Thank you @Geddy! I am very comfortable with all things command prompt telnet/ssh etc :). However, I could not figure out what to do in that telnet session. I could see the file exists, but I can't view or do anything to the file.>mn
CD - Configure delay between requests
CI - Configure IR
CL - Configure max log size
CP - Configure protocol timeout
CR - Configure Max Retries
CT - Configure TCP/IP
CWP - Configure Webserver Ports
CWT - Configure Webserver Timeouts
DI - Disable internet
DT - Disable telnet
EI - Enable internet
ET - Enable telnet
JX - Show JSON file as XML
LS - List files
MN - Menu
RS - Reboot
SM - Show memory
SPU - Set Portal URL
ST - Show system time
SU - Show external url
VE - Display Version
XS - Exit the shell
I couldn't cat, more, or even rm any files as those commands don't exist. I couldn't even inspect the contents of the files using the only command that seem reasonably relevant, jx:>jx /CONF/572686.REC>JX /CONF/3EBFE2.REC
I certainly can restore from a pretty recent backup, but I'm not sure that'll fix anything at this point. I don't know if it's worth it to try to troubleshoot config, SD card, PLM...
The ISY did let me backup this week, too. Should I use that to restore or an older backup?
Yeah, I bought a Polisy when they first came out and, sadly, it's been collecting dust. I did buy a couple USB sticks just in case my Serial PLM died and I had to switch to the Polisy.