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    : Atlanta, GA

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  1. Nice. I did exactly the same thing last year to interface my I/O Linc when I had to replace my old chamberlin opener. I was not happy to realize they’d changed their opener system. I have my hacked remote opener attached to the garage opener support bracket.
  2. My update took only about 10 minutes. I only have Insteon devices as far as my EISY is concerned. I do have NEST, Blink, Kasa, and others but no plugins, HA handles those. Everything came up smoothly except the Admin Console was a version out of sync. Clearing Java cache fixed that. So far so good.
  3. I’ve been using Netgear’s ORBI 6E mesh system. The RBK853 has a wifi router (router disabled, only AP active) and 2 satellites. House size 4200sqft. We have 1GBS Xfinity internet and all has worked well knock on wood for the past few years. I like Ubiquiti but the need for cabled connections to the WAPs drove me to the ORBI system which is all wireless.
  4. I thought I was the only one who felt that way about my ultra-dependable ISY994i when I brought my EISY on board last year. I still have it along with its PLM as a back up should I ever need it. I haven't even moved it out of the equipment stack.
  5. It was worth a try. I ran Update Packages but stayed on 13.2 RELEASE p11.
  6. Thanks for the link. Here is what I got when I ran it. *** OS *** FreeBSD eisy 13.2-RELEASE-p11
  7. Is that the whole program? You dont have a command to turn the lights off. Add that statement to the ELSE portion of your program. That will turn your lights off at 11pm.
  8. There are a lot of entities but you might end up being glad they’re there. HA makes available plenty of sensors and items to control.
  9. roblombardo what are you using to control your garage door? I'm using an Insteon I/O Linc 2450 that I've had for several years.
  10. I would suggest using Home Assistant if something like this is what you need:
  11. You might try restarting HA and your ISY as well.
  12. I have used the Insteon 2450 along with geofencing to open my garage door for several years. I do not have it close the door when I leave. I do that myself from the car. The programs below work fine for me and/or my wife coming home. The garage door opens and the kitchen light turns on when pulling in the driveway. I use Home Assistant to handle the geofencing and it sends a rest command to my EISY to change state variable $s.J_ArrivedHome (or $s.T_ArrivedHome) to = 1 when the geofence zone is entered. I have another program that resets those ArrivedHome variables back to 0, 15 seconds after being triggered. My recommendation would be to cut out the part of your program that closes the door. ArriveOpenGarage - [ID 0020][Parent 0001] If $s.J_ArrivedHome is 1 Or $s.T_ArrivedHome is 1 Then Set 'Kitchen Light' On Run Program 'Garage_Open' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Comment: Open the garage and turn on Kitchen light whenever someone arrives. Garage_Open - [ID 003A][Parent 0001][Not Enabled] If 'garage door-Sensor ON=Closed' Status is On Then Set 'garage door-Relay' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Comment: Trigger relay only if garage door is closed.
  13. I echo the sentiment of the Insteon hardware. Big fan. On the subject of the I3 however, I’m not so impressed. Indeed my attempt to replace a 2477D with an I3 this weekend did not turn out well. The switch kept getting stuck on the wall plate when turning on and off. I tried several times to make it fit better then gave up. Didn’t even get as far to realize the dimming range was not comparable to the 2477D. I wont be using the I3 unless there is a design change.
  14. Im using the Insteon iolinc and have been for a few years now. When we moved a couple of years ago to a house that had MyQ, I took the iolinc from the old house, scrapped MyQ and installed the iolinc. Works very well with my KPL switches, geofence, Alexa, and Home Assistant. Haven't looked at the Yolink solution. Always wanting to learn more, I'll read up on that.
  15. I’ll mention this just because its happened to me more than once. The device address can sometimes be misread. The letter O looks like a zero, etc. When I’ve keyed new devices in incorrectly like this I got the same error as you, “Cannot determine Insteon Engine”. Doesn’t hurt to double check the address. Good luck.
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