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ISY will not update EZIO8SA Status


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Hi all,

I have just installed an EZIO8SA and its associated EZICOMM 2233-233 PLM on my Insteon network.

My ISY99IRPro will not automatically update the status of the inputs of the EZIO8SA. It will update the inputs if I manually do a Query. I need this to happen automatically.

I have used the Simplehomenet Utility Suite to interrogate the EZIO8SA and it reports input changes when manually queried.

I have deleted the EZIO8SA from the ISY, "factory reset" the Ezicomm PLM and then re-added the EZIO8SA to the ISY with no joy resulting.

Any suggestions anyone?



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Do other Insteon devices show state changes?


Does the EZIComm have a passthru outlet on the face?


Were any changes made using the Utility Suite (should not have)?


Be sure analog inputs 5 & 6 are connected to EZIO8SA Gnd to prevent them from cycling.


Delete the EZIO8SA from the ISY. Factory reset EZIO8SA. Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. Add the EZIO8SA using New INSTEON Device. Enter Insteon address, Name of choice, Device Type at default Auto Discover. Post the event trace. If too large to post send to lwgwork@embarqmail.com

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Hi LeeG

Thanks for your reply. My answers to your questions:

- yes, other devices show state changes.

- no, the EZIComm does not have a passthru outlet on the face.

- no changes were made with the Utility Suite.

- yes, I already had analog input 5&6 connected to EZIO8SA Gnd


I have done the reset, deletion, re-add as you suggested and have sent the log file to your email address.



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The internal PLM in the EZIComm indicates it supports 2000+ link records which is physically impossible for a 2413 PLM shell (no passthru outlet). SHN/Smartenit is reflashing the PLM firmware to avoid the I2CS issues. Looks like the older PLM firmware is causing a problem with what would normally be an I2CS PLM that supports 994 link records.


Suggest a manual Set button link with a responder to one of the EZIO8SA Inputs. Use the SHN Utility Suite to display the EZIO8SA link database using the Large option, then the Medium option. I suspect the manual Set button link will show using the Medium option but the link records the ISY created will not because the PLM firmware incorrectly indicates memory large enough to handle 2000+ links.

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OK I set a manual link to a spare Switchlinc 2477S that I had. The SHN Utility Suite in Large mode shows nothing. In Medium mode it shows only one link to the 2477S Insteon ID.

So can you explain in laymans terms what is going on here? It sounds to me that SHN did a workaround solution but in doing so prevented their equipment from working properly with another vendor's (UDI) equipment.

What is the solution? a true 2413S PLM?


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A little background. Over years SmartLabs has manufactured 120v PLMs with three different size memories. One that supports 417 links, one that support 992 links and one that supports 2000+ links. SmartLabs declined to provide a command that would specifically indicate the size of memory. Eventually they provided a complex algorithm that would identify the size of memory. This algorithm indicates your PLM (EZIComm) supports 2000+ links. Your PLM (EZIComm) does not actually support 2000+ links. The algorithm should indicate 992 links (confirmed by the Set button test) but produces a false result because the PLM was reflashed by Simplehomenet/Smartenit to avoid I2CS issues.


The suggestion by ELA corrected his problem. Also moving to a true 2413S PLM should also work. I’ve tested the EZIO8SA with a 2413S years ago when the 2413S first came out. It worked fine then. Since the EZIOxx firmware has not been updated in years I would expect the 2413S to continue to work.

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The older EZIComms are 2412S based with a passthru outlet. They are a 2412S with a different label.


The newer EZIComms are now 2413S based with no passthru outlet.


Some of the EZIOxx devices that were shipped using the first 2413 shells are actually I2CS devices and they identify themselves as having an I2CS Engine. I have a few of those. The PLM supports only extended ALDB commands for link database management. The EZIOxx firmware still supports a private implementation of Set MSB/Peek/Poke so those commands are used to for device configuration. Once SHN realized they were actually I2CS PLMs they started reflashing the PLM to drop the I2CS logic. That has created some problems in the process as this topic, ELA (and others) have encountered. The memory size algorithm that SmartLabs developed produces false results with some of the reflashed PLMs. I guess it depends on the firmware level the PLM is reflashed with.

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Hello Brian,


My EZICOMM (model# 2233-233) hardware v1.7 does indeed bring out +20V at pin 2 with respect to pin 7.


Not saying anyone recommends taping into it, just that it is there.


The EZIOCOMM uses a different serial daughter board than the 2413S.

It has a larger EEprom that has a memory size large enough to hold 4000 links ( in theory). That is why the peek and poke method to determine where to store links produces problems in the 9C firmware version.

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The algorithm checks for a link database start point at 0FFF, 1FFF, and 3FFF. The algorithm concluded the link database started at 3FFF so the ISY wrote the Input Controller records at that location. The SHN Utility could not read back those link records.


The manual Set button link written by the PLM itself was written at 1FFF which is where the link database is expected to start for a 2413. The SHN Utility was able to read this link record.

