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PLM link limit


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Well I ran up against the PLM link limit at one house this week, I restored the PLM which gave me a little breathing room. If I did my calculations right I have 865 links (2 per device + 1 per device in for each scene it is in). I have 11 more room from an addition to wire up so there is no chance I won't go well over 1000.


So my question is this; any rumors of a higher limit PLM from Smarthome in the pipeline? If not I think my only option is a second ISY994i for the addition and just treat it as a wholly separate dwelling.




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Why not look at some scenes to move to programs instead? There must also be some more consolidation you can do that would cut the number of scenes down a few.


Maybe look at scenes that are just for a kpl button, and figure out a different way to do them.


Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk 4

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Eight button KeypadLinc uses 9 links; six button KeypadLinc uses 6 links; SwitchLincs, ICONs, LampLincs use 2 links, ApplianceLinc uses 1 link. Generally there is 1 link for each device node + 1 link for each device.


Scenes are in addition to the above with 1 link per node.


The 2413 PLM supports 992 links.


No rumors about a larger PLM.


Each device has a fixed requirement simply from being added to the ISY. Scenes are where savings can usually be found.

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Eight button KeypadLinc uses 9 links; six button KeypadLinc uses 6 links; SwitchLincs, ICONs, LampLincs use 2 links, ApplianceLinc uses 1 link. Generally there is 1 link for each device node + 1 link for each device.


Scenes are in addition to the above with 1 link per node.


The 2413 PLM supports 992 links.


No rumors about a larger PLM.


Each device has a fixed requirement simply from being added to the ISY. Scenes are where savings can usually be found.


Thanks Lee, a couple follow ups. I presume OutletLincs and OutletLinc Dimmers use 1 like ApplianceLincs? The Outdoor module is also just an appliancelinc and 1? Insteon Thermostats are 4 (device then one for main, cool, and heat?) Fanlincs are 2 (maybe 3?) Micromodules are all 2 (because they have sense) Inlinelinc are 1 unless they have sense? Syncrolincs are 2


If the above is correct I may be in better shape after the restore PLM than I originally thought. My new calcs are below. I need to spend those 284 links carefully!


Calculated device links: 318

Scenes returned: 62

Calculated scene links: 320

Total links: 638

Remaining links: 284

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The OutletLinc Relay is like an ApplianceLinc with 1 link (no Controller function). The OutletLinc Dimmer is like a LampLinc with 2 links (it has Controller function). Thermostats vary by type. My 2491T has 4 links, my 2441TH and 2441ZTH each have 3 links. My SynchroLinc has 1 link. Cannot verify InLineLinc at present.


With Total links: 638; 992 - 638 = 354 remaining


The Show PLM Links Table and Count will produce a PLM link count. The issue is if any Insteon traffic reaches the PLM during the Show the Count will be inaccurate. By running a Show PLM Links Table and Count 3-4 times if the same count is displayed each time the Count can be considered accurate.

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Thanks Lee, set the wrong constant for total links at 922 instead of 992 (those extras will help!). Updated based on the above as well, so I think I'm at:


Total devices: 248

Calculated device links: 320

Scenes returned: 60

Calculated scene links: 315

Total links: 635

Remaining links: 357

Estimated remaining devices that can be added: 139


These are based on reading and parsing the devices and scenes from the REST interface. I'm remote and no chance I can do the PLM check sense the thermostats send humidity at least once a minute and it would take a few minutes to iterate. The estimated remaining devices is just a guess based on the remaining links divided by the average of links per device (including all scenes) . A recent set of device replacements must have been what forced me to hit the limit before doing the restore PLM, so I'm feeling better the new addition won't need an separate system after all! (woo hoo!)

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