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Cannot determine Insteon Engine

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I am doing a new install of Insteon in my other house, I have an ISY99i and all new Insteon devices. I have two ApplianceLincs and a switchlinc all on the same side of the electric panel and I get the above error message for all 3 devices when I try to add them. I am trying to replace the x10 crap i currently use. Here is the event log:


Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:17 PM : [22 B9 12 ] Added to list of devices to link to ISY

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:17 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 22 B9 12 0F 0D 00

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:17 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 22.B9.12 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:26 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 22 B9 12 0F 0D 00

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:26 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 22.B9.12 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:35 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 22 B9 12 0F 0D 00

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:35 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 22.B9.12 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sun 07/14/2013 12:03:39 PM : [22 B9 12 0 ] Failed to add device


Can't understand why its not working, please help.




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Being on the same side of the electric panel does not mean anything. Phases alternate vertically, A, B, A, B, etc, not A on the left side and B on the right side.


The event trace indicates the device did not respond to three attempts to obtain the Insteon Engine information.


The ApplianceLincs are not Dual Band. The SwitchLinc may be Dual Band (depends on what was purchased) but I suspect a phase coupling problem. A pair of Access Points are the best combination to establish phase coupling. For sure there is a comm problem because the device did not respond to any of the three commands sent to it.

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