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Everything posted by brad77

  1. Use the black and red wires instead of the black and green to switch from normally open to normally closed. For future reference: Green: Normally open (NO) Red: Normally closed (NC) Black: Common Refer to the owner's manual on the contact sensor.
  2. The ISY has an admin site that you can access in any browser. If you've configured remote access, you can access your ISY's website by hitting the host name (URL) or IP address from your phone's web browser.
  3. Have you been able to verify that the credentials you're providing work in a different email client? Try setting up a test account in Outlook or Mail and plugging in the information you have and sending a few test messages. Sometimes servers only require the username part of the email address, while others may require the whole address. Testing in a mail client can help you sort out which you need to provide.
  4. You might want to try using a program as a variable to indicate that your "BathroomBlink" program is running.That way, when the BathroomBlink program turns your lights on, your Bathroom program won't fire again until BathroomBlink finishes. For instance program Bathroom: If Status '1st.Bath1.Light.Shower' is not Off And Status '1st.Bath1.Light.Overhead' is not Off And Program 'Var_BlinkingLights' is False Then Run Program 'BathroomBlink' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program BathroomBlink: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'Var_BlinkingLights' (Then Path) Repeat 4 times Wait 15 seconds Set '1st.Bath1.Light.Shower' 1% Set '1st.Bath1.Fan' Off Wait 2 seconds Set '1st.Bath1.Light.Shower' Fast On Set '1st.Bath1.Fan' On Repeat 0 times Set '1st.Bath1.Light.Overhead' 50% Set '1st.Bath1.Light.Shower' 50% Wait 2 minutes Set '1st.Bath1.Light.Shower' Off Set '1st.Bath1.Light.Overhead' Off Set '1st.Bath1.Fan' Off Run Program 'Var_BlinkingLights' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. I never use dimmers on things that don't dim. From the LampLinc dual band owner's manual: As far as I know, even if you only switch between 0 and 100%, the device still ramps up from 0 to 100% and back down again at the rate specified in the setup (which defaults at 0.1 sec). This is not the same as flipping a relay on and off. I've also had experience where LampLinc's spontaneously change their ramp rates. I don't know if mine is an isolated experience, but if your LampLinc changed its ramp rate to something like 10 seconds I think you run the risk of damaging the LampLinc, your lighting transformer, or both. I suppose you could do it, but why risk it?
  6. Sweet! Glad to help.
  7. Wake On LAN (WOL) will not log into your computer. It simply functions as a tool to wake your computer from sleep. Check out Wikipedia's article on how it works for details. Essentially, it just sends a specially formatted packet (Magic Packet) to your network interface (NIC). If the NIC is powered up and configured to pay attention to the packet, it will wake your computer up. At that point, the job is done. WOL does not use remote access. It's not a two-way conversation. It's just a simple "alternative" to having someone physically press a button on the keyboard or mouse or hit the power button on your machine. If you want to configure your machine to automagically log in, you'll need to set that up separately. I believe that this KB article works on all versions of Windows since XP.
  8. brad77

    Wake on LAN help

    No problem. Good luck. Here's another link that may help: Getting Wake On Lan to work
  9. brad77

    Wake on LAN help

    You'll probably want to do some troubleshooting to determine whether or not WOL is working for your machines or if it's the ISY. I would recommend trying to send a WOL/Magic Packet from one computer to another using software. I've used Wake on Lan Command Line in the past with success. You'll want to fire it off with the following syntax: wolcmd.exe If you can't get your computer to wake up this way, you may have some configuring to do. If you can, then you can probably point to the ISY.
  10. That's jumper 4, by the way. Was recently playing with that myself.
  11. brad77

    Analog inputs

    Yeah. I mentioned that same part number for the standalone probe earlier in the thread. My interest is piqued! Please let us know if you get that to work. I've got a separate I/O Linc experiment that I'm doing related to an RFID proximity sensor. I can certainly appreciate your inclinations to geek out.
  12. brad77

    Analog inputs

    Ah, thanks Brian. It looks like you'd need a low voltage kit to step up from the dry contact sensor in the I/O Linc (SH #24950A4). That is good up to 24 volts. As it is, I'm using an I/O Linc with a magnetic garage door contact switch and it's working great so far. I'm curious about your experience with the EZIO. From what I've read so far, compatibility with the ISY has been spotty. I'm looking forward to hearing about what you think.
  13. brad77

