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ISY/PLM Communications Problems

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My ISY (2 yrs good) seemed to stopped working after an electrical storm/outage. All devices and scenes work from the devices. I can login to the ISY. Scenes will not work from the main-tab program directly, automatically in program or when tested from my smartphone MobilincPro. Fast ONs/OFFs work from the main-tab directly to the device and in MobilincPro devices tab but not the scenes menu.


I received and installed my new PLM, reset the PLM, and then also tried "Restore Devices". The event viewer only shows fast ONs/OFFs and does not show scenes that work from the devices. The tools/diagnostics/prog/PLM Info Status test shows the correct PLM address. I replaced the cable from the PLM to the ISY. Powered down and up the ISY and tried restore again. Some of the button keypad buttons in the main-tab scenes now have a red “ ! “ mark in front of them in the ISY. Unfortunately I can’t find my latest ISY-backup.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


The procedure for replacing a PLM is to remove power from old PLM and ISY. Connect new PLM to ISY and plug in the new PLM, then power the ISY. Do a File | Restore Modem (PLM) which will rebuild the new PLM as well as changing every link in every device that has references to old PLM, changing to the new PLM address.


See this link to the UDI Wiki for the Replace Modem (PLM) procedure.


http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... :File_Menu


Thanks for your help.

I'm still having problems. I have tried restoring the PLM via the procedure a few times.  My system has 50+ devices, RF devices, IR lincs, lots of scenes and 70+ programs in details. 


In that I didn't backup my ISY recently and before restoring the PLM do I have any options other than starting over?


I have saved a topology file. Is there any way I can save my other programs? 


Will I lose my leaned IR codes?


The learned IR codes reside in the IRLinc. Unless that device is reset I don't know why they would go away unless you are talking about starting over. In which case I do believe they would be gone.


What problem is happening during the Restore Modem (PLM) that would force a start from scratch?


Hi Robert,


I do not think the problem is PLM related. I think the problem is one of your RF devices causing a network jam. Do you have any INSTEON thermostats? If so, please take the dongle out and retry.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,

I agree that its probably not the PLM. I have disabled and removed batteries in RF devices and have no thermostats. Timing ISY lighting programs directly to a device and not in a scene work. No ISY or Mobilinc scenes work but every manual fast ON/OFF command works on both. I have read where my system could be orphaned? Before defaulting my system is there any test I can do. Just rather not start all over and find I deleted all links and have problems. As I've mentioned all scenes work from device to device. I can't my jump drive with my backup.


Thanks for any help,



Hi Bob,


Ok, if direct commands work but NONE of the scenes work, then, there are two cases:

1. You replaced the PLM but didn't do File | Restore Modem

2. Somehow/someone did a File | Delete Modem


Which is the case?


With kind regards,


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