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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @BRMeeke from the wiki about the power supply: (Source: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights)
  2. I would suggest that anybody rushing to upgrade make sure to pay attention to the "Before You Start" section in the release notes: BEFORE YOU START 1. It's imperative that you take a backup of your IoX, Z-Wave, and PG3 settings. 2. This upgrade is upgrading your OS. As such, the unit will reboot in the process and the Admin Console will simply get disconnected (does not close). Please do not turn off the unit till you can get back to the Admin Console. 3. If you have never upgraded your unit, it's best to make sure you have release 13.1 or 13.2 of the OS (https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt). If you do not, please do not upgrade. 4. In order to get Matter supported on WiFi, we had to change WiFi settings so that it will now use 802.11a/g which is significantly slower than 802.11ac that you are used to. Although you won't see much impact for command/control, download speeds for local Admin Console will be slower. It's our top priority to get WiFi back to the ac range you are used to. -- Polisy does not support Matter when connected using WiFi. Bold and red added for attention. As of now I'm not sure how you could get to 13.1 or 13.2 of the OS before getting this upgrade.
  3. I’d still try a different network cable. Just a random attempt.
  4. @dex be sure that your portal license is still valid and hasn't expired. Login to the web portal then: Select Tools -> Information -> ISY Portal Access License @bwdavis7 Keep us posted on if there is any additional information on the support ticket. @inovermyhead not sure if a plugin could cause this. Doubtful, but if something is sending a lot of information to the log it could cause problems. I recall that being an issue early on, but think it's been resolved in recent updates to PG3x. It would be good to doublecheck that you don't have plugins set to debug log level. It's fine to leave them at "info" or "warning" until you're in a need to troubleshoot specific plugins. Again, there was something along the way that I thought PG3x will default a plugin log mode to "info", but can't be sure that's still the case. Just check each plugin and the log levels to be sure. The portal maintenance was 1/30. So if you started having issues 2/1 (or later) it probably isn't directly related. Though if they go back before that time it's also more than likely a different issue. Last ditch option for those that have them hard wired to the router would be to use a different network cable and a different port on the router/hub it's connected to.
  5. @inovermyhead @Jimini @flsenior @Ross @bwdavis7 There was a portal maintenance post a few days ago. Have any of you performed a full power cycle since that maintenance? I wonder if maybe some devices didn’t reconnect correctly and are dropping randomly trying to update or properly reconnect. I would suggest making sure all devices are up to date and power cycle (either by button push to reboot or power down and completely pull the power supply doe 20-30 seconds). HOWEVER, by being “up to date” I’m not suggesting randomly pushing the update packages button. There were reports of an update out, but there have been some that had issue with that so DO NOT just push the update button. Go here: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt (Or replace “eisy.local” with the device IP) Also check here: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/pkg.upgrade.htm (Again, might need to replace “eisy.local” with the device IP) looking for something like: (for eisy/Polisy) udx-3.5.8 isy-5.8.4 pg3x-3.2.27 If you’re devices are current and you have performed a power cycle and still getting disconnects please open a support ticket with UD and see if they can narrow down the issue. Please post back any results from the support ticket to help others having this issue. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  6. Seems that you’ve isolated a concern. I wonder if there is any internal log that UD might have when devices connect. I’d go back to the support ticket and work with them some more. Might be something @bmercier would need to be monitoring at the time of connection.
  7. @flsenior thanks for posting the event viewer info. I’d have to defer to others to dig into the details of that. Maybe @IndyMike or @Brian H might be able to take a look and have some suggestions.
  8. @raydoc did you try migrating the portal to the new eisy? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY From step 9 of the migration process found here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Migrating
  9. @johnstonf as best as I can tell there is no direct migration path if you have the series 300 Z-Wave controller. The Wiki states for 500 series and an updated news/blog headline said earlier versions of ISY994 firmware “and don’t have any Z-Wave devices”. How many Z-Wave devices do you have? It sounds like you might have to reset everything. I will make a simple suggestion in your migration process…. Be sure to copy ALL PROGRAMS to a text file for reference. Especially since you’ll be setting up Z-Wave new. Right click on the root folder of the program tree and select “Copy Folder to Clipboard” then paste to a text editor (not a word processing program/app).
  10. First: Disable the program for a while. (don't want it to trigger during the testing) Then: Open admin console and run Event Viewer and set it to Level 3. Manually operate the switch a few times (pause 5-10 seconds between turning on/off). Observe if the switch LED blinks red during any of your times operating the switch. Then review the Event Viewer for that device (maybe post it - AS A FILE). Others here are much better versed in reviewing such a log and can give tips of what the results give you. But like @Guy Lavoie I think you might have some noise issues from the fan motors if they're directly controlled by on/off switches. I would double check the summary of the programs to see when the program last ran. Remember if you turn the switch off the program will then be False and the wait will end. But you've turned the fan off so you don't really need to turn it off with the program. Here you say "each switch" should trigger and that the "status" stays off. But the program you posted is for one switch and you have it for physical operation (i.e. "switched"). So not sure what's checking for the "status".
  11. @Rex Gruenwald a 503 error makes it sound like you're not even able to see the login page. Is that the case? If so then PG3 might not be running correctly. Did you run an update process recently that might have failed to complete? When you power cycled the device did you allow a while for it to fully boot before trying? I would suggest you open a support ticket with UD to get proper support for resolving. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Please be sure to post here what is done to resolve your issue.
  12. Actually I moved it to the YoLink plugin area for discussion and help there. Don't get too into the details until you have the eisy and have migrated your current system to it. Be sure to read, and maybe print, the migration steps from the wiki. There's a lot to be aware of in the process.
  13. @Illusion a very random and probably insignificant option. Have you tried using a different network cable connecting the Polisy to the router? Maybe one of different length or manufacturer. I would go as far as suggesting it be a "new to you" cable and not one that's being used elsewhere or been used in the past. Another suggestion would be do you have any way to connect the Polisy to the network through another device other than directly to the main router? Not sure of the fiber modem options (I have cable not fiber), but does it have multiple ports that you're able to use? Do you have another network hub somewhere you can remove the direct connection from the router to the Polisy?
  14. @Illusion I don't run/use macOS so I was just sharing what I found from a Google search and not even sure what browser it was for when I did it. Glad you found whatever runs a browser refresh and glad that worked.
  15. @btreinders glad it was that "easy" to fix. Guess something got stuck in the initial install.
  16. Worked as received. Open package. Connect PLM Serial cable to it. Connect to eisy. WORKED! Note: that it's specifically the SERIAL cable (with the DB9 connector) and not the cat 5 (RJ45 connector) that's used from the PLM to ISY994. I went from ISY994 (cat5) to Polisy (serial cable) to eisy with the same PLM.
  17. @johnstonf you'd need something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IDSM6BW/ I've used that to connect the old serial cord to the eisy since I got the eisy. Works really well. UD sells a different cable now if you don't have the original serial cable that came with the PLM.
  18. @Rex Gruenwald additional information needed.... What device are you using? What's the error it's giving you? Have you tried the default admin/admin login? Did you update the system recently that it could be stuck or not loaded? Have you attempted a power cycle? Please let us know the error and what troubleshooting you've attempted then maybe more tips can be attempted.
  19. @lilyoyo1 thanks for posting that link. I knew there was a thread with the information somewhere. However, reading through that seems one user had an issue and a different command was needed (never posted that information). I still think a support ticket might be the best way to get it done "correctly"/accurately since IoX (and other underlying information) might have changed in the last 2 years.
  20. This is an interesting point. What if you keep the portal connected, but turn off any system and ud communications notifications in UD Mobile? (In the notifications tab tap the 3 dots then "Mobile Devices/Groups" and turn off for "System Notifications", "UD Communications", and "Plugin Notifications" to all groups/devices). I might also stop the notification plugin. Then test the internet drop. I would think they would target the connection to the portal since that seems to be a big data point for if it's not connected to your account then IoX isn't restarting. Also, do you have "Query at Restart" set on the IoX Config tab? Lastly, along the lines of what @Guy Lavoie suggested, do you have any programs that are stuck in a loop if you lose internet? Perhaps a random program checking a status of a wifi device or a plugin that requires internet and is suddenly in a fast loop if the internet drops that's causing the IoX system to fail? (though I would expect something like that to be in a log that would be seen by now.) Very interesting situation.
  21. @CJVann I think there is a way to override that and allow other Z-Wave controllers. You should open a support ticket to get assistance (if it is still possible). https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  22. Geddy

