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SSL Key Generation Error


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When I attempt to generate a self signed key I receive an exception:

java.security.ProviderException: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: SunTlsKeyMaterial KeyGenerator not available


Attempts to create a Cert request succeed up until the point I click OK after receiving the signing request. Then I receive a dialog box with an exclamation point, followed by: "/CONF/ISYKS.SRV"



I am running Version 3.3.10 on an ISY 994i Pro.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Three questions:

1. Are you using Java 1.7.13?

2. Are you using the dashboard?

3. Did you accept the security warning when downloading the dashboard?


1. Java (Version 7 Update 15).

2. Yup, I followed the steps in the PDF

3. I did.

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I managed to get the CA certificates and the Server certificate uploaded into the ISY using dashboard and a different local computer. They display in the dashboard via the correct buttons however when I connect to the SSL port of the ISY I am still showing the old certificate in the browser and not my new one. This persists even after a reboot.


Any suggestions?

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No, I have not been able to resolve this. I also do not have a ticket open, I thought that I would try the forums first since I assumed it was just something I was probably doing wrong and I might get answers from the community rather than bother official support.

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