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LeeG......thanks for the backgrounder info. Helps me understand what the problem is.


ELA....my EziComm PLM, as read by the SHN Utility Suite, shows a Rev 9B It also says Type 2413S (3.11)

Interesting that going back to 9B solved your problem but 9B doesn't work for me.


In any case, I have contacted my supplier, Aartech (who is the Smarthome distributor in Canada) to see what they will do for me.



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I spent way too much time analyzing the 9C version a while back. When I received the 9B version I did a quick test and was seemingly happy with the change. Perhaps I missed something.


I never did implement the final application for which I bought the EZIO8SA and therefore I have not worked with the 9B for quite some time so now. I am very unhappy to hear that you are having issues with the 9B version.

I would be interested to hear what your supplier might be able to offer. I re-read the entire thread and see where LeeG reviewed your level 3 trace of the device.

It sounds like it is behaving the same as my 9C did? very perplexing.


If I can find time I will try to rerun some tests on my 9B to see if I can offer anything further that might be of value.

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I hope your 9B works ok for you. It is pretty simple to test for my problem...just change the state of an input (ie from Off to On) and see if my ISY automatically reports the state change. In my case, it does not. I have to do a manual query to see the state change. This , of course, makes the EZIO8SA completely useless for any ISY program which is what I intended to use it for.


I will post what Aartech does for me to resolve this problem.



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Hello NeilP,

I re-installed my EZIO8SA, ver 9B firmware and it works as it should.


It reports as an I2CS device. Responds to the ISY with Link table address starting at 1FFF.

The ISY properly loads links there.


I can watch the ISY status consistently update as I change the state of input #1.


I am happy for me but curious about your 9B version.


What firmware version did it show when you had it installed in the ISY?

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The difference is the latest EZIComm is reporting an I2 Engine rather than an I2CS. This forces the use of the SmartLabs algorithm rather than the I2CS technique for determining link database start address. Below is the Query Insteon Engine from the user trace.


Sat 10/05/2013 09:08:21 AM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1E 7C 24 0F 0D 00

Sat 10/05/2013 09:08:21 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1E.7C.24 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sat 10/05/2013 09:08:21 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1E.7C.24 25.13.F8 2B 0D 01 (01)

Sat 10/05/2013 09:08:21 AM : [std-Direct Ack] 1E.7C.24-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

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Hi LeeG,

I was aware of this from logs I recorded of both the 9C and the 9B versions.


My curiosity is that NeilP is reporting his version as 9B. It is the 9C ( the latest) that reported as i2 in my testing.

Maybe there are some hybrids out there?

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The SHN Utility reported that my EZIComm was Rev 9B.

You asked what my ISY reported it as. Where do I find that info in the ISY? When I click on the unit in the ISY Admin Concole it shows Compacta EZIO9SA: Insteon I/O Controller v.FF. Is there any other place to look?


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II do not know what is being shipped now days. Initially they were 2413 shells with I2CS Dual Band PLMs. I have some that are true I2CS PLMs requiring the ALDB command for link management. The problem was SHN was not expecting this situation and had no plans to update any of the SHN device firmware to meet I2CS requirements. Thus the reflash activity to eliminate I2CS. I was not aware that some of the reflashed units (like yours) still identified themselves as having an I2CS Engine as that seems to defeat the purpose of the reflash to begin with.


The effort to eliminate I2CS has not changed as far as I know. I'm still maintaining the Utility so if there was an active effort to update the device firmware to I2CS standards I should know about it as the Utility will need changes to move to all Extended commands for device configuration.




The v.FF is what the EZIO8SA is reporting as the device firmware level in a command response that carries the cat/subcat (device type) and firmware level. That is the way the ISY pulls the device firmware level for all Insteon devices. The SHN Utility is pulling the firmware level from the PLM using a PLM specific serial command. The actual device firmware displayed by the Utility should be v.28 which is pulled from the EZIO8SA using an EZIOxx family device specific firmware. All clear as mud?

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The only reason I asked what the ISY showed is to see if it for some reason showed something other than the Ver.FF that my 9B also shows when read via the ISY.

I was hoping we could identify some reason that your ver9B is acting more like my previous 9C rather than a 9B.


Out of the box ( or after a factory reset) the EZIOCOMM shows its "PLM" version of 9B.

Once connected to the EZIOS8A via the serial cable the EZIOS8A rewrites the version information (device ID).


If you were to factory reset the EZIOCOMM and then add it to the ISY, without having first connected it to the EZIO8SA, it would report the 9B.


Sorry I cannot be of more help. Pretty strange that we both have 9B versions and yet they are clearing not the same.

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The worst aspect of all this is the ISY will correctly write the link records if SHN left the PLM as an I2CS PLM. Michel went out of his way to make sure the SHN I2CS devices were correctly handled. Although there is nothing the ISY can do about the fact that the SHN device firmware does not implement the I2CS protocol.

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