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    Atlanta, GA

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Community Answers

  1. The UD wiki will be the best spot for "documentation", but like others say it might not be exactly current or what you're looking for. It's more or less looking for what was in the old cookbook, but things might be in different spots now. The biggest issue I've run into over the years was going from 4.x to 5.x with how scenes were changed a good bit and the "copy to scene" option was removed. That's due to the inclusion of Z-Wave in the 5.x firmware going back to the ISY994 years. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page eisy specific "user guide" - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide Most of the old ISY Cookbook still applies to how ISY/IoX handles things.
  2. @jkraus didn't you already ask this? Oh...that was for YoLink. I would expect the same answer here. Doubtful since there's no direct link from the Insteon signal to the Plugin to control Kasa. Perhaps you could create a program for brightness setting, but that's not usually controllable by pressing a dimmer and holding it to get the brightness you desire. Typically (from my experience) Insteon dimmers usually only impact Insteon devices and/or direct power load. External systems (those that are connected via Plugins) don't typically respond to Insteon commands without other programming through the IoX system.
  3. @jkraus usually the plugin will pickup a name change, but it might need to be restarted. Otherwise, the prior node might need to be deleted then the plugin restarted for it to refresh and pull from the connected system. Make sure that the admin console is CLOSED during this process. IoX Admin Console only loads node names at launch so it will not refresh there if changed in the PG3x interface until the next time IoX AC loads.
  4. For a line like this I prefer to use the “not off” for the status. Your program is looking for only when the status is 0%, but that’s “off”. For a dimmer switch I have more success using the “not off” rather than the status being 0%. Because usually when the status is 0% it’s “off”. Remember that “control” is a physical operation of a switch. Where as “status” is what’s reported to the ISY from the device. If it’s a dimmer it might report a status of “off” rather than “0%”.
  5. Yes, scene copy was removed in the 5.x update years ago. Due to the advanced options of including z-wave into IoX configuring I believe that was an option removed at the time. Now scenes need to be setup a little different, but I think that’s been outlined in updated wiki. I’m not a bit user of scenes so can’t give exact differences, but think there is updated info in the wiki or certainly elsewhere on the forums….maybe try Google site search for more information and help
  6. @GCalzat sounds like you answered your own question in your trial and error. I think the idea was that the newer hue bulbs would be able to connect to the UD zigbee device and therefore not need the hue hub, but as you indicate you might give up a little function by doing that. Having 40 hue bulbs is a lot and if you already had them in the app and pulled into the eisy with the plugin I would suggest leaving them that way. You know...ain't broke don't fix it. I have less than 10 hue bulbs and only one hub and use the Hue Plugin just fine with the eisy. I don't get too fancy with the process though so you might have a lot more for room lighting and color options. I would think the way you had it so well linked is the best way for your situation. I agree with @Guy Lavoie that it's more than likely the bulbs can only talk to one hub. Even then it might be an issue that older bulbs might not be able to talk to the Zigbee network that the ZMatter device is using so you would need the hub for those bulbs.
  7. Geddy


    @weilerda nothing yet. There's an update coming later this month that might start adding in some additional options, but waiting on UD to release that and give indication of support and how-to. Hold tight until the update and further info from UD for this.
  8. @JTsao it might be worth trying to setup sending through Gmail as outlined in the wiki. I don't use the default mail server so can't say one way or the other, but I haven't had issues getting messages through a Gmail account dedicated to the ISY email notifications.
  9. @PapaBear and this is on an eisy? I've seen this error before somewhere, but think it was for somebody running a Polisy. Did you recently attempt an update for the device? (nothing has been updated recently as I can tell.) I would suggest performing a full power cycle (pressing power button 6 times will gracefully shut the eisy down - power light should turn red, then pull the power supply for 10-20 seconds, then plug it back in and power it up). Allow for the system to stabilize (maybe 1-2 minutes+) then try opening admin console and trying again. If the problem continues please open a support ticket. Then report back what is done to resolve this so we can learn and help others should they run into this issue in the future. Lastly, please let us know what firmware you are currently using. Please give specific version number (help -> about).
  10. Uh oh! Since it's done it more than once I might open a support ticket to possibly get a deeper dive into the system to see what's going on. Haven't seen this myself, but I don't run motion sensors.
  11. @GXW as @Techman points out the admin console isn't designed to remain open 24/7. The question is why do you need/want to do that? Are you having issues that you are troubleshooting or are you just leaving it open with the event viewer for your entertainment? These systems are to be automated and not require non-stop monitoring. If you are having issues then they should be resolved and not something that you just simply try to keep the event viewer open endlessly. It's probably using too many resources and possibly causing Java to fail or stop the admin console process. ISY (IoX) does have an event log if you're interested in what's going on. It can be downloaded from admin console and reviewed outside of the IoX system.
  12. @Argilos split your post out from another topic so you'd get some help specific to your question/issues. There's been a lot of discussion on the forums over the last several years about the decline in reliability of email to text alerts (entirely due to the carriers filtering/blocking/delaying such efforts). Be sure you've read through the UD Mobile wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile This is in the PG3 web interface on the Polisy or eisy and in the "Plugin Store" area. What "ISY" device are you running? Also, what Firmware are you currently running (for reference...please give specific number not just "latest" or "current").
  13. There's a statement that's underrated! Remember when we just had 1 or 2? Now we're willing to "settle" for 3! I've not looked into quad-band equipment. I'm more than satisfied with the tri-band I'm using.
  14. Get the tri-band versions (that's what mine is) for a true dedicated backhaul channel. The dual bands share the traffic for the backhaul (unless you can specifically limit it now). Consider reviews like forum posts. Usually only people with issues that will make a post. Because of the issues they have they'll leave bad/low reviews. There are tons that won't review a product because it works as expected. I'm guilty of that, and sure most here probably are. I looked at eero a few years ago, but they didn't play well with my modem at the time. And I've seen comments about some "features" now being behind a paywall (eero+). Why do I need to subscribe to services on a router after I've paid for the product? I just haven't looked at eero since the issues I faced, but that's been 5+ years ago. Perhaps they're better now and worth a look. They're now owned by Amazon (for what it's worth).
  15. Time to update the signature as well! Glad you got things migrated well. Interesting that devices needed to be restored. When you say "settings on many of my devices" what do you mean? Like LED settings or just making the connection to the IoX via PLM? I've also kept the ISY994 just as a token nod to history.
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