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GEM configuration to ISY-994iZ IR Pro


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What would be really helpful is a few screenshots of what success looks like.





Is this question directed toward me? :?: If so in this same forum there is a reference thread where I have listed and detailed the install for the GEM, ISY, SEG, etc.


Teken . . .

Hi Exten,


Totally agree. Are you volunteering? :P


With kind regards,



Actually, I am. I don't mind posting screenshots or doing some docs when I get my GEM unit talking to Mr. ISY994Z.


In the meantime...here's a question.

Attached is a screenshot.

Is there anything in this screenshot that indicates a successful connection to my GEM unit?

Is it attached to the GEM or not? I have no GEM device showing up in the left panel of admin console.

Status is "Established". Established to what?


Keep in mind that I have never seen what it looks like when a 994Z successfully connects to a GEM unit.



Hi Exten,


Perfect and thank you.


Zigbee settings screen only show the status of Zigbee Network and not anything else. If you need to see whether or not any Zigbee nodes have joined to "this" network, click on the Diagnostics button and you'll see a list of Zigbee devices (if any).


If you do not see 32 GEM nodes in the device tree, then - and in all likelihood - your GEM has not joined the Zigbee network.


My recommendation is to get the latest GEM firmware from Brultech. Also, send an email to support@universal-devices.com so that we can send you a link to alpha 4.0.4 with GEM updates.


with kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I have updated my GEM to the latest COM 2.14 and have been able to connect and see all 32 nodes in the ISY device tree, using Alpha firmware 4.04.


All 32 GEM channels display the power consumption as intended. The next step is to fully understand how to create program(s) that can utilize the power, voltage, KWH, current. I have not seen anything obvious in the *module* section which allows me to create programs which meet the above listed criteria.


Would you be so kind and provide a few examples how to invoke and write these programs. For example I wish to know when the voltage is 0. That my Insteon micro relay will than turn off my solar array.


Another example would be if a channel 10 meets XXX KWH to than turn on / off. The last one would be if the wattage is XXX watts to again turn a Insteon device on / off based on my needs.


Teken . . .


Also I noticed that the module for selecting the channels still only provides 7 of the GEM channels for use. Could the next drop resolve this omission along with a method to set the threshold of the kwh.


As its default value is 0, and the only options are: is, is not, >, <, =>, <=


I would like to be able to define the watts, voltage, current, KWH, etc.


Teken . . .


Hi Teken,


Thanks for the update. I am not entirely sure what you are referring to and I cannot really test since had to send GEM back to Brultech.


Screenshots would be great.


With kind regards,


Hi Teken,


Thanks for the update. I am not entirely sure what you are referring to and I cannot really test since had to send GEM back to Brultech.


Screenshots would be great.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


Below is a screen capture for the energy module for the programs. High lighted in the red box's are a few things I noticed and observed. There are only seven GEM channels (red 1) to select from.


What needs to be done to see and select all 32 channels? Where you select the options (red 2) none of my simple programs fire off at all. If you also notice what should be next to the options box is another drop down menu.


That was my first initial question about how do I set the watts, KWH, etc. Upon further investigation this extra drop down box is visible on larger screens. It is not viewable or present on screens that are 10" and below.


I have several netbooks which are 10-11" in screen size. All of them run Windows 7 Ultimate and I have never had any viewing issues in any application I have used.


Lastly, would you be so kind and define what *each* of the options mean in the ISY world. For example *Accumulated Power*


If I use this option I am assuming if say channel 1 reaches *accumulated *30 KWH, based on my program something will happen. Whether this be send me a text alert, e-mail, or even turn off a switch etc.


Lastly, I noted that you sent back the GEM unit you had. Will you be receiving a new unit? Has Brultech received a ISY-994? I ask because development would surely be easier for both parties if they had the equipment on hand to test and trouble shoot with.


As always I thank you.


Teken . . .



Hi Teken,


Apologies for tardy reply and thanks so very much for the screenshot. Now I see where the confusion is:


With Zigbee version, each channel is a node in the tree. As such, the condition should reference the node and NOT Module | Electricity. I do apologize for the confusion.


With kind regards,


Hi Teken,


Apologies for tardy reply and thanks so very much for the screenshot. Now I see where the confusion is:


With Zigbee version, each channel is a node in the tree. As such, the condition should reference the node and NOT Module | Electricity. I do apologize for the confusion.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I apologize, but could you please give me an example to follow. How do I incorporate the following options into programs to control my Insteon network. Below are the options which you are familiar with.





Using the Status option does provide the option to select the 32 channels. The problem is that the only options are based on fixed watts & KWH.


