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Trouble setting Lamp Ramp Rate with latest Firmware v3.3.10


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Background; may or maynot be relevant:

1. Fall 2012 some major transient fried 25% of my controllers, most on same circuit.

2. Winter 2012 installed Leviton 51120-3 whole house transient protection.

3. January 2013 updated ISY-99 Firmware to version 3.3.10.

4. Started perodically replacing fried controllers.

5. Had trouble programming Ramp Rates on some devices, but didn't investigate.


This weekend Prepared to install a brand new FanLinc. I have it mounted on a test board where it is powered and attached to 110 vac lights representing the motor and light. I do this so I'm not running up and down a ladder while programming, and if any problems.


ISY discovered the FanLinc with no problem. Motor control works with no problem. The light will turn On and Off from ISY okay. The problem is changing the Ramp time from ISY has no effect. I use the ISY Admin Console from 2 different computers, one direct LAN and the other Wifi. Both seem to work okay, but just to be careful I cleared the Java cache again on both PCs. No improvement. From another post suggestion I did the "Query Insteon Engine" for the FanLinc. It is v.41 I believe. That had no effect.


The most surprising effect is that if I unplug the FanLinc from house power, then plug it back in again, it magically uses the most recent Ramp Rate that I tried to program. Even though that rate was not working before I unplugged the FanLinc.


Do you have any thoughts on what might be going on here, and what I can do to fix it?




-Tim Carlson


What Controller is being used to turn the FanLinc Light On (where Ramp Rate should have an effect)?


Suggest running Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. Use the Admin Console to change the Ramp Rate for the Controller being used to turn the FanLinc Light On. The value must be changed for the ISY to write a new value to the FanLinc. Post the event trace.


Right click the FanLinc Light node, select Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table. Post the Show results.




What Controller is being used to turn the FanLinc Light On (where Ramp Rate should have an effect)?

I have not been using a separate controller, just the ISY console to set the FanLinc Local Lamp Ramp Rate, and using the console to turn the FanLinc Lamp on and off after each attempt to change the rate.


After attempts to set multiple different rates I used Tools and looked at the Device Table and Compared it to the ISY table many times. The tables always matched, and they never changed from one rate to another.


When attempts to change the FanLinc local value appeared not to work, I also did a "Restore Device" a number of times, to no avail.


I have not used the Event Viewer. I will do that, hopefully tonight, and post my results. I'll post the links tables too.


Thank you for the suggestions,




Do not worry about the Show Device Links Table. The "Ramp Rate (applied locally)" slider is setting values internal to the FanLinc. Link records are not being used in the way the FanLinc Light is being tested. Do need to see the event trace of the commands that are executed when the "Ramp Rate (applied locally)" slider is moved to a new setting. There have been devices in the past that required a power cycle for the "Local" values to take effect.


I'm pretty sure that when the FanLinc Light is being controlled with an external controller such as a KeypadLinc button or RemoteLinc2 button the FanLinc Light will be affected be the Ramp Rate changes without a power cycle as link records are controlling the Ramp Rate.

There have been devices in the past that required a power cycle for the "Local" values to take effect.

WOW! That explains almost everything! Even the problems I had back at item 5. in my original post list. Is this documented somewhere? At my work we'd call this "Tribal Knowledge."


So yes, I was able to program other controllers and get Ramp Rates I wanted. Using the ISY Console doesn't trigger the changed Ramp Rate. It won't surprise you that MobiLinc won't trigger it either, since it uses the console control.


Okay, so I moved the FanLinc Light Ramp Rate slider from about 26 seconds to 1 minute. Here is the Event Log:


Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:02 PM : [ 21 D8 26 1] RR 12

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:02 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 21 D8 26 1F 2F 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:02 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 21.D8.26 1F 2F 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 06 (00)

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:03 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 21.D8.26 11.D0.DD 23 2F 00 (00)

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:03 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 21.D8.26-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:04 PM : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 21 D8 26 11 D0 DD 17 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 00 A2 00 11 D0 DD FF 1F 01 43

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:04 PM : [Ext-Direct ] 21.D8.26-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:04 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 21 D8 26 1F 2E 00 01 05 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:04 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 21.D8.26 1F 2E 00 01 05 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 06 (00)

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:05 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 21.D8.26 11.D0.DD 27 2E 00 (00)

Tue 05/07/2013 09:16:05 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 21.D8.26-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


I have no idea what that means. Hope you do. After I did that, I unpluged the fanLinc and plugged it back in within 3 seconds. As you suggested, the 1 minute Ramp Rate is now effective from both the ISY console and MobiLinc.


I've been using ISY-99 for about 4 years. I have never run in to this until after I upgraded the firmware to 3.3.10. I'm not sure what I was running before that. Think I upgraded about a year earlier, so not real old. Do you have a fix in mind for this? I saw you don't intend to provide any more updates for -99 units. Too bad.


If I can run any more tests for you, let me know. I have a workaround now, just cycle power on units. For the InlineLincs I have installed, guess I can just cycle the circuit breaker.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.




I ran the same test on the latest 4.0.4 with the same results. I thought perhaps 3.3.10 was using a different command sequence to set the Local Ramp Rate but your trace and mine shows the ISY using the latest Extended command to change the Local Ramp Rate.


Some older devices required the internal memory of the device to be updated with new Local values. The device did not pick up the change until a power cycle was done. To the question, just one of those things one learns over time. However, the new Extended command is being used to change the Local Ramp Rate of the FanLinc. It looks like the FanLinc was designed that way. Very odd as it is the only device using Extended commands that does not pick up the Local change immediately.

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