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Everything posted by Harold
The line for devices and the icons is back in both places. I have done nothing.
I thought about another thing that I don't think used to be there. It tends to hide behind other screens. When I start the local admin console it pops up a window for ISY Finder. It has no help and no explanation of why it is there or what the buttons actually do. I searched the user manual and found nothing informative. I did a search on the forum and found some references about adding the URL on this screen. I have just canceled it because I did not want to screw anything up by doing things I don't understand. The ISY Finder opens with a single line of information at the top. In red. My Lighting [uuid] The first number is the IP of my ISY - I use a fixed address for it. The second number appears to be an IPV6 address. The XX.XX.XX I put in to cover the address. I saw it knew the IP address so assumed it was just a meaningless window. If the console does not know where the ISY is, hiding update writes may result. Not a particularly informative approach if it is true, but maybe it is the problem. But as I have noted above, Help about does show my IP address and all of the rest of the normal information. I can also turn devices on and off and receive status from the console. SO it has to be communicating with the ISY. So, I have no idea - but I thought I would share this in the hopes of ones more skilled being able to deduce something from it.
In my case they are not available there either.
Anyone have an idea why this is happening? I really need to fix it.
Both firmware and ui are the same version. My system shows precisely what Xathros has posted EXCEPT for A line for automatic writes to devices. Something else I noticed - in the line for Automatic writes to battery operated devices, the little icon on the left is grayed out. I just realized what Xathros was saying about the top line. The one with the little tool icons on it across the top of the admin console. Same problem there. No regular devices writes shown as a choice and the battery powered choice is shown, but it is also grayed out. There is also no entry on the top bar for Z-Wave. But that does not surprise me since I have no Z-Wave hardware installed. Michel - Xathros is not reporting that he has a problem. He just posted the picture of the results on clicking File as an example of what my system should look like and suggested some more questions for my problem.
Me neither Xathros. It used to be there with the old ISY. Maybe something I have done. I have the line for the battery powered devices; but not the other.
I am afraid I may have been sloppy in my first post. My current and previous models are identically featured. ISY-99i/IR PRO ISY-994i/IR PRO
994i/IR Pro (1110) openADR (21010) It is hard to see in the little hole, but it looks like there is a little silver dot in there.
I upgraded my ISY99 Pro through you to an new version. It should have been a Pro. And it says IR-Pro on the bottom of the case (which is indeed what I had before the new box). Perhaps my UI does not realize what the box really is.
I went to make sure the that updates were not automatic. Looking at the latest user guide I could find, it shows and entry in the list when you select file. That entry is not there. It is the only one missing from the picture in the guide. Can someone please tell me what to do to find it?
Thank you very much Michel. I appreciate you continuing excellent customer service.
I have the need for the control of 2 fan motors. 5A is enough, but 10 would be better. The problem is getting a "dimmer" that will handle that kind of inductive load. The power control module needs to be controlled remotely. Insteon would be very nice. But even using a remote potentiometer would be fine for this one. All of the 120VAC speed controls I have found are either a very expensive variable frequency drive (which may not be compatible with the motor) or a simple TRIAC with a built-in pot. All the TRIACs I have seen use essentially the same simple cheap circuit. It results in the wire to the pot carrying line voltage which is not compatible with my low voltage wiring. I would really appreciate being pointed to such a device. The second fan is worse. I need to control the speed with a PID function (short description - keeps it from oscillating around the correct speed in real time). That is a PLC (industrial Programmable Logic Controller) sort of function. And it all needs to be driven from a 20MA or 0-10V input signal. I could build some of this stuff, but I want to use commercial as much as I can for things like insurance. I figure there are enough people out there that there may be someone that can help. Hey, posts are free.
For the last couple of months I have had issues. Everything worked fine. Then I could not change the state of a switch from the admin console. Then I could change it, but I got no feedback on the state. Then it did not work at all. Problem: ISY power supply was failing. I eventually realized I could look at the ISY without burning my retinas because the power supply had completely died. New power supply; everything works. Unfortunately, I went from a nice cool switching wall wart to a hot old transformer.
