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Any successful integration of Asterisk PBX and ISY?


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I understand that there are some who are integrating ISY and Asterisk PBX. Any success so far?


viewtopic.php?t=3990 has some info but a bit limited.



What I am trying to accomplish is to ring my extension in case there is an alert (e.g. water sensor alert, ISY would then call the extension).


My network module is attached but I am not getting a success in ringing any extensions. BTW, I am using a hosted PBX. It looks like I am getting a proper response from the attached but my extension seemed to be not ringing.


Appreciate any assistance. Thanks.



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I'm not sure. I usually see more of a response to me net resource rules than what you posted leading me to think that you weren't seeing the whole response. Increasing the timeout should not have caused it to fail so something else may have changed as well.


Verify Ip address, username/pass etc.



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This is seemed to be stranged. Changing the timeout to 500 or 600 or 700 resulted to having no errors but phone is not ringing. However, having 800 or higher as timeout causes the network module error, as per earlier post.


IP address, use name/passwd and other settings are the same. Only timeouts are being changed.


Any thoughts?



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  • 2 weeks later...



I have not tried anything but I am interested in learning more. If i can help testing, please let me know. I am using Asterisk Freepbx.


I would love to have the ISY call the house if there is a leak detected.


Please keep us informed of your progress, or if you need any help.




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