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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Conditional scene members, depending on ON or OFF.


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Ten Insteon Dimmers comprise my basement lighting controls- six for the main lighting and four for the back room storage/closet areas. I wanted to use several KeypadLinc buttons so that, if any one of them were turned on, it would cause only the main basement lights to turn on. But if any of the KeypadLinc buttons were turned off, ALL of the basement lights would be turned off. This was pretty straightforward to do using two scenes and a program. But it's not very flexible in that I need to modify the program if I ever want to add or remove controlling KeypadLinc buttons.


It would be perfect if the ISY scene control capability would allow you to turn only certain devices in the scene on (leaving the remaining devices unchanged) when you turn the scene on, but turn ALL of the devices off when the scene is turned off.


"It would be perfect if the ISY scene control capability would allow you to turn only certain devices in the scene on (leaving the remaining devices unchanged) when you turn the scene on, but turn ALL of the devices off when the scene is turned off."


Unfortunately Insteon Scenes do not have that capability (not an ISY limitation). An Insteon Scene has no ability to define certain devices that react to On commands only with all devices reacting to Off commands. Cannot be done with Insteon Scene. This would have to be additional function added to all Insteon devices produced by SmartLabs. There is a Product Request category on the Smarthome forum for requesting new function from SmartLabs products.


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