    Restore IoX

    The “rest” of the story:
  23. @flsenior The preferred method for posting programs to the forums is to right click on the program. Select the bottom option of "Copy to Clipboard" (be sure you use COPY). Then paste the program to your post. This makes the program editable by any that are trying to help you rather than having to re-type something or refer to something in an image. Additionally, does this relate to the post you made yesterday?
  24. Geddy

    Multiple EISY

    @lalang looks like @Guy Lavoie and @paulbates are giving great options and information. One question I have is how's the power service out to the pavilion location? Is it on a different power supply or is it a branch off the main power supply from the house? Since Insteon uses power line communication in addition to the RF signal it's possible you need a powerline booster (of some sort) to attempt to increase the signal going out to the pavilion. If the power is from a separate feed there would need to be a way to bridge to that feed or keep it as second eisy. It's kind of overkill if you're only going to have a few devices in that area so it might be better to look at how power and range can be improved to get the Insteon signal out to the pavilion or look for an alternate option (if just for a few devices). Others know a lot more about how the signals work. I'm just asking the question about how power gets out to the area. If you're running Insteon devices out there now and it's hit & miss then you just need to get a better path for the Insteon signal to get out there. If it's completely unavailable then it's probably a different power supply and fewer options.
  25. probably shouldn't, but if you leave it open I'd close it. Again, the question is does the plugin node on the web indicate the proper percentage? If not then the plugin is not talking to the outside system correctly. From my understanding the plugin is only capturing the data from the 3rd party API then feeding that to IoX. If the PG3x node is not showing the battery percentage correctly then indeed the information being pushed to IoX would be incorrect. Perhaps @Panda88 has more info/insight as to what's happening. If you confirm PG3x doesn't have the correct data then you'll need to troubleshoot the plugin more.
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