There is no method to select the other options as you see above in the screen shots. How do I access all 32 channels with the options listed above in the previous screen shots. As indicated, I have not been able to make any of the programs operate / fire off. Some simple examples of such and pictures would be most helpful.


I thank you!


Teken . . .



Alright, I believe the problem has been found. It appears that only channel 1 & 2 allow all the options to be selected. The remaining channels only allow the wattage / kwh consumed to be selected.


Can we please have all of these selections made available in all channels. Also, once a threshold has been met what is the best method to stop the notifications?


As I have received no less than 322 sms text messages?? :roll:


Teken . . .


Hi Teken,


Only channels 1 and 2 have that information available. The rest of the channels only have energy (kwh) and power (watts) available.


I do not know why you got so many notifications. Perhaps you can copy/paste your program here?


With kind regards,



The channels can be renamed. What Michel is saying is that the current information is only available through channel 1 & 2.


My reply to that is why can't that same information be used, and applied to the other 30 channels. In my mind it makes no difference where the data is coming from. It comes down to having the ability to assign those values to a channel of the users choice.


None of these issues or limitations have ever been explained in simple terms from the on set.


Hence why I decided to start a install thread about what to expect and the process of getting all of this configured and glued together.


Right now finding out these limitations only adds more frustrations as to what I am able to do with the ISY-994iZ IR PRO!


At the end of day there needs to be more information and clear messaging as to what this device can and can't do!


My install thread has literally brought hundreds of people into the HA industry and many of them have based their purchase of Insteon, GEM, and the ISY Controller on the fact these products where ready for prime time and ready for public consumption.


These are some of the take always people will need to balance prior to making any future purchase.


Teken . . .



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Hi Teken,


I am totally lost as to what you are suggesting or expecting. GEM has 32 channels. For the first two channels, you have voltage, current (which is not accurate), power, and energy (and polarized power). For the rest of the 30 channels, there's only power/energy available.


Are you saying that we should invent these attributes (voltage, current, etc.) for other channels? Or, we should just copy the same information from channels 1/2 to other channels? From a programming perspective, what difference does it make? Can you elaborate your use case please?


With kind regards,




I found this (see below) in the ISY ECM1240 configuration guide. It appears Ch 1 and Ch 2 have three additional properties the rest of the channels do not have and they are fixed. I read this as CH1 & CH2 are intended to monitor the mains and that monitoring the branch circuits doesn't require the additional information. I could not find comparable information in any GEM documentation. My question is; Does the GEM operate exactly the same way?


Also the terminology UDI uses vs the terminology Brultech uses seems inconsistent.

Example: Accumulated Power (UDI) is that the same as Current Power (Brultech)?


Any clarification will be very helpful.





ISY 994 Series

Energy Monitoring

Configuration Guide supporting

Zigbee Brultech ECM1240

Zigbee UDI EM3

Based on firmware 3.3.1


1. ECM 1240 Nodes (Page 10)

ECM 1240 is represented by 7 nodes for 7 channels (See Figure 2). The address for the main node ends with 1.

For reference, the following table depicts the relationship between nodes, addresses, and properties:

  • Address <-> Channel Supported Properties
    1  1 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy
    PPW = Polarized Power
    CV = Current Voltage
    CC = Current Current
    2  2 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy
    PPW = Polarized Power
    CC = Current Current
    3  3 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy
    4  4 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy
    5  5 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy
    6  6 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy
    7  7 ST = Current Power
    TPW = Current Energy

Hi Teken,


I am totally lost as to what you are suggesting or expecting. GEM has 32 channels. For the first two channels, you have voltage, current (which is not accurate), power, and energy (and polarized power). For the rest of the 30 channels, there's only power/energy available.


Are you saying that we should invent these attributes (voltage, current, etc.) for other channels? Or, we should just copy the same information from channels 1/2 to other channels? From a programming perspective, what difference does it make? Can you elaborate your use case please?


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I am asking that any data that the GEM can relay to the ISY be used to its fullest. As it is seen in the previous screen capture these attributes are present. But, at the moment they can only be accessed by certain modules / programs.


I do understand that the *Current / Amps* is not yet available from the GEM. Ben has committed to working on this aspect as soon as the GEM's base firmware is all hammered out.


He has also replied back that temperature & pulse will be in the works and will confer with UDI to have these attributes supported and available.


From programming aspect if only two channels are allowed the 4-5 options how can a user apply this to the other channels?


Unless I am missing the obvious here? :?:


For example my channel five is back feeding power from my solar array. There is no method to select *polarized* power from the drop down list for channel 5. The only choice is watts / kwh which clearly is not the same as back feeding power.


With respect to the voltage could you add in the value of 0 as one of the options. As the selection currently supports from 1 watt and up. My intent is to be able to measure when the power is out / lost and be alerted via text & e-mail. In its current form anything that is > than will trip the alert notification.


