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New intermittent PLM issue ?


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Hello.. My platform and setup


ISY 994ir


Sonus bridge

All plugged into a APC UPS


PLM plugged in same outlet (not in Ups)


All worked fine.. Till I relocated complete setup to basement ..

I also introduced a Powerline Ethernet extenders.. But in different part of the house..


What I'm seeing is occasional misfires.. And when connected.. I'm. I'm not able to change status of a light as an example..


Remotely.. I can connect via Static IP.. Connects fine.. But 5/10 times.. I can't launch a scene or turn on a device..


Can the Powerline Ethernet devices be causing issues ?

Anyone seen this ?

Should I renenable the Access points again !


Any insight would be appriciated..




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The UPS would be plugged into the filtered outlet of the FilterLinc. PLM remains plugged into the outlet. With the change in PLM location relative to the general house wiring that may be an issue as well. There may be a source of interference on the current PLM circuit that was not there on the original PLM circuit. If you have a spare FilterLinc it is always a good idea to have the UPS and any additional equipment not on the UPS isolated with a FilterLinc.


There was additional extenders added to the powerline. Wires run all over the house so them being physically located somewhere else may still result in powerline issues. Not familiar with the extenders being used so they may not be an issue. With the unreliability that currently exists I suggest removing the extenders and run a few tests to see if they are contributing to the problem.

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I will look and see if I can find the XPPF filter information. I know it was on the now defunct X10 forums but I believe there is a archive I can look at. Though I am not sure the search function works on the archived material.


I believe it would work fine on the Insteon 131.65KHz line frequency. X10 is 120KHz.

The Filterlinc was originally an X10 filter and I don't believe it was redesigned for the slightly higher frequency Insteon power line signals.


One thing we did find out about the XPPF. It is rated for 5 amps, 600 watts resistive. Don't push it to 5 amps. It will overheat and smell hot.

I melted the coils in one as a test. With a 500 watt 4.2 amp resistive load of incandescent light bulbs.

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