else to fix this? Thanks for the help!
  10. No it’s not that I’m worried I may just not be understanding matter correctly. As far as I understand just because something is a matter device doesn’t have to mean it’s also a matter controller. I understand that they Eisy will be a matter controller but, to me, that doesn’t mean it will also be a matter device. As far as I understand there would need to be some sort of software implementation that would let the Eisy take certain Insteon devices, and advertise them as matter devices. Forget about HomeKit. I’m strictly speaking matter. If you want we can use Alexa or Google as an example. I just want to know if I add Insteon devices to my Eisy, will the Eisy provide me with a matter code that I can use to import said devices into Google Home VIA matter. (I really don’t understand how it would do this without some sort of software implementation that lets you select WHICH Eisy devices you want to be advertised as matter devices. The Eisy would also need to generate some sort of pin code that you can use to add these devices to your Google home via matter)
  11. Apple will fully support matter. Why do you think they won’t? They are part of the consortium that created Matter and they will fully support it later this year when matter is officially launched. https://csa-iot.org/members/
  12. The beauty about a matter bridge would be that you could use it to integrate with HomeKit OR Alexa OR Google OR even Home Assistant. Or all at the same time. It just opens up so many possibilities.
  13. Apple has stated that any matter compatible device will natively be supported by HomeKit. I know apple often do their own thing but when they commit to playing along they usually do. I’m not concerned about Apple pulling a fast one on Matter support. I’m just wondering if UD would be interested to build us a matter bridge to translate Insteon devices to matter.
  14. Well I figure if an Insteon device is in the Eisy there could be some sort of matter bridge that lets you choose which devices to bridge over to matter. Kind of like HomeAssistant has a HomeKit Bridge which lets you choose which devices to bridge over. I know UD was always hesitant to build something specifically for HomeKit due to licensing concerns but that should no longer be the case with matter. I just don’t know if they would consider something like this. I am pretty convinced that apple will be a full partner of the matter protocol. They had a big part in creating it and it will be fully supported with iOS 16 later this fall.
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