As the GEM is able to read and capture voltages / power in 0.0 increments. Hence why the 322 messages last night. :cry:


Much more to add but I am pressed for time right now.


As always I thank you.


Teken . . .


Hi Teken,


Unfortunately I still do not understand what you are trying to achieve. Can you please post a program that meets your requirements? The bottom line is you have nodes in the tree each one representing a channel. So, you can use all 32 nodes in your conditions. So, what difference does it make whether or not some channels do not show voltage/etc.?


With kind regards,





The extra information provided by channels one and two would be the same for all other channels. For example if channel one voltage is 120 volts then all of the other channels are 120 volts. If you need the voltage in a program for channel 5 just use the voltage from channel one in your program. The GEM only provides the extra information for channel one and two, it would not make sense to duplicate it for all the other channels since it would be the same anyway. In one of your posts you have an example of if the voltage is not equal to 120v. The power company allows a 10% fluxuation and it is rarely actually 120 volts. It could be any where between 108 volts and 132 volts and be considered acceptable.


Bob Moore

Hi Teken,


Unfortunately I still do not understand what you are trying to achieve. Can you please post a program that meets your requirements? The bottom line is you have nodes in the tree each one representing a channel. So, you can use all 32 nodes in your conditions. So, what difference does it make whether or not some channels do not show voltage/etc.?


With kind regards,



Perhaps I need to rephrase and state my environment. I have a off grid solar array system which currently back feeds into a isolated circuit. This circuit supplies 120 volts into a device along with a bank of batteries.


This power (voltage) comes into the home solely from the solar array. I am not trying to monitor the line voltage coming from the grid. I do understand that I could link the channel 1 or 2 to monitor the line voltage.


In this case I am not trying to monitor that voltage at the moment but the solar generated voltage into these systems. This circuit is not tied into my homes electrical system at all and is isolated to ensure a level of safety and security for me, and for any linesmen.


In this same instance I would also like to monitor the polarized power generated with the grid tie solar system I have in development. The problem is that channel 1 will show only the difference of polarized power, and not the actual power generated as the circuit will have consistent loads on it.


When a person views the polarized field on the right it will be the difference of the active loads present at the time.


Example: One side of the home (channel 1) has a 50 watt continuous load. My grid tie solar array is generating 100 watts. The polarized field in the ISY would simply show 50 watts, and not the 100 watts. As you would guess the loads on that same branch will fluctuate as other variables come into play.


As Bobmre has mentioned some aspects do not need to be replicated in all channels. But, having the ability to actually monitor and react to the channels with various options in my mind is not only advantages, but very helpful to those who may have a unique or unknown environmental needs. :mrgreen:


At the end of the day software is much easier to change, adapt, and deploy than it is to hardware. As this is a new module for the ISY-994iZ I believe its the right time to supply feed back that will help make it better, more powerful, and feature rich.


As an aside: I do realize that many things are at play for both companies. Each party has their own road map and priority. Sometimes it pushes other features to the side while others get more attention.


My goal is to have equipment that will allow me to stay informed, provide me direct access, and control my home with the GEM / ISY as the cornerstone. I shall reply back with more examples when I have more time tonight.


As always your continued support and guidance is much appreciated! :D


Teken . . .


Hello Teken,


Thanks so very much for the details. The only thing ISY does is translate and report what ECM sends. From what I gather, you need two distinct ECMs. Perhaps one should be 1240 and the other one GEM.


From my theoretical background, GEM is a 3 phase system. This means that voltage should come from the same source. I do not think this is the case in your topology.


So, the first thing I recommend is to have Ben/Paul at Brultech review your installation and make sure it meets your requirements. Once we have that out of the way, we can make adjustments in ISY to address any missing pieces of information.


And, I do very much appreciate your feedback as that's the only way to make ISY better. At this point though, I think what you are expecting of GEM is not possible.


With kind regards,





Can we address some of the other related issues with respect to the ISY.


1. Can you include the value of 0 for the wattage. Right now it starts off at 1 watt.


2. Can the options to select the power, kwh, current, voltage, also include a entry box to allow a number not predefined. The one reason is for voltage and the only option is the defined values in the drop down list.


3. What is the best method to create a program that does not send repeated notifications once a set threshold has been met? For example I set my ISY to send a text & e-mail once the power was 370 watts. The system continued to send these alerts for hours because the solar power was above 370 watts for 4 hours. So it didn't matter if it was 371, 410, 1200 watts. If it was above 370 watts it would send this notification.


4. Is there a method to reset all of the daily KWH consumed in a program for one channel / all channels?


Teken . . .


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