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GEM configuration to ISY-994iZ IR Pro


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Hi Teken,


I just connected my GEM and it immediately showed up on my ISY as an ECM (with 7 channels). Please do the following:

1. Uncheck "Enabled" in Configuration | Zigbee Settings and then click Save. Wait for the status to change to Down

2. For channels, click Compatibility

3. For PAN ID, put whatever Ben suggested

4. Leave Link/Network keys blank

5. Click on the Save button and wait for the network to get established

6. Open Event Viewer, change level to 3


On the GEM, press and hold the button on the right side of the unit for about 10 seconds (there's only one button). Send me the contents of the Event Viewer.


With kind regards,


Hi Teken,


I just connected my GEM and it immediately showed up on my ISY as an ECM (with 7 channels). Please do the following:

1. Uncheck "Enabled" in Configuration | Zigbee Settings and then click Save. Wait for the status to change to Down

2. For channels, click Compatibility

3. For PAN ID, put whatever Ben suggested

4. Leave Link/Network keys blank

5. Click on the Save button and wait for the network to get established

6. Open Event Viewer, change level to 3


On the GEM, press and hold the button on the right side of the unit for about 10 seconds (there's only one button). Send me the contents of the Event Viewer.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


This is the level 3 trace:


Fri 03/22/2013 08:13:37 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 1] -148000.000000 Weather - Temperature = -14.8 °C


Fri 03/22/2013 08:13:37 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 5] 11000.000000 Weather - Temperature Rate = 1.1 °C/h


Fri 03/22/2013 08:14:37 AM : CLI-WBug: Connecting to datafeed.weatherbug.com


Fri 03/22/2013 08:14:37 AM : CLI-WBug: Successfully Processed WBug Response


Fri 03/22/2013 08:14:37 AM : FYP: Connecting to http://flexyourpower.s3.amazonaws.com/b ... status.xml


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:35 AM : CLI-WBug: Connecting to datafeed.weatherbug.com


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:35 AM : CLI-WBug: Successfully Processed WBug Response


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:36 AM : FYP: Connecting to http://flexyourpower.s3.amazonaws.com/b ... status.xml


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:45 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-SND [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:49 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-WAIT Waiting for retry 1 of 2 [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:52 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-SND [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:15:56 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-WAIT Waiting for retry 2 of 2 [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:01 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-SND [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:05 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-SND [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:09 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-WAIT Waiting for retry 1 of 2 [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:12 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-SND [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:16 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-WAIT Waiting for retry 2 of 2 [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:21 AM : [0013A200405D2C5D] RCS-SND [A=1 ID=?]


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:35 AM : CLI-WBug: Connecting to datafeed.weatherbug.com


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:35 AM : CLI-WBug: Successfully Processed WBug Response


Fri 03/22/2013 08:16:35 AM : FYP: Connecting to http://flexyourpower.s3.amazonaws.com/b ... status.xml


Fri 03/22/2013 08:17:34 AM : CLI-WBug: Connecting to datafeed.weatherbug.com


Fri 03/22/2013 08:17:34 AM : CLI-WBug: Successfully Processed WBug Response


Fri 03/22/2013 08:17:34 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 1] -145000.000000 Weather - Temperature = -14.5 °C


Fri 03/22/2013 08:17:34 AM : [MOD 2 2 1 5] 14000.000000 Weather - Temperature Rate = 1.4 °C/h


Fri 03/22/2013 08:17:34 AM : FYP: Connecting to http://flexyourpower.s3.amazonaws.com/b ... status.xml


Teken . . .




As with anything something silly was amiss. Once Ben and I changed the Pan ID to 345, dropping off the 0 (0345) the ISY immediately polled the GEM and captured the data. There are now seven nodes present in the device tree. :mrgreen:


All this grief over a stupid 0 . . . :evil:


I can laugh at it now and it has made my Friday! :D Now, all we need is full support for all 32 channels, temperature, and pulse signals. Once these channels and sensors are made available in all programs. Its safe to say both UDI / Brultech will have *THE BEST* Home Automation & Energy Monitoring system in the industry bar none!


As always, I thank you and the UDI team for the endless attention to detail and support. I look forward to seeing the remaining features implemented in the next future firmware releases.


Teken . . .


Hi Teken,


That's great.


I have the GEM in the office and I was going to upgrade the firmware but unfortunately I don't have the serial cable.


Anyway, we are close.


With kind regards,


All this grief over a stupid 0 . . . :evil:


I see this way to often. A program treats a character string of numbers as numeric. "0345" is a string and 0345 is a number. They are never the same.


Just because a value is a string of numbers, the leading zero should NEVER be dropped.


I hope Michael will change the ISY code some day in the future.


