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Everything posted by chuckl

  1. Is there a trial version available for this plug-in? The PG3x store shows a purchase option only.
  2. chuckl


    Just tried installing this NOAA plug-in on IoX 5.8.0 running on Polisy. Log indicates errors when starting. I followed the instructions in the GitHub repo listing at GitHub - BME-nodeservers/udi-noaa-poly: Polyglot V3 node server for NOAA weather data. My location is Castaic, CA. NOAA - National Weather Service - XML data feeds - Current Conditions notes a weather station to use is KLAX. NOAA's National Weather Service - California Watch/Warning RSS Feeds by Zone Forecast shows my zone as CAZ088 or CAZ288 (tried both, same error) NOAA's National Weather Service - California Watch/Warning RSS Feeds by County Forecast shows my county as CAC037 (tried both, same error) Any help would be appreciated. NOAA debug - 20240120-1.log
  3. Please explain your question of running cloud vs. local. How do I determine that? There's no initialization in the log file because the plug-in has been running for > 24 hours. Do you want me to start / stop it? Is there any documentation on this plug-in? Is it in github?
  4. I'm not sure if the values displayed in these screens are accurate. Specifically, the Battery Power, Consumption, and Total Power for today and yesterday don't look right. The values do not agree with what is shown in the Tesla Mobile App. Also, what is the "Generator Status" tab? Log files (set to Debug Level) & screenshots attached. System parameters that may be relevant: in "pre-PTO" (Permission to Export = No, Grid Charging = No) 9.6 kWh / 2 Powerwalls (1PW+, 1PW2) Backup Reserve (30% Backup, 70% Self-Powered) Operational Mode: Self-Powered -- PWs supply the house at night, solar during the day, nothing from the grid Sunrise: 6:36, Sunset 18:45 TeslaPW_11-27-2022_70820-AM.zip
  5. Thanks for your reply! I did verify that I entered the correct credentials in the NS config and was logged in shortly after the two 'DSsolarMeter' entries were noted in the 0800 hour yesterday as the NS showed "connected" status and was displaying live data. I verified this by going to a separate browser window successfully gaining entry by entering the same credentials. The error persisted to the 1500 hour when I initially wrote this post. After your response, I repeated the PW POPO procedure multiple times during the first five minutes of a Node Server restart. The 3rd try seems to have resolved it. No more error. Again, thank you!
  6. Enclosed is the log package. I cycled the PW during a startup and it didn't resolve the error. If it's any help, this is a new system with app settings: Operational mode: Self-Powered Permission to Export: No Grid Charging: No In the UI, it looks like it's closely tracking the app values. TeslaPW_11-19-2022_10207-PM.zip
  7. While trialing this Node Server on my Polisy, I'm also getting a similar error in the Real-time ST-Inventory log file: ST-Inventory(3) Current Status: Connected Current Version: 1.0.8 [Production] Time Started: Nov 19, 2022, 11:53:50 AM 2022-11-19 12:33:59 error: POLY: getInv() Error: 2022-11-19 12:34:11 error: NS: Parsing Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') at _0x435040.processNetworkResources (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9594260_3/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:1:5971) at _0x435040.onDiscover (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9594260_3/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:1:3118) Around that time, the Real-time Polyglot log file has: 11/19/2022, 12:32:52 [pg3] info: EXPIRE CHECK: ST-Inventory subscription expires in 6 days 11/19/2022, 12:33:29 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:59:42:60_2] controller reporting command DOF 11/19/2022, 12:33:30 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:59:42:60_4] controller reporting command DOF 11/19/2022, 12:33:35 [pg3] error: No code in error response 11/19/2022, 12:33:35 [pg3] error: ISY Response: [Try: 1] [00:0d:b9:59:42:60] :: [404 - OK] :: 5.679907ms - 11/19/2022, 12:33:53 [pg3] info: set to expire on 2022-11-26T19:52:26.000Z 11/19/2022, 12:33:53 [pg3] info: EXPIRE CHECK: ST-Inventory subscription expires in 6 days
  8. Thanks for your responses. I ended up going with the Rachio controller. Although the price was the comparable for both controllers, RainMachine has: the $29.95 yearly subscription for remote access whereas Rachio is free another $20 for the plug-in whereas Rachio is free the plugin offers no trial, there is no PG2 version that I can find, and I avoid buying something unknown
  9. Please advise on this error ... Current Status: ConnectedCurrent Version: 0.1.15 [Production] 2022-11-18 15:49:43,940 Thread-26 udi_interface ERROR TeslaInfo:pollSystemData: Exception PollSystemData: 'tesla_info' object has no attribute 'DSsolarMeter' 2022-11-18 15:49:43,941 Thread-26 udi_interface ERROR TeslaInfo:pollSystemData: problems extracting data from tesla power wall 2022-11-18 15:49:43,942 Thread-26 udi_interface ERROR TeslaPWController:longPoll: Problem polling data from Tesla system
  10. I'm evaluating candidates for control of my sprinklers and have narrowed it down between the Rachio and RainMachine hardware. I cannot seem to access a trial of this poly. Any advice?
  11. Upgraded from the .15 release with no issues.
  12. chuckl

    ISY bricked!