Thanks. I have been looking at the firewall thing. I have gone to a new firewall (Bitdefender) and I am having a real problem figuring out how to do things. I switched to them because I really dislike Norton. It is confusing and arrogant. I never thought I would say this, but Bitdefender is even less intuitive and more poorly documented. I do what they tell me to do, but the next step and/or result simply does not relate to what the documentation seems to say. It may just be me. But when I was designing/supervising online user interaction software development, I simply would not have let their stuff go to production. Actually it would never have gone to alpha. I am going to get off the internet and kill Bitdefender and see if I can get your application to work. It is a bit weird. If I am interpreting results from the UD screen, I seem to be getting information (memory use) from the ISY. But the admin console does not display device status and toggling a device from the console does not change anything. I will let you know what happens.
I am in the 70 years plus category. An electrical engineer and computer science/designer. When I started this it was wiring panels and punch cards (do a historical search to enjoy the implications). It has been 20 or 30 years since I have had involvement with detail levels of programming, hardware design, or fiddling with operating systems (I did OS/360 at one time at the assembler level). I never actually came across any live biologic dinosaurs, but there were a number of electronic ones. Why do I share this information? I am not completely inept, I have some idea about what is going on, I know how a whole bunch of this stuff works. I am probably more informed than "Joe sixpack" but certainly less than any current serious techie. So if I don't understand, Joe is going to have problems. The ISY is a seriously cool device (remember, I am old). It is not real easy to use. My brother has an Insteon system and is unable to actually make it work effectively. There is no way he could do anything with an ISY. I have been using the assorted documentation and tutorials to try to get things the way I want them to be. I would like to point out a couple of areas which could be helpful to non-technical owners. When writing about things, be cognizant of the readers ability to understand the words you use. They may glide off your metaphorical tongue like warm butter, but do they necessarily mean anything to the reader. The reader may well be completely unknowledgeable about the terminology of the various parts of the system. The most egregious mistake is to assume "well everyone knows how/what/why to do that". I understand that it is a pain in the butt to take this into consideration, but it would seriously enhance the lives of new users and potential users. One area that I think should get significantly more attention is instructions for doing tasks that interact with external processes (OS,Java, browser, etc). Microsoft has an incredibly annoying habit of moving things around; apparently just for the Hell of it. When a series of instructions are written, there should be a clear disclosure of what versions of other software (e.g., Win 7, Win 8, etc.) is being used to accomplish what ever you are trying to explain. The menus, names, and parameters can be completely different between versions. I realize that many of the how-to articles here are submitted by volunteers. They can not be held responsible for maintaining the currancy of the contents. And it is not a question of rewriting each article; just updating things that change. and that should not eliminate the information for previous releases of whatever; but be an addition. There are still a lot of Win XP users. My suggestion is for UD to take responsibility for a specific area of the forums. The tutorial section would be reasonable. Either through UD resources, or the dedicated users that contribute, review the "understandability" of tutorials and periodically review them for current applicability. I realize this is a burden, but I think it would of real value. How many people buy a UD product and then simply give up. There could be a section of tutorials etc. that are maintained by UD (or its' civilian helpers) and a section for raw submissions where you "put down your money and you takes your choice". Articles can migrate between groups. One specific area that I would suggest some good documentation is how all of the various parts and pieces of the system work. These are dependent on releases of internal and external processes. For example, how to do something with Java when the Java menus change. Or the fully qualified name of something you are supposed to use. A few diagrams showing the interactions and appropriate control points of an installed system. Where are the parts of the system located and how can they be modified. How does it all work/tie together. I just find myself bouncing around between different places and posts trying to resolve issues that are probably not real obscure. But the contents are out of date and the instructions will not work. The Wiki should probably be the repository, but it needs to ingest more of the tutorials and helpful hints. What are the correct parameters for Java for the current system environment. Where is information stored. Things like that. Particularly from the host operating system standpoint. I just find myself spending a lot of time bouncing about in the forums to find answers and many times finding solutions that do not work with current environments. And not knowing where pieces are stored. There is a huge body of knowledge accumulated here. But it can be quite difficult to parse.
OK, that worked. I now have the application on the start menu. The java/browser thing was set in the security tab. There are more under the advanced tab. Under advanced, selected fields: Default java for browsers: IE FF JNLP/MIME: prompt Application installation: Install if hinted (I have no idea what hinted means) I am not sure why, but when it installed and I ran it from the menu, it showed what appears to be my existing programs. I am curious how those were found since I am doing a clean install. Maybe from the bookmark? At this point the PC application knows the IP address of the ISY and recognizes my ID and password. But no status is shown for devices when I expand my lighting in main. It also will not change state when I manually toggle a device. I am still looking at why this is true. I am going to import my backup file I took before doing the clean install and see if that makes things work.
