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  1. Darn no legacy forum anymoore. Anyone know if you can convert a 2412UH to RJ45 with a swapped interface board from a regular 2412? I've never had a UH model to open up to see.
  2. To the majority obviously. Any 1%ers here?
  3. Buffet is pretty conservative and didn't get to the 1% with that strategy. It took 6 of Obama's 8 years to get back to the Bush market highs. Some people can't afford that.
  4. And adjusted for inflation? This year 2%? 2% won't get you to the 1%. Santos, is that you?
  5. You don't get to the 1% buying index funds. They may keep up with inflation if you are lucky.
  6. Phones are a great example of "modern technology". Your phone number will be the new SSN to track you. And there is little you can do about it. Try getting an online bank account without having a mobile phone. You can't even use landlines, although some have a SMS interface.
  7. "Try using Windows 95"? I still have one laptop with windows95... works great. Just don't try installing a crappy new browser on it. I wonder if lynx still works. Many years ago I predicted people would demand video for websites. It is usually just eye candy without aany informational value. The downside is that websites like archive.org are trying to archive video too and they are going bankrupt as a result. A truly useful website going down the tubes due to insane priorities.
  8. And when they passed a broken down Model-T they said "get a horse". Computers are still in the Model-T stage. I am fine being in the minority. The question is whether that minority is a big enough market. And speaking of markets and minorities, in the stock market the majority is almost always wrong.
  9. The ISY99I worked fine off web and you could open firewalls for vacations etc. I do use a Logitech Harmony remote that requires internet access for updates but between updates it is offline.
  10. "people are ok with cloud based systems as long as it's a low cost solution"? What is the price of privacy?
  11. Everyone seems as happy with the cloud as they are with bitcoin. Caveat emptor. I've been extremely happy with my antiquated ISY99i system for a decade and see no reason why a similar basic system cannot be developed. I do like the IR feature that many simple systems don't provide. Just recently I tried to reconfigure my system and ran into various problems I am sure have little support, such as TLS browser issues. Is the only choice now Home Director or the cloud? Say it ain't so. Are their others with similar serious cloud concerns that might like to do a start-up?
  12. Tried adding an ISY99i/IR product which is required to transfer module licenses? UDI won't allow serial number from old unit.
  13. You lie. You said you would not offer help anymore to me :D But thanks for your view. I am just looking at backups right now so I am looking for information not a module transfer at this point. Planning is important. Hopefully planning is never obsolete :D
  14. Technically they won't support an ISY99i which is discontinued. Maybe they will do a module license transfer. Who knows. If they truly don't support ISY99i units then maybe they should have a patch that unlocks all modules for discontinued units. Sure it might lose a few trade-up sales but it would greatly increase customer satisfaction and goodwill. I hesitate to invest in companies that don't design for full life-cycle. Planned obsolescence is a big red flag for me. So is "products as a service". As soon as all companies in this market require a cloud connection I will open my own company with internet independent products.
  15. Right now I have a few ISY99i units doing different things. I am thinking about having backup units available. I only have one unit that has IR so I bought an IR chip to install in a backup unit. I was hoping a backup of old unit and restore to backup unit would work but it looks like I need to buy an IR module just to test it? Are module licenses transferable if a unit dies? What if Universal Devices isn't around anymore?
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