    I second this idea! Chuck
  13. Status Update: As of today, there have been no more incidents of time shifting by my ISY. My ISY NTP is currently pointed to 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org as suggesed and as a precaution, I now CLOSE the Admin Console after use instead of minimizing it and having it run constantly.
  14. Up early on a Sunday (the only day I can sleep in) because the ISY set my Work Day rountines to run. At 12:26 this morning, the ISY log indicated Mon 09/01/1941 08:30:00 PM -AND- The Program Summary of the ISY indicated a last run time of some programs of 10/08/1977 at 2:58AM *** Here's the interesting part: I then shut down the Admin Console down, restarted it, and the bad run times are gone! Blanks now appear in their place. Took a snapshot of everything and all of it along with a backup of my ISY is on the way to ISY Support. I have a basic ISY. How do I know if I've hit the wall for program stack space and need to purchase the PRO upgrade?
  15. Cancel that! Wrote too soon. See my new thread.
  16. I'm happy to report that I have had no issues thus far and no time trips. It's been about a week since installing the 2.7.7 version and had the NTP server set to 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org. I also do like Brian's idea of some user settable threshold in the ISY for allowing time changes. Since I'm running HomeSeer as well, I've asked Bob if there's a way to query the time from the ISY through his plug-in. If so, a user may write a script to check for time syncs between the units as a safety measure. Hopefully this is possible as this would be a quicker stopgap measure for HS users.
  17. Thanks for your help Mike! Both solutions you provided worked for me.
  18. Two questions: 1) When I click on My Lighting, the device summary has "All On" and "All Off" buttons at the bottom of the GUI to issue these commands manually. How can a user issue an "All On" or "All Off" command to all the devices under My Lighting through a program? 2) I moved one of my devices from My Lighting to a user created folder. Now I want to move it back into My Lighting. When I try to drag the device back from the user folder to My Lighting, the ISY won't let me do that. The right-click menu offers no option either to move it back. The only way I can think of is to delete the device and recreate it but that will have deep consequences in Scenes and Programs. Any way to move it back? Chuck
  19. Networking =Yes Weatherbug = No HomeSeer Plugin = Yes
  20. I just responded to your note about using the 3rd link in the list. 1) I rechecked the checkbox to the NTP line 2) I cut and pasted the 3rd link into the edit box for the URL 3) I pressed the “Save†button. 4) I pressed the "Synchronize Now" button 5) It's now 8/26/1941 @ 4:08AM (I sent you a screenshot.) I'm reverting back to manually sync'ing with the PC and disabling NTP. PS: If it's any help, I'm using the ISY with HomeSeer via Bob's ISY plug-in.
  21. Hello Michel, Thank you for your answer. So essentially what you are stating is that if you remove a device from the My Lighting scene and place it in a user created folder, it will not be included in an All On or All Off command? Chuck
  22. Hi Brian and Michel, I'll use 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org as my link and 6 hour intervals. Chuck
  23. I created a user folder by clicking on one of the devices within my Main Tab -> Network -> My Lighting folder. Instead of creating it under the My Lighting section, the ISY placed it at the same level as the My Lighting secion. I was able to move a device from My Lighting to my user folder. If I continued to do this, in theory, the My Lighting section would become empty and have no devices contained within it. Is this how folders are supposed to operate and can I do this without any adverse effects? If the answer is yes, why can't I delete (remove) the My Lighting folder if it's empty? Right now, it's permisssible to delete my user created folder with the device that has been moved from My Lighting. Should devices be able to be moved from within the system created My Lighting folder? Chuck
  24. I tunred my NTP sync off when I encountered the error last on 9/5. Since then, the unit hasn't time tripped. I know it's ideal to use the built in function to have the unit sync itself via the web. Hopefully, the UDI crew will discover something soon.
  25. Unfortunately, the time warp occurred again. This time to Monday, 8/18/1941. Yesterday afternoon, I had reset my sync interval to every two hours and rebooted my ISY. On the time sync interval, last night at 22:51, it occurred and at 00:03 this morning, the time switched back. I've disabled external time syncs for the time being and have sent my ISY log to Support. X10 J15 Preset Dim (4) Sat 09/05/2009 10:09:59 PM System Log 0 flexyou Sat 09/05/2009 10:36:26 PM System -140000 0 flexyou Sat 09/05/2009 10:51:26 PM System -140000 X10 J5 Mon 08/18/1941 06:55:52 PM System Log X10 M Preset Dim (4) Mon 08/18/1941 06:55:53 PM System Log X10 J15 Mon 08/18/1941 06:55:54 PM System Log : : : : Outside:Front Porch Off 0 Mon 08/18/1941 08:30:02 PM Program Log Outside:Garage Side Door Off 0 Mon 08/18/1941 08:30:02 PM Program Log Bedroom 1:KPL - A (Vac Day) On 255 Sun 09/06/2009 12:03:43 AM Program Log Scene:S House:Goodnight Buttons Off 0 Sun 09/06/2009 12:03:44 AM Program Log Scene:Devices Status 0% Sun 09/06/2009 12:03:45 AM Program Log
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