Best regards,

All this grief over a stupid 0 . . . :evil:


I see this way to often. A program treats a character string of numbers as numeric. "0345" is a string and 0345 is a number. They are never the same.


Just because a value is a string of numbers, the leading zero should NEVER be dropped.


I hope Michael will change the ISY code some day in the future.


Best regards,


It wasn't the end of the world to be honest. But, after working on this blasted problem for weeks it started to really wear me down! :cry:


Regardless, we are all on the right track . . . :D


I would like to bring to the attention of UDI that the *current values* do not seem to change. Would you be so kind and confirm if this is a ISY Firmware issue, or a GEM Firmware issue. I have left the same feed back for Ben at Brultech to see if this is a code issue.


Below is the screen capture as the amps never change regardless of load. This appears on both channel 1 & 2. I understand that the channel 1 is supposed to be the primary node to obtain the voltage, power, current, etc.


But, it would be nice to see the voltage, current, power in all nodes. My intent is to apply programs for specific nodes based on voltage, current, power. If the ISY only references channel 1, the other options (voltage, current, power) can not be applied correctly.


I hope this makes sense . . . :oops:


Teken . . .




ISY ignores leading zeros.


With kind regards,



Yes, I am fully aware of that.


My point is, when it is a string, leading zeros should NOT be ignored. "000123" is not the same as 123. This is especially true in HEX values. Hex values are always strings, that get converted to numeric values. so "00 AB 0A" should never be converted to "0 AB A."


Best regards,




From the picture you posted, it looks like your CT leads are reversed on channel 1. If I am not mistaken your polarized power should be the same as your current power. You also need to adjust the settings for channel 1. Your kwh and amps are not correct for the voltage and current power watts that are showing.


Bob Moore



From the picture you posted, it looks like your CT leads are reversed on channel 1. If I am not mistaken your polarized power should be the same as your current power. You also need to adjust the settings for channel 1. Your kwh and amps are not correct for the voltage and current power watts that are showing.


Bob Moore


Hello Bob,


The screen capture above is for channel 2. For the channel 1 it is indeed correct, both current power & polarized are equal. I was advised by Ben at brultech that because the GEM is using a *simulated* ecm-1240. Some of the features are not working correctly. This applies to the current current. This simulation has also impacted the total energy values as well.


I understand that both groups are working on the issues.


Teken . . .

  • 2 weeks later...

from a different thread it was explained that the GEM, when connected via ZigBee to the ISY994iZ, would show up as a single device with 32 nodes/channels. However, from this thread I'm getting the impression that in fact it's limited to just 7 channels/nodes. Am I misunderstanding something?

from a different thread it was explained that the GEM, when connected via ZigBee to the ISY994iZ, would show up as a single device with 32 nodes/channels. However, from this thread I'm getting the impression that in fact it's limited to just 7 channels/nodes. Am I misunderstanding something?


Hello ellesshoo,


No, you're correct. Currently the GEM when configured to the ISY-994iZ IR Pro can only see seven of the 32 channels. I am hoping to see some progress from both vendors in the near future on the full support of the 32 channels.


Below is a screen shot of what you can expect to see in the interim. I believe once full GEM support is integrated into the ISY controller. Power management will become a reality in the HA (Home Automation) industry for the average Joe. :D


In this same forum there is a review of the two systems together. I will be integrating the next step of my project with Brultechs *Dash Board* in the next few weeks. Again, please take a few moments to read over the thread which tracks and details my endeavors in the two systems.


Any other questions please do let me know.


Teken . . .



Hi Teken,


Wanted to let you know that we added support for GEM which will be available in 4.0.3 to be released any minute now.


This said, we really cannot test functionality, phases, and values. From a cursory look, some of the values do not look good. Brultech was going to work on the payload but ran out of time on Friday.


With kind regards,


Hi Teken,


Wanted to let you know that we added support for GEM which will be available in 4.0.3 to be released any minute now.


This said, we really cannot test functionality, phases, and values. From a cursory look, some of the values do not look good. Brultech was going to work on the payload but ran out of time on Friday.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


That sounds fantastic. I shall report back my findings so both of you can resolve any lingering issues. I am sure in time all of this will be resolved and unity of both products will be first rate.


Much thanks as always.


Teken . . .

I would like to know about your set up more as you have it now and your solar system, it's inverters, etc.


If you have specific questions please do let me know.


Teken . . .


Oh I'm curious about all of it, the size of the CT's how you felt putting them on. Especially interested in the solar inverters and the panels, I hope with the pricing crashes that I could get into a inverter and tie in panel economically enough to start with a couple of 200 watt panels.


Someday have to check with the local utility to see what they pay for power, I pay $0.093 per kWh and an sick of paying for Enron after all these years. Three houses down on a different utility it's 5.5 per kWh.


If you have a heat pump or electric clothes dryer or electric water heater I'd love to hear how much it runs etc.


