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Everything posted by JacquesB

  1. Hi, thanks for your reply. I don't think that I have problems with the PLM. Few times an Add to scene may fails, but most time it works ( >95% OK). I also moved one of my access point from its first position to one closer to the panel. It improved the reliabilty significantly. I also keep adding devices to the network, which should help once again. For the moment, the PLM is plugged in the always on part of an Insteon smart wall plug. Should I move it to a standard one ? Also, when I query manually each devices, they all come back to their normal state (On 100% - 0,1 sec) on the first try. Finaly, when I view the status / settings from the basic Web page of the controller, the informations are correct. They are not only when I look them the first time in the admin console. Any other idea ? Jacques
  2. Hi, SMTP is highly restricted in many places. Also, with more and more people hidding things in port 80 just like you do, more and more deep packet inspection tools search the 80 to ensure it is proper HTTP. The only way to hide is to encrypt the socket for defeating deep packet inspection. Should you remove that feature, my setup would be powerful enough for working around it : I would intercept your SMTP over port 80 to the specific address you would use and just re-forward it to my own SMTP server. I could even use STUNNEL if you decide to encrypt your faked socket. Here is my complete mail service at home : 1-I fetch from my provider 2-I clean the mail (antispam - antivirus - antiphishin) 3-I save it on an IMAP server 4-RIM (BlackBerry) fetches it from my IMAP over SSL and send it to my BlackBerry 5-When I send a mail from my Black, a copy is saved on the IMAP server The controller send my e-mail directly to the IMAP server, just like I would be capable of sending mail to it without having these mails over Internet by connecting my servers with SSH from my Black. Jacques
  3. Hi, Every time I open an admin console for managing my devices, all of them are "reset" to a ramp rate of 9 minutes and 0% On level. I have to manually query all of them for the console setting them back as they should ( 0,1 sec and 100%). I tried to run the default program "Query All" and even created one myself that query each and every device one by one instead of querying a global scene, without results. The admin console gets busy for a moment when I launch these programs, but the settings is still wrong until I manually query each devices. How can I fix this and have all my devices with proper settings at the start of the console ? Thanks for your help, Jacques Controller is ISY 99i ; firmware is 2.7.0
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