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Insteon and Sonos with ISY-994i


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Hi PaulMichaels,


500 = internal server error. So, either the payload is not right or the device itself has some issues.


With kind regards,



I actually found the issue (writing this here for others' to reference in the future) was because I was sending the command to a play:1 which was setup as a surround setup (it was the left channel speaker). I found that I need to send the command to the playbar in this case. In the case of another room where it's just one speaker per room, I can definitely send the commands to those speakers. 

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Ok, I've had some issues trying to get this setup. First just getting the network module which Michael helped me out with, but now that I have it I'm having issues with importing the zip file. I think the admin console doesn't want to work well with osx el capitan 10.11.2. It won't load the finder to even see files that I could import. Played with it an hour or so and it just keeps locking the admin console up and every time I try to change the directory to downloads it gives me the thinking animation for 10-15 seconds and then usually crashes. Anyone working with this on a iMac with latest OS?

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Hi nathanstl,


MAC has a tendency of unzipping files. ISY requires the files to be zipped.




With kind regards,


Not the issue as I can't even get the file selected to start trying to upload. When I click on import the finder/browser window opens up and then it crashes or stops responding before it shows a single file. 

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  • 1 month later...

First off a huge thank you for this - this is a simple and fantastic solution


A couple of comments


1. This is fantastic!   You should be shouting from the rooftops that the ISY has this integration...It definitely would push sales of the Networking module

2. It would be helpful to include a link for purchasing the Networking module to the first post

3. it would be helpful to include a simple description on how to find the Sonos URL in the first post.

4. It would also be helpful to post the link to the custom etched buttons (maybe there is a way of setting it up so that the OP could make a few bucks or the ISY team)

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Hi - a quick question (hopefully)


I have all the basics of the integration working and trying to understand how to get this to work.  




Do I need to set something up in Sonos?  I've created a playlist named NightMusic and that didn't work.  Right now all that I get when I run the program invoking this is the queue empties, but nothing else

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I thought I'd figured out, but only partially... need to create a Sonos Playlist called rsq#2....but now I want to be able to create multiple playlists and create different network resources for each...but changing the rsq#2 in the resource doesn't seem to be enough of a change (I tried rsq#1, and created a playlist with the same name and that didn't wok)



Edited by Envirogreen
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Check out my programs in this thread:



The name of the playlist is not relevant as it is the creation order that is used. It is a Sonos internal list that is accessed and even renaming the playlist will not have an affect on the programming.


A little trial and error will help you find the proper playlist.


Hope this helps!?



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  • 2 months later...

Figured I would give an update on this. It's awesome .. I've recently moved to the ISY Portal, which gives me IFTTT web services calls. So .. I'm using this sonos integration to do a few things:


1. For my wife .. if a fitbit goal isn't met by 8:30pm, it plays a song on a specific speaker .. a bit of motivation if you want to hit a goal before you go to bed


2. For me .. if my ring doorbell is rung, it plays an audible chime on all speakers


3. Vacation mode .. if we leave house, sensors pickup motion, it will play a specific audio


For #1 and #2 it's basically IFTTT + ISY Portal + Events .. 


Pretty awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I have a question...  I have 4 Sonos speakers.  I was wondering if it was possible somehow to pass the IP address as a variable to the network resource as I call it?  It would be easier than having 4 different complete sets of resources.






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Hi all, I have a question... I have 4 Sonos speakers. I was wondering if it was possible somehow to pass the IP address as a variable to the network resource as I call it? It would be easier than having 4 different complete sets of resources.






Not currently (I want this as well).


I know it's on UDIs features to come list (string variables that can be substituted).

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  • 1 month later...

I have had great success using your plug-in, however I am having trouble editing lr.volup which works fine for setting a relative volume.


I want to set a specific volume for the morning alarm, 50% and then an 80% volume for the rest of the day.  I currently do this by setting a SONOS alarm, but would rather do this in ISY.


This plugin allows me to set the Relative Volume, but I am trying to set a specific volume.


Any help would be appreciated.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry to be a bother, but now that I have implemented an echo DOT, I am wondering how - from ISY - I might be able to switch SONOS in and out of Line-In mode.  I do not want to lose what capabilities I have implemented already, but I want to be able to switch to standard SONOS for arrive home and morning alarms, and to Line-In to make use of the built-in capabilities of Amazon music with the DOT.




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  • 2 months later...

With my ISY less than a week out of the box, I was able to install several Insteon dimmer switches, a keypad and an assortment of other stuff. The lighting control is great, but integrating the keypad with Sonos (following this guide) brings it to a whole other level of awesome and my wife is now a believer (small miracle).  Thank you to all of those who have contributed to this thread and the other ISY-Sonos threads. Couple of points for any newbies looking to do this:


1. It isn't that hard, just take your time and have a little patience.

2. If you want to do something like assign a keypad button to play a specific pandora channel, read this thread (http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/8121-sonos-on-a-keypadlinc/) and this one (http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14920-how-to-control-sonos-streaming-radio-stations/) and definitely download the Device Spy software, it makes it a snap along with the great instructions from chrishick and others.  Once you get the basic concepts following those instructions, you'll discover you can do a lot of cool stuff.

3. The link to Device Spy in one of the threads was outdated, here is a current link:  http://www.meshcommander.com/upnptools

4. It would have taken less than 30 minutes to do all this, if I hadn't beaten my head against the wall with reverting IP addresses... word to the wise:  don't forget to Save your network programs when you make a change AND then click SAVE AGAIN from the main programs screen.  I kept going back and forth wondering why my ip address changes weren't taking.



So glad I didn't shell out many thousands for Control4!  I will make a request of Universal Devices, or someone on these forums.  Someone needs to create a very basic video introducing installing and configuring the network module and then briefly going through each of drop down choices and providing some syntax examples.  Some are obvious, others are not.

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Hi All,


This thread has been awesome. I've successfully integrated my Sonos system with my ISY, however I have a question that expands on some of the dialogue previously posted. 


I have a movie scene that when activated (via keypad linc) plays a movie theme from my sonos playbar before switching back to tv mode. I would love to fade the movie theme volume from 10 to 40 over 3-5 seconds and not shock everyone with quick transition from silence to music. Is there a way to enable a fade up in volume within my program, or am I stuck manually manipulating it with a remote? 

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Just thinking out loud a bit here but could you start that movie scene Sonos sound with a level of 10 for the volume - then have it call another program that would include a loop to increase the volume stopping at 40!?


The length of time it takes to run the 'extra' volume program could likely be sufficient for the slow ramping up.


You may be able to incorporate the Sonos as an AUTOPLAY which I believe will ramp up the volume (like the Alarm function does) but the speed of that ramp is not controllable as far as I know. My Autoplay example is here:



Please let us know what you can accomplish - I am sure many would appreciate seeing your programs and hearing of your success/failure!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have any information on how to link sonos players through network resources?...I can play several different pandora stations and adjust volume but can't figure out how to set up a program to group players or if it is even possible....tried going through every line in device spy but can't figure it out. 



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