Thanks, but I have already tried that several times. When I choose open, it asks me to find an application to use to do that. It displays IE and 4 other completely unrelated applications. If I select browse from that window it takes me to essentially an explorer view of program files. I have tried selecting Java.exe. It seems to be installing something, but when it is over I can see no way to start the interface to my ISY. Nothing appears in the menu. I see nothing displayed in the browser or desktop. I even went to the Metro start screen: nothing there. I just recently restored my Firefox install and now have all my previous bookmarks available. I have the old one for the application and that still works to open the browser version. But I am trying to get the one to work that does not depend on the browser.
I have read and searched extensively but I simply am unable to understand what I need to do. Explanations I think fix it, devolve into terms I simply do not understand. I have just done a clean Win 8 Pro install and I am trying to get the UD console to load. I would prefer to make the console independent of the browser if possible. It sounds like it is. I have a backup of my information using the admin console (I think that is what it is, main screen for actions and programming) I made when I installed the new ISY994 to replace my ISY99. Note to the developers. I am concerned about the blue light on the new ISY994. I live under the approach path to a naval airbase. I am concerned that the LED is bright enough to confuse pilots on a landing approach and have them show up in my office. This would be a bad thing. You might ask engineering to add a bit more current limiting for the LED. Previously my cable modem was the worst pain in the eye (the blue LEDs blink constantly), but the ISY blue LED is way more annoying even though it does not blink. Is there a post that explains in terms an obsolete computer person can understand. I have downloaded the admin.jnlp file, but have not been able to understand how to install it. I have seen various sort of conflicting posts across a years time frame; but I just don't understand.
Sorry if I was not clear. I have a 99i. Is there an upgrade to 994 hardware.
Is there any upgrade path for 99i owners to the 994i? Would it make sense to do it if there was a path?
Is this possible on the 99 version as well?
1 - Replace the keys and install switch. 2 - Pull out the disconnect tab at the bottom (it will stay out - go have a beer) for maybe 5 seconds - more is OK. 3 - Hold keys main and H, push the tab back in. Don't depress it. Just put it back where it was. Wait for noises. If you had a lot of these and followed the beer step, find a sober assistant. 4 - Set Admin console to "Start Linking". 5 - Depress the same tab into the switch. Hold it for 5 seconds or until it makes a funny noise. 6 - Finish the linking task in Admin. 7 - Rejoice. You just bypassed a day of exasperating work.
That is what I thought.
I am hurting my head. I thought I had figured out how I wanted to make a consistent button assignment on keypad controllers by function. What I forgot is that button #1 always controls the load of the switch it is in. Be gentle. This is my first attempt at doing this sort of thing. I do have some issues about logical functioning in the programming screens/paradigm. A once removed language that implemented functions vs what is currently used for programs/scenes would, I think, be real useful. Data in screens is limited. Ability to change things in the screen in which they are displayed is a bit spotty (i.e., more options should be included). The ability to manipulate (or even enter) data shown in the Topology screen seems to be non-existent. Screens use a lot of space to provide less information than is useful/necessary. Why is there not a screen for programming that shows both name and address? It does not appear that you can edit a scene. Delete yes; alter no. Remember I am trying to to this for the first time using available documentation. I am having difficulty in following the logic of the programming/control interface architecture. What I was trying to implement is to make the first button (#1/Main) control the light of the major area you are entering. This is what I did for the manual switches there are replacing. I did this by making a scene and putting button 1 of the 3 or 4 keypads in the first scene. This scene to correspond to the lighting group based on the desired assignment I explained above. Of course this screws up things since each #1 button directly controls the connected load as well as any other buttons in the scene. It was a pretty stupid oversight; but my thinking is that it should actually work that way. I know it is way to late for Insteon to change this behavior but it would simplify the human interface to have all buttons be able to be disconnected from physical control. Like the local load could be able to be mapped to say hex I. I don't think there is any way to eliminate the native control response for button 1. My solution is to implement my preferred scenario starting at button #3 (C hex). This essentially removes two of the keypad buttons from my available buttons. This presumes I want to start on the first left hand button for consistent usage. Thoughts? Short form question: Is there a way to isolate button 1 from the function of turning on the locally connected load?
Everything is fine. It was just having reset pressed.