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How to set up openADR?


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Is there *any* documentation that explains, in plain English, how to set-up openADR? And how to determine if this is even usable in your area?


The main docs refer to the openADR Quick Start Guide. The Open ADR Quick Start Guide only explains the use of the Dashboard (which currently I have no idea how to access, see separate post...) but explains exactly nothing about what to fill-in to the fields or where one might get such information. It's a total dead-end.


Is this something mainly for big companies that run an OpenADR sever of their own? (Part of the setup instructions say "issue an alert..."). Or is it something usable with a suitable utility-provided API?


In the Electricity tab, I can set a base price, and Enrollment Group (what's that?) and provider. I do find my provide (SDG&E) in the list.


But SDG&E residential pricing is complicated. A base price doesn't provide anything useful. We have tiered pricing. There is no place to enter the tiers. Is one of the functions of OpenADR to provide those price points?


(I realize much of this is likely non-useful without an electricity meter, e.g. Brultech etc., but something I would consider. Could still use it to shed loads, though, right?)


We don't have residental demand-pricing yet, but we do have a simple rebate program. SDG&E issues alerts the day before heavey-use days, and you get a rebate if you reduce your use on those days. Can openADR be used to alert the isy that today is a "reduce your use" day?


But I know that a more fine-grained demand billing structure for residential is coming. My building already has the smart meters, but I won't be able to access the meter using RF - I'm in a condo, and the meter is 6 stories below me in the parking garage. I know there are some pretty charts and what-not I can access at an SDG&E website.

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Hello jtara92101,


OpenADR is a standard that will be used by utilities (especially those in California) to convey real-time load/price signals to customers. You cannot really do much with it now but I am certain next year most (including SDGE&) will offer incentives and rebates for participating.


With kind regards,


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