    Analog inputs

    I believe that the I/O Linc can do just that. It's got a sense terminal for detecting up to 5 volts. I don't know what the minimum is. It's also got a 3.5mm jack that connects directly to the 5V, ground and sense terminals. If you can't wire it directly, you can hook up a variety of sensors or switches up to it. Smarthome has put together a number of kits that can provide you with examples. The sense terminal can only take a maximum of 5 volts, but a low voltage probe (SH #8015) can be used to detect voltages from 3 to 24 volts. It does have an output, but it doesn't have to be used. The ISY can pay attention to the input and fire off programs in response.
  14. Mike's right, Simon. The ISY will pick up the "ON" command if you set it as the CONTROL trigger for your program. The thing about this arrangement is that your motion sensor will not broadcast the "ON" command again until its internal timeout has been reached. Additionally, according to my testing, this timeout resets each time the sensor detects movement, which means that the motion sensor will not send another "ON" command unless it doesn't detect any motion for the duration of the countdown. In this scenario, the ISY can potentially turn off your lights while there is still a person in the room as it isn't aware that the motion sensor keeps getting tripped. Re-enabling the "OFF" command (removing the jumper) keeps this from happening as the sensor will reset the countdown each time it sees something/someone. Is there any way to set things up so that the ISY is aware of continued motion sensor trips so that it can reset the ISY program's timeout? This would allow more flexible with the timer, save 9-volt batteries, and prevent leaving someone in the dark. I've seen some posts about this, and the program examples all refer to the motion sensor state, but as Simon indicates, this state never changes when the sensor is in "on-only" mode. Thanks!
  15. That's an interesting piece of tech. It looks like it does quite a bit more than proximity detection! The INSTEON support could be handy, but I would imagine that multiple PLM's in your INSTEON network could cause you a headache or two. If you've got a computer running 24/7, you could implement a software based proximity solution that wouldn't require any additional hardware (or at the least, a Bluetooth USB fob if your machine isn't already equipped). You'd just need to work out the scripting side of things. To your point, though, it's not simple but it's a far cry from dropping $500 on another device. It'd be nice if they offered something simple with just a relay or two but without the PLM control for a bit less coin. You could hook it up to an I/O Linc or two and be on done with it.
  16. While I don't know of a device that is compatible with the ISY, you may have some options with Bluetooth to determine presence. We use it at our office to determine when (certain) people are in the building. When they're not, our PBX (phone system) doesn't allow their extensions to ring as long before attempting to ring a home office extension, mobile number, or just sending the call the voicemail. To accomplish this, we use a Linux command line tool called hcitool. It queries individual devices by their Bluetooth MAC addresses on a periodic basis. If those devices aren't in range, then a script sets a flag in a file, which designates the person as "out-of the office." See Nerd Vittles articles here and here for details. This works best with devices that are always on one's person when in the office, such as a phone or laptop computer. A Bluetooth equipped vehicle wouldn't work so well since the signal is probably cut off when the engine is shut off. Digging around, I found a couple programs that may work for other systems. Mac users can check out this LifeHacker article. Windows users can probably use a simple program called BtProx. Both could conceivably be used to fire off an ISY program using the ISY's REST interface. You could write a couple scripts that fire off ISY programs based on proximity events. For the Windows side, I'm thinking in terms of a VB Script that calls an ISY REST URL via the XmlHttp object. Unfortunately, it's not native to the ISY, so you'd need a computer to be on and looking for Bluetooth devices to fire off these "events." It would be GREAT if the ISY supported variables, because such a thing would be a perfect place to store proximity info. Ideally, it could then be used as a condition for proximity-oriented programs.
  17. Thanks for the consideration, Michel.
  18. That statement in the Wiki reads strangely to me. I would reach out to Smarthome for confirmation, smileyw. 0.2 hours is 12 minutes. It doesn't make sense that Homeseer would be limited to 12-108 minutes (1.8 hours) when the device itself supports a range below that. Perhaps it's a typo? Edit: I'm suggesting that the range is in fact 0.2 seconds to 1.8 hours.
  19. Thanks for your response. I did not have access to any other browser at the time or I would have used the Java Administrative Console to reboot the device. I understand your trepidation with regards to programmatically rebooting the device. A reboot loop would be a nasty thing to have on your hands! My intent would be to create a program with no IF conditions (to prevent it from firing) that could be run on-demand from the any web interface. I suppose another option would be to enable a REST command to initiate a reboot. I could bookmark it in my phone for just such an occasion. While I get where you're coming from, it would sure be nice to have a big red button to kick things in the head if something were to happen while on vacation.
  20. Ok. Before anyone thinks that I'm crazy for asking, let me describe my situation. A couple of days ago, our house experienced a temporary power outage. As a result, my ISY was acting funky. Some INSTEON devices were not responding to commands. I was not at home, and didn't have access to the admin console. I did, however, have access to the mobile web page. It would have been handy at the time if I had the ability to fire off a program that would have rebooted my ISY. Looking at the program builder in the admin console, that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm assuming that there is no straightforward way to do this. I do have the network module, however. Is it possible for me to send a request to my ISY's HTTP interface that requests a reboot? Thanks for humoring my request!
  21. Thank you Michel. I am not using SSL, but it seems that increasing the HTTP timeout from 1 to 5 seconds makes the mobile site work more reliably. I appreciate your quick response!
  22. When accessing my ISY-99i via it's mobile interface, I get an error in my browser indicating an "unknown error," code 0x80072f78. Often, I must repeat the request multiple times before the page returns the or the command gets executed. Most times, I am accessing the ISY to run a program. I am using firmware 2.7.6. I searched and found two older posts referring to this, and it appeared that the issue had been solved. For me, that doesn't seem to be the case. Are you aware of this issue or could it possibly be a configuration error? Thanks!
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