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Administrative Console Not Working


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Just installed system ISY994i/IR Pro and confirmed it has the latest firmware.


Tried to add a device. The Administrative Console is NOT showing any popup prompts or status during this process.


Here is the link to the first issue I had that I think was due to this new topic:




I have three devices added now. Two Switches and one Motion Sensor. When I added the Motion Sensor I again had NO prompts telling me to put it in Communications Mode. I did this on my own and after sometime I closed the Admin App and reopened it and there it was...


Now when I open the Admin Console it keeps asking me over and over and over for my UserID and Password.


I am now opening the "admin.jnlp" directly with the 64-bit version of Java and still no luck.


I am running a Windows 7 64 Bit OS and have tried starting this in both Google Chrome as well as Internet Explorer. When I do, at least I do not get the repeated prompts for my UserID and Password. However... Still NO prompts during the Add Insteon Device process.




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OK I Disabled the Antivirus / Firewall software and IT WORKED!!!


I will update this post with how to modify Kaspersky PURE settings so this will work without having to disable it.


Of course if I can find a thread that already has this info I'll place it her assuming someone else does not beat me to the punch / post :-)


Thanks for the heads up... Slap up side the head.... I should have tried this first as this has been an issue with other programs in the past.


Thanks again,



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I did try adding the IP to the "Exclusion" list with no luck.


What is straing is that it did work fine the first time I Disabled Protection which is suppose to shut down everything, antivirus and firewall. Even the current status of the device would update on the admin console. I went to dinner, came back, and it partially worked. No longer did the current status show on the admin console, the app started to constantly ask me again for my UserID and password, when I added a motion sensor I had to act fast when trying to find the model in the drop down or the pop up for asking for my UserID and password word close the drop down. When I finally got it entered and hit ok to add the new sensor..... After a little while the pop window that tells you it's adding it with the status does show and eventually it adds the device. But the UserID and Password window keeps popping up.


I think I might be having a Java issue and just yo up that to rest I'm going to follow directions I found to uninstall it completely and the perform a fresh install. However, ind have one question. My systems running Windows 7 64-bit, do I really need to use Windows Explore 64 bit and Java 64 bit? I should be able to just run the 32 bit IE or Chrome with 32 bit Java like all the other Java based sites, right?


I'll give the https a try first....




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I fully uninstalled JAVA and deleted the directory. Then rebooted the system.


I downloaded the latest version from java site and installed it. Then rebooted the system.


I disabled Kaspersky and also made sure I went in an unchecked the Firewall option.


Started Admin Console in Google Chrome as well as IE and still the same issue.


I will next try a full uninstall of Kaspersky....




Uninstalled Kaspersky and rebooted system.


It now seems to be working, HOWEVER, it did this before and all I did was go to dinner and come back and it stopped working so I'll wait a while and come back and try again... Will also try a reboot and IE as well. Now running under Google Chrome.


Meanwhile I think I'll add a few more devices while it's working.



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What you read below worked great until the update to Kaspersky Pure 3.0 completed and I rebooted the system.



I added all the .exe files in the Java bin directory to the Exclusion / Trusted list per the steps below and "Current State" windows in the Admin Console are AGAIN NOT updating. They are ALL Blank!


I will continue searching for a solution unless anyone has any ideas.



All right... Conclusion is that indeed Kaspersky PURE 3.0 was indeed interfering with the Administration Console.


I have no idea why the forst time all I had to do was click on the Toolbar Icon and choose "Pause Protection..." and it worked at fors and then stopped working??? Probably a glitch in Kaspersky that allowed it for a short while. On the other hand you would have thought that disabling / pausing all protection should have allowed it to work, one would think... In short an issue with Kaspersky not ISY code...


You basically need to add the two Oracle Java programs that let you run the Admin Console to the "Trusted List" of applications for your Firewall / Antivirus software.


I have a Windows 7 64-bit machine so here are the steps for Kaspersky Pure 3.0:


1) Open Kasperky by clicking on on he icon located on your toolbar or in your "hidden icons." Other option is fiind it in [start] [All Programs]


2) Locate and click on the "Settings" option in the upper right pf the screen next to the gear icon.


3) In the settings window, locate and click on the upper left of the screen the "Protection" button with the Shield. The "Protection Center" should open.


4) At the very bottom of the list next to a Green Circle with a White Check Mark, click on "Treats and Exclusions." To the right you should see pop open the "Objects Detection Settings and Exclusion Rules" window.


5) There are only two [settings] buttons on this page. The bottom area is entitled "Exclusions." Click on the [settings] button under "Exclusions." The "Trusted Zone" window should open.


6) In the "Trusted Zone" window click on the second tab entitled "Trusted applications."


7) Now click on the Green Plus Signs with [+Add]. You will have two options, choose / click on [Applications...]. The "Select application window should open.


8) Scroll till you find the "Oracle Corporation" group. If you click on the [+] plus sign it should show you two applications:




9) Click on one of these and then the [OK] button to add it to the list.


10) The "Exclusions for application" window should pop up with a bunch of "do not.." options. Put a check mark in each one of these / all of these should be selected. Then click on [OK].


11) This will pop you back to the "Trusted zone" window.... GO TO STEP 6 above and repeat for the other Java application.


12) When complete and your back at the "Trusted zone" window again, Click on the [OK] and this will retrun you to the "Settings" window.


13) In the lower right, click [Apply], then [OK]


14) At this point you can close Kaspersky and try the Admin Console again...


These directions are based upon the version of Kaspersky Pure 3.0 I just "re-installed" so if after the update it changes, I'll update these steps..


Hope this helps others,



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Feel free...


Seems that there is an issue with Kaspersky Pure 3.0 Version


As stated, when I installed the older version and followed all those steps it worked great. However, by the time it upgraded to the current version it broke again.


I have placed a support request with Kaspersky stating that it seems that their current version is ignoring the "Trusted Applications" list. I'll keep this tread updated as to what they say and hoe for a resolution.


WORKAROUND FOR NOW - I uninstalled Kaspersky and installed Microsoft's Security Essentials (MSE) for now. I did NOT have to do anything to MSE to allow the Admin Console to work. It's working great...


I obtained MSE directly from Microsoft's site at:




Will keep updating with Kaspersky's support actions...



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To save save I'll just update THIS post till they finally respond...


12/17 - 11pm PT - As of tonight, still no response from Kaspersky, probably takes them 48 to 72 hours to respond so I'll keep an eye open and keep you informed.


12/19 11:30pm PT - Still no word, will try contacting in person tomorrow, start with one of their Chat Sessions..


01/07/2014 12:32am - They have me trying different things and sending them logs. I have another set of instructions still to follow from them with more logs to send their way...

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