Like photos too.. I'm thinking of just buying the GEM and a couple CT's to get started and add CT's over time. dropping $550 or more just doesn't loose my moths!

Oh I'm curious about all of it, the size of the CT's how you felt putting them on. Especially interested in the solar inverters and the panels, I hope with the pricing crashes that I could get into a inverter and tie in panel economically enough to start with a couple of 200 watt panels.


Someday have to check with the local utility to see what they pay for power, I pay $0.093 per kWh and an sick of paying for Enron after all these years. Three houses down on a different utility it's 5.5 per kWh.


If you have a heat pump or electric clothes dryer or electric water heater I'd love to hear how much it runs etc.


Like photos too.. I'm thinking of just buying the GEM and a couple CT's to get started and add CT's over time. dropping $550 or more just doesn't loose my moths!


If you have not read the link in this thread please do. As it has many pictures and explanations as to my endeavors and journey with both products. But, to quickly recap of what I have going on, below is short version.




I have a GEM which is configured with 28 CT's. The primary CT's are hooked up to my GEM so both electrical feeds can be monitored separately. I did this so I could record on a granular level and also know in future projects that the electrical panel was load balanced. The remaining four GEM channels are being reserved for future circuits which have not been deployed in the home.


I have all eight 1 wire temperature sensors deployed through out the home to ensure my future automated blinds, fans, and central exhaust will circulate and vent the home evenly. I have eight T1800 Venstar Insteon enabled TSTAT's with the humidifier sensor in place. Again, each device is placed in rooms, floors, zones, to ensure consistent warmth and air quality.


I have not deployed the pulse sensor(s) for the water and gas. This is one of many other projects on my road map. Right now I am trying to nail down the Energy Monitoring portion along with the command and control of various systems in the home via the ISY-994iZ IR Pro. I am currently pushing all GEM energy readings to the free hosted site of SEG (Smart Energy Groups). This site stores all of the historic energy, water, gas, temperature readings with all the pretty graphs.


With the assistance of Brultech I will also be deploying their brand new Dash Board. The intent is fail over and redundancy of stored historic energy data. There have been times where the SEG has been down due to maintenance, or simply downed hosting services. This break in service affects and impacts the collection of data.


Therefor, I have decided to ensure there is always a back up system to collect all data points. The Dash Board will allow me this back up and also allow me to have another set of tools to be alerted and have remote monitoring capability as I do with SEG. The physical install of the GEM is quite straight forward and if you're comfortable with installing a switch, you're good to go! :)


My solar system is going to be rather unique and not the norm. :mrgreen: I am building a off grid & grid tie solar array system. Part of the system will be fully portable in case there is a disaster I will be able to remove 100% of the battery back up system. I am currently working on the first stage and phase of the solar array. I currently have four off grid inverters tied to four 145 mono crystal solar panels. There will be a total of 16 of these solar panels to supply power to the off grid solar array system.


The second part will be the grid tie solar array using Enphase micro inverters. There will be aprox 5 KWH worth of solar generation from this system alone once it has been fully deployed. The difference between a true hybrid system and mine is the fact that I will literally have two separate solar systems running in parallel.


There is no switching by using a DC / AC inverter etc. This is NOT the most economical route to take, nor is it my end goal. Cost is a factor, but long term use, redundancy and fail over is my ultimate goal. You can not achieve the above with a grid tie system, and certainly not with a *A Typical* hybrid system.


50% of the system will be fully portable and can be moved at a moments notice and erected to harvest power from the solar rays. This can not be done with a traditional solar system.


Teken . . .




Check out pvoutput.org as a backup for you solar output. It is also a free service with lots of information.


Bob Moore



Check out pvoutput.org as a backup for you solar output. It is also a free service with lots of information.


Bob Moore




Thank you so much for the heads up! Are you using this service and if so is there any tips you can share?


Teken . . .


I have been using the service for about 6 months. Currently I have a Ted5000 sending the information to the service. I have asked Universal Devices to add the service to the ISY. They said that they would, but I am sure that it is on a very low priority.


Bob Moore

I have been using the service for about 6 months. Currently I have a Ted5000 sending the information to the service. I have asked Universal Devices to add the service to the ISY. They said that they would, but I am sure that it is on a very low priority.


Bob Moore




How is it supposed to work? If, and when, UDI makes this service available. I gather they will have made plug in to send the data to this new service?


Teken . . .


What would be really helpful is a few screenshots of what success looks like.


Textual based descriptions of how to set something up is, unfortunately, open to typos

and language differences. If a field is called "Widget Thingy" then the textual setup

instructions need to reference "Widget Thingy"....and not call it something else, however

close in meaning it is because confusion is the result. Screenshots are better for this reason.

Gotta love that life on the